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New mama to Lily-Grace
Oct 25, 2012
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I had my baby June 4th, and she refused to latch in hospital and I couldn't express anything no matter how I tried. After 12 hours, I started supplementing formula (after being shamed multiple times) and now.. Nothing is happening. My boobs are huge, hard, lumpy and even with heat pads, massages and a pump nothing (literally its dry) is coming out. My baby is a great eater ... Already at 40ml a feed, and I'm in tears as I'm in a ton of pain, being shamed, a ftm and my recovery and birth was really tough.

Help me :(
I'm so sorry this is so difficult! It does sound like you have milk, you breasts are full and lumpy. You've tried heat and massage, which would be my first suggestions. Have you tried to hand express instead of the pump? Look up videos and diagrams online. Pumping is difficult when you are very engorged, so is breastfeeding. Hand expression can get milk out better when you are so fully engorged. Can you try hand expression after a hot shower with massage in the shower?

I am so sorry you have been shamed :hugs:
Hun u are doing Amazing!! Relax enjoy ur lovely newborn baby. Do not worry about not bf

It's incredibly hard and u could re establish bf if u wish in a few weeks when ur are healed and happier and more comfortable.

Try hot steaming bath. I found I literally leaked milk in the bath when i was rli relaxed and chilling

Ur baby is thriving already. 40mls per feed is brilliant.

Painkillers!!!! Ur not feeding ur lo so take advantage of finally being able to take painkillers after a long pg

No point being in pain. Speak t ur mw about bf tablets when ur not feeding or expressing. They may try pushing bf and offer help to re attach latching but if ur certain and happy not to bf stick ur foot down and say so. It's all about what makes u happiest. If u want to re look at latching and trying to bf again there is help out there. Gl sweetie
Painkillers!!!! Ur not feeding ur lo so take advantage of finally being able to take painkillers after a long pg

No point being in pain. Speak t ur mw about bf tablets when ur not feeding or expressing.

No reason you can't take painkillers when breastfeeding. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are perfectly safe, and even stronger painkillers like percocet are considered generally safe, and were given to me breastfeeding both a preemie and a full term baby with no ill effects.

I don't know why there is so much misinformation about pain medication while breastfeeding. Lactation and pregnancy are totally different, much less medication passes to the child while breastfeeding than while pregnant, and in different ways. In fact, some things that don't cross the placenta and are safe while pregnant can't be taken while breastfeeding, and some things that are dangerous while pregnant (like NSAIDS) are perfectly safe breastfeeding.

She is right, no reason to be in pain. The first few days I was taking both ibuprofen and percocet, and then I got off the narcotics (remember to take stool softeners if you go that route!) and I am still taking ibuprofen some days as my body is still recovering.
Can you find a lactation consultant near you who could assist with latch? I found that the people who were 'helping' me in the hospital were basically useless and gave me maybe five minutes before saying it wasn't working and I needed to supplement with formula.

I would try hand pumping in a hot shower to see if you can get anything out. As misspriss said, everything is harder when you're super engorged. Being able to relieve the engorgement a bit would help all around. If that doesn't work then I'd maybe drop into a public health facility (if you have those where you live) and see if anyone can give you a hand.
Thanks - I had a public health nurse come over to do a 24 hour check in, and she was so kind to me and showed me how to breastfeed. She had baby latched in a few minutes! Only issue is... I cant do it myself. im doing everything she showed me, and baby refuses to latch and just screams and screams. My one boob feels so good after baby had a good feed, but now my right boob is in so much pain I cant even lay down. My nurse told me I have enough milk (I already had big boobs before) to feed triplets, and that no wonder im in a severe amount of pain. My boobs are currently the size of small melons. Not even kidding. I tried pumping (with a manual pump) knowing I have a ton of milk and while its coming out its so slow and my nipple is now swollen. I was so happy before, and now im sobbing cause my baby hates my nipple but it was working with the nurse not to long ago.
You are not letting your baby starve. Your baby has a full tummy. You need to remember that your happiness is extremely important. You are an incredible mummy. xxx
Oh, I remember that well. :( I saw public health nurses who could get my LO to latch but then as soon as I tried to do it myself it was a disaster. It's definitely a learning curve and a process.

I never dealt with oversupply so someone else who has can probably be of more help, but I think you're probably best to hand express what's needed instead of pumping as the pump can stimulate even more milk production.

I'm sorry you're having a hard time, those first couple of weeks can be more difficult than you could have imagined. Can you have the nurse come back again?
HitGirl - That is so very sweet of you, thank you. <3

Yeah, I can call her tomorrow and talk to her. It hurts so badly, and when I try Lily screams so bad that I end up sobbing and beg hubby to give me formula. Shes really a great eater and I feel so far behind. I have warm compresses but even with them my milk seems really stuck.

Im very willing to bottle feed her breastmilk, im not concerened with her drinking from my boob. I tried pumping but my nipple is so sore and barely anything came out. I watched videos on hand expressing, so ill try that next and see where it goes.
The nurse will come out as many times as is needed. They are big on bf
Or should at least.

misspriss my Dr's and mw both stronger suggested against painkillers whilst pg and bf, only reason i sed. They might be wrong. I strongly hope not as i deterred away from painkillers when i was in excruciating pain during my last experience bf as a tore a ligament in my back during labour with my son. And this time I jarred my back falling down the stairs at 24 weeks. I was refused any pain meds!! So if this is not true I'm extremely pissed!!!!!

babycleo u are doing Amazing, please don't B so hard on urself. Like pp said ur baby us happy and full. Not malnutrishened and going without

I strongly appreciate how hard bf is. And unfortunately I gave up after 3 1/2 weeks and a 1/2 week expressing. It's dark hard, and time consuming and upsetting.

You NEED to enjoy ur baby and these first few weeks it's goes so bloody quick. In months to come ul kick ur self for fretting and worrying so much.
Just to add. During my torturess time bf and expressing my hospital mw and latching team werevamazing.

They (can't remember who) suggested draining and starting again to release pressure on boobs. Maybe ask if ur local hospital can rent u an electric pump, this will literally pump u dry and stimulate milk supply t keep milk coming, at least with being empty u will feel relief
A lot of doctors treat medication during breastfeeding the same as during pregnancy. I prefer to do my own research on the lactmed database or consult with expert advice like Dr. Hale, who have made lactation a specialty of theirs. I believe Dr. Hale has a phone number you can call with any questions on medication, but I don't remember where I have seen the number.
Thank you everyone for being so kind. Last night was so rough, I tried both hand expressing and pumping, but nothing happened. I'm about to call the nurse, but at this point I want to just enjoy my baby. Shes already thriving, and I don't want her to be upset cause I'm pushing something that dosent work. She was hysterical when I was trying to get her to latch, and I ended up sobbing.

I spoke to my mum and she told me to consider just formula feeding and not to feel guilty. So many people shame you for it, I just had no idea this would be so rough. If she's thriving... Why should we both suffer?
Thanks - I had a public health nurse come over to do a 24 hour check in, and she was so kind to me and showed me how to breastfeed. She had baby latched in a few minutes! Only issue is... I cant do it myself. im doing everything she showed me, and baby refuses to latch and just screams and screams. My one boob feels so good after baby had a good feed, but now my right boob is in so much pain I cant even lay down. My nurse told me I have enough milk (I already had big boobs before) to feed triplets, and that no wonder im in a severe amount of pain. My boobs are currently the size of small melons. Not even kidding. I tried pumping (with a manual pump) knowing I have a ton of milk and while its coming out its so slow and my nipple is now swollen. I was so happy before, and now im sobbing cause my baby hates my nipple but it was working with the nurse not to long ago.

I needed help all the time. I literally had people coming to my house everyday to try to help me latch LO and I was first in and last out at every breastfeeding support group. Have you tried LLL? They might have lactation consultants in your area who can visit you and help you.

I also found I was less stressed with other people there to help. Stress hormones block letdown hormones so anything that relaxes you is a good thing.

Your baby is still young so has a lot of breastfeeding reflexes still, so you may find she is more responsive to biological nurturing (where your LO stays on your naked body all day and is allowed to move themselves to the breast, with or without a little help, latch themselves without someone "positioning" them for a feed. Google it, along with laid back breastfeeding to see if it us something you might want to give a go.

Also when babies are struggling to latch over engorged breasts, this can help https://kellymom.com/bf/concerns/mother/rev_pressure_soft_cotterman/
Something that helped me was trying different positions. My LO had a very hard time latching on the right side at first. You could also try a nipple shield to help her latch. If breastfeeding is important to you, know that there are many things you can try and many resources to help. However, if you decide that formula feeding is going to be the best choice for you then don't feel bad. Also know that it doesn't have to be 100% one or the other. If you want to do formula most of the time, but try putting her to the breast whenever you are both feeling relaxed and ready to try, that's a great option too.
Hey! Congrats on your baby! I've been wondering how you were doing. I'm sorry bf is going so rough. For me it was honestly one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life and now it's one of the easiest things. It is normal for lo not to know how to latch. It took us a long time to get things working perfectly. Have you tried a nipple shield? It's basically like putting a bottle tip on your breast so it's easier for lo to latch. It worked for us. The are super annoying at first but it was a blessing that latching was easier. Then it took about 3-4 weeks to be able to feed all the time without the shield as they still need to get used to latching to the breast which is different skill. At least it would help with your oversupply though to have baby feeding directly at the breast and would help maintain your supply while you figured out latching without it. I would ask public health to come and see you again and have them teach you how to use the shield ASAP. In ontario they had drop ins we could go to where you could buy shields and what not and lactation consultants are available to help you. I got mine from walmart. It's medela. They are different sizes depending on your breast size. Bf is hard work! Once you and your lo learn how to do it though it is super easy. Laid back nursing or bilogical nursing also really helped getting lo to latch. The key to bf is having Los mouth open enough and then getting enough of the breast stuffed in their mouth so that your nipple touches the roof of their mouth to stimulate their sucking reflex. You have to do it fast in one movement. It is hard to do though when you ae engorged and their mouths are tiny and they are hungry and you are stressed. Plus they fight you cause they don't know that that's where the food is or how to open their mouth even. Try different positions too. I did cross cradle and football. Football was easier initially to line the nipple up properly with their top lip. I used to do a breast sandwich to get enough breast in and then press down to flick the nipple up so it hit the roof of Los mouth. Persistance with bf is key the key to success. Good luck with whatever you choose! Google jack Newman. He has awesome bf resources online that helped me enormously.
Hey I know this threads from a few days ago but did you get it sorted or not? Absolutely don't feel guilty if you can't, you LO doesn't care about being breast fed as long as she's being fed.

Have you tired massaging and hand expressing whilst in the bath or shower? When I was really sore and tender this was the only thing that helped me. Obviously the milk went to waste but it ment I kept my supply up. I'm sorry you're having a rough time of it. Breast feeding is so hard!

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