To home birth or not to home birth


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hello ladies :hugs::hugs:

I have had my 28 week MW appointment today and have been passed for a home birth should i choose one.

I was booked for a home birth last time when i had my DD 5 years ago. The trouble was that when i phoned my midwife to ask her to come she refused saying that i had ages as i had only had a few contractions and to have a bath and phone her when things got going :growlmad: I may of only had a couple of contractions but i knew she was on her way now. I ended up making a mad dash for the hospital. My DD was born just as we arrived her birth from start to finish was 1hr 40 minutes.:growlmad:

I would just like some advice really. Do i go for the home birth that i would love and hope that someone gets to me before i push the baby out (without gas and air) lol. Or should i opt for a hospital birth where i may make it or have her in the car.

Has anyone had a home birth and had there baby before the MW arrived ? It is really worrying me that i may be alone and giving birth with no gas and air My DH works over an hour away :dohh:

Has anyone had a completely drug free birth and lived to tell the tail :blush: ?

Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly received.

Thanks ladies. Hopefully you can stop me loosing any more sleep over this :hugs:
No one can predict how quickly/slowly your next labour will go, but I'd defo expect that considering your last experience your midwife should come out to you as soon as you ring - have you voiced these concerns to your MW already?

Do you have a very close friend or family member that you could also have on "stand by" until your DH can get to you - just to put your mind at rest? x
I'm in exactly the same dilemma; so would be interested in any replies....
A lady in our village had a quick labour like you for her 1st, the midwife here has advised her for her second pregnancy that a home birth is the best option because of how likley her labour is to be quick again. The midwife views it the safest option, rather than being born in a car or ambulance - which lets be fair can be traumatic (Im sure you can tell us about it). Not sure if the advice is standard across the medical profession, or if its just Derbyshire?

(I had gas and air, but if I'm lucky to get a second chance, I'd go for nothing. I did hypnobirthing so found this a great way to stay relaxed and calm)

I was advised another home birth (already had one) because I have the same preciptious labours; but they have recently severely restricted the parking at my current place and I am thinking the midwives may say no because they will not be able to park without risk of being clamped. We are trying to do a homeswap but while the paperwork is all done I doubt it will go through in time. Also I am worried about ending up being alone; my husband works 45 minutes away and my in-laws are about the same distance. Also with my last baby the midwives and hospital knew I had fast labours and they still didn't hurry up; by the time the MWs set off there had been a massive accident on the A13 so they both arrived only 5 minutes before my son was born and there was no attachment for the gas and air (they forgot it). It was traumatic despite my husband's best efforts keeping me and everything calm. I am not sure I could cope with no gas and air again. Its tricky though because I cannot drive and I have three under the age of 7 here at home with me.
Oh my word summer rain, This is exactly what I'm worried about. My DH is a bit of a wimp when it comes to birth. I'm thinking he maybe no use to me. My mum and my in laws only live 5 minutes away so i could have a responsible adult present lol.

I spoke to the midwife yesterday and she said she could be with me in 40 minutes all being well :dohh: but like you have pointed out from experience if traffic is bad anything can happen.
She also said which i was a little confused about that if you book a hospital birth but don't think you will make it you can call an ambulance and the paramedics will come. But should you book a home birth they wont. It's up to your midwife to call if she thinks she wont get there. This i do not understand :wacko:

Oh another sleepless night for me last night. I think i may spend the day thinking about my options and then when a decision is made i will probably feel much calmer :winkwink:
Ah no, don't get me wrong my husband is an absolute hero when it comes to me giving birth, very calm, strong and professional; the midwives always ask him to consider looking into midwifery as a career (um no hes sqeamish when it comes to anyone but me) but I just get panicked when I think the actual bonafide midwives are not going to get there in time with my precious gas and air lol. The local clinic where the midwives do ante natal is only around the corner so I am sincerely hoping that it happens during daylight on a day they are there, but its not likely.
My friends DH delivered her baby in their bedroom. He just seemed to know what to do. He even tied the cord off lol. We have no idea how he knew this. No such luck with my DH. he nearly passed out when i asked him "if the baby is here before the midwife can he please check that i haven't pooed and clear it away before she gets here" his answer was " i have your mum on speed dial" :dohh: My friends labour was 1hr long and the midwife arrived 45 minutes after that :dohh: It was early morning to so no traffic and her journey should of taken her 15 minutes lol.

I still haven't made a decission but i have ordered a hypnobirthing cd. Maybe it will help until the gas and air arrives lol.
Spakle, Have you considered having a Birth Doula to support you? That way you and your DH would have emotional support. My first client planned a home water birth and she birthed her baby before the MWs arrived. It was just me, her husband and their 2 year old son - was magical to say the least.
hey hun, i cant say anything about you homebirthing, but i did give birth practically drug free, and practically on my own even though i was in hospital lol, and i not only survived but am preg again :p
i was induced with prostin tablets, 2 12 hours apart, which is what made my labour so fast, i was examined at 12pm and was 3cm, mw said it would be a while before i went upto labour ward, even though i was in a lot of pain, she offered me diamorphine which i declined and she went off to get me some co-codamol not sure exactly when i took them, but next thing i know my waters had gone and i crowned at the same time lol with my PJ bottoms on ha! was screamin at other half to push the orange button, he was flustered coz they were all orange! he recieved a few choice words, mw came in as i was wailing and went of to wash her hands to examine me, while i was screaming about the head being out, but didnt want to let them take my trousers off coz id pooed lol anyway one push for the shoulders and it was all over lol on the induction ward which happened to be full :( lol she was born 1.10pm lol

hoping for a less eventfull homebirth this time, but have to speak to my MW about it first :) x
Don't worry about surviving without pain meds! Especially if your births are that quick :)
Here in Holland nobody gets offered pain meds, which might sound totally barbaric now I think of it...

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