I used regular over the counter thrush cream for me and the mouth drops for baby. Just had to wipe the nipples with a dry cloth before the next feed to get rid of any residue. In between applications I would wash my nipples with diluted vinegar (just using a cotton wool ball) and let them air dry. I read somewhere that would help, but I don't know how much difference it made since we were using the cream too. Be topless as much as possible because your bra helps keep the site warm and moist which yeast loves.
Watch out for baby's bum too, if she's got oral thrush she might get a thrush nappy rash next.
Edit: Oh, and don't use lanolin or rub breastmilk on the nipples like you are normally advised for sore nipples. That suits the thrush really well and can keep it alive. Best to leave those things until you are both cleared up.