Those who have had a missed miscarriage, please help!


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2014
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I've had two prior losses, but they were further along so I was in the hospital.

This time baby is only measuring 6 weeks, so I'd prefer to go through it at home, if possible. If it doesn't happen naturally in a few days then I'll try cytotec. And d&c as a last resort.

Hoping it happens naturally though, and looking for stories of what to expect in terms of pain, bleeding, etc
First, I'm so very sorry to read that you've been through so much :hugs:. It breaks my heart every time :cry:. I hope you are getting the time you need to go through both the physical and emotional aspects of this loss.

My story with cytotec: I went in for my 8 week scan at 8+1 with zero spotting or cramping only to see that my baby was only measuring 6+4 and had no hb. My husband and I left in shock without really knowing what to do. We quickly realized that it would just be too hard to walk around waiting for the mc. My ob said that if I waited to see if my body would miscarry on it's own the pain would be like labor. We called and asked for the prescription and I took my first dose of cytotec vaginally that night. I took a norco along with it, but 4.5 hours later (when I should have already taken another norco) I experienced intense cramping. I took another norco but threw up shortly after. I asked for hot tea, and used it like a heating pad of sorts and what norco I absorbed eventually kicked in so the pain subsided. The next morning about 11 hours after taking cytotec, there was a gush when I went to the bathroom and I passed lots of blood/clots. I took a second dose of cytotec just in case, but nothing much more happened. I met my little baby in the folds of the tissue paper three days later and the tiny umbilical cord the next morning. I bled for a week (but not heavily) and then spotted for a week. My ultrasound after that was clear and we were told to use protection until my next AF.

Overall, the physical part wasn't that bad, I'm still working on the emotional side of things. I hope that helps and that the process whichever route you go is as easy for you as possible ❤️ :hugs:
I'm so sorry. :hugs: But thank you for sharing your story.

I'm actually having something weird happen right now so I'm at the ER. Hoping everything happens tonight.
I'm sorry you're going through this. At my 8 week appointment the baby was measuring 6 weeks with no heat beat. We decided if my body had hung onto baby for 2 weeks already, it probably wasn't going to do it on its own. I chose a d&c because I didn't want to wait for it to happen and I was nervous for what I would see. Again I am sorry you're going through this. Sending much love your way
Massive hugs sweetie, my mmc was over 3 years ago but it still hurts thinking about it. I found out at 10 weeks that baby was only measuring 6 weeks. The day before my scan I had the smallest amount of bleeding so the sonography thought that it might be the start of the mc but I had nothing for the next few days. then I had brown bleeding followed by red bleeding as in the heaviest days of my period. After that I had one day of extremely heavy bleeding - I could not have left the house and in all honesty if I didn't have my other child to look after I think I would have stayed in the bathroom the blood was so heavy. Eventually when I passed everything the bleeding slowed down again to typical period bleeding. I was constantly taking nurofen plus so I didn't feel much pain wise but it was very difficult emotionally.

I hope you have somebody to look after you x x
Thanks ladies. My DH has been taking good care of me.

I thought I was passing the baby but seems like maybe my cervix was coming out??!! I know that sounds really weird, but DH was looking and even took a picture, and it looked like my cervix. I called the on call person and she said that can happen sometimes. And the ER doctor did, too. I have never heard of that happening!! :shrug: So, it wasn't baby coming after all, now I'm still waiting. I go back for an appointment Monday and if nothing has changed I'll decide between the cytotec and D&C. I don't want to go that route, but it might be the quickest and easiest. Ugh. I just don't know....
I'm so sorry your going through this, I used cytotec to complete my incomplete miscarriage. I would say it was relatively ok process, side effects were not fun but I stayed in bed all day, running to the toilet every so often.

Unfortunely it sounds like you have a prolapsed uterus/ cervix, please seek treatment when you are ready x
I'm so sorry that you are going through this, it's truly awful. I know you are looking for experiences of the medication route but if you do decide to have the D&C I can tell you that it is very quick and painless. At least my experience was. I hope you get the right outcome for you but if you want to know more I'm happy to chat. X
Wait Hun. What do you mean your cervix came out and that can happen? I've never heard of that! I'm so so sorry for everything you've been through!
I've had two prior losses, but they were further along so I was in the hospital.

This time baby is only measuring 6 weeks, so I'd prefer to go through it at home, if possible. If it doesn't happen naturally in a few days then I'll try cytotec. And d&c as a last resort.

Hoping it happens naturally though, and looking for stories of what to expect in terms of pain, bleeding, etc
I'm so sorry for your loss. I found out that I had missed miscarriage 3 days ago. Hearing "I'm so sorry, your baby's heart stopped two weeks ago" at my 11 week appt was heart-breaking. I just couldn't believe it. My doctor suggested to either do cytotec or D & C the next day because it's been so long and didn't want to risk infection. So much talk when all I wanted to do was crawl into a fetal position and cry. I chose cytotec because I didn't want to risk surgery. I was prescribed Tylenol with Codeine for pain, and it didn't help much. I took the pills at about 9:30, started feeling cramps after an hour. Around 1pm the real labor pains sparked, and it was painful. I was just so sad though, so my pain was amplified due to that. My husband was so helpful throughout it all. I'm not sure if I might be slightly allergic to something in cytotec or my pain meds (and I don't mean to scare you at all) but right before 1pm, I was feeling faint, sweating, and could not sit up. After a complete 7 hrs, it was over. Although the physical pain is all but over (I hope), I'm still grieving our first baby-- don't even have the proper words to express what I feel right now. It's just all too sudden. I'm so sorry you're going through this too. Please let me know if you want to chat.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

I've had one MMC a couple yrs ago (I should've been 9w but baby stopped growing at 6w), I chose Cytotec. I can't remember much about the heaviness of the bleeding but I do remember the large clots of tissue. The pain was bad. Cytotec can cause contractions but OTC meds helped take the edge off. Also, I wasn't warned that the meds might not help me fully pass all the tissue, so I ended up needing a D&C anyway. :/ If I had known I would've just gone with the D&C because taking the pill was a bad experience for me personally.

It's different for everyone.
Thanks ladies for your responses. So sorry for what you've been through. :hugs:

At the urging of a friend who is into natural health and wellness, I took raspberry leaf pills and I think that really got things going! I took 3 about every 4 hours and within the day I passed my baby. It was hard, but I was glad to be able to do it at home and not in the hospital. I went for a check afterwards and they confirmed my uterus is empty.

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