I'm 38 too (for 2 more weeks) and as far as I'm concerned it WILL happen! Don't listen to all that baloney about 35+ being too old. We've had 9 BFP's on this board this month, and 6 last month and they were all gals older than 35. Up to 44 if I remember correctly. So it can happen. And if you haven't charted temps or used OPK's then you don't really know when you O'd. My guess, based on what you've written here is your O is being predicted based on your cycle length. If that's the only info the site you're using asked for then it's predicting your O date based on the common misconception that all women O on day 14. I can tell you that's not true. I've been charting for 4 months now and I O'd on day 12 or day 15. Not once on day 14!
There's nothing wrong with taking a laid back approach, all this temping, checking CM, using OPK's etc can make it seem like you're over doing it but IMO it's also very reassuring. For one it can tell you if your are actually ovulating. Sometimes women have cycles in which they don't O, using these methods can confirm that you did. It also pinpoints the exact day you O so that you can time BD correctly. If you're interested in going that route I recommend the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" (I should be collecting royalties for the amount of times I've recommended this book
) and using the free software on the related site and/or using the Fertility Friend site, it has similar charting software and lessons on how to use it. And there's plenty of info and support right here! GL and babydust!