Hello all.. Title says it all really, but I'm currently 7dpo and around 4-5dpo I noticed I had signs/symptoms of thrush! I've only ever had it once, & that was years ago! Just wondering of this could be a good sign? I've read a few things on the Internet that have been promising, but would like someone else's input apar from the thrush which is now under control from te use of natural yoghurt, I haven't had many symptoms apart from:
-vivid dreams
-high cervix today (firm & closed)
-bbt has risen somewhat.
-mood swings (easily upset) (angry lol)
My cervical mucous is confusing due to presumably thrush, it was cottage cheese like in consistency 2 days ago, but now creamy.?
I've been trying for over 2 years now, and praying I will soon have my very own bfp.
Good luck to you all ttc! baby dust to you all! Xx
-vivid dreams
-high cervix today (firm & closed)
-bbt has risen somewhat.
-mood swings (easily upset) (angry lol)
My cervical mucous is confusing due to presumably thrush, it was cottage cheese like in consistency 2 days ago, but now creamy.?
I've been trying for over 2 years now, and praying I will soon have my very own bfp.
Good luck to you all ttc! baby dust to you all! Xx