To the labour ward and back again...


Goth Mummy (:
Apr 10, 2011
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I went for a sweep on tuesday 29th of Nov. It was very successful (or so I'm told...I have no idea how you gauge a cervix) & contractions started within half an hour.

Being a tad too hopefully I convinced myself that they were getting stronger & I was going into proper labour. It was not to be. Ended up a labour ward at 1am 30th of Nov to be told I was only 2cm & go home. So...ofc very disheartened & vowed to myself & my mom I wasn't going back untill my waters had gone. My mom, always the joker suggested I wait til she could see his head :haha:

I spent most of the 30th asleep, contracting irregularly & generally being grumpy.

1st of dec comes round. I have a midwife app at 1.45pm. At around 10ish I stand up for something & feel like I have wet myself. Not mass loads of fluid like I'd been told your waters going feels like. So I shrug & carry on.

Gets to midwife, she books me in for another sweep (today :haha:) & advises me to ring labour ward about my waters possibly going.

So, phones them & get told to come in to be checked. Gets to the ward & see a midwife. I'm still contracting at this point & they are rather strong. Midwife tells me they want to do a speculum check to see if my waters have gone, but first I have to lie flat on my back for half an hour.

One word...ouch!! Contractions + back pain + not being able to move = effing agony!! Anyhoo..after an hour she comes back to examine me. Says to the midwife next to her 'oh look, you can see the waters running out' then still puts the damn speculum in!

Tells me I can either go home & wait for things to start & if they don't come back at 10 the following day for induction. Or I can be induced now.

I opt to go home, thinking I'll feel better at home. So she tells me I must come back at 10 am the next day.

I get around 2 hours sleep that night, contractions getting stronger but don't seem to be getting any closer. End up watching a load of rubbish on the tv in the early hours of the morning.

Go downstairs at about 6 & have a mini-breakdown to my mom about the pain & frustration. She gives me two painkillers & tells me its not long til we're going back to the hospital.

Spend the morning getting everything sorted for coming home with LO. By this point I'm getting pressure in my bum with contractions. Mention this too my mom as we're waiting for taxi & she tells me it means we're getting close to the pushing stage. I refuse to get my hopes up lol.

Gets to the ward & I'm examined pretty fast. 9 cm!!! :shock: So ofc taken straight to labour ward. I meet my wonderful wonderful midwife Emma, who tells me I'm too calm lol. I refuse any pain relief as breathing is working fine.

Stay like this til around 11.30 when I start saying I want to push. Emma examines me & says I'm 10cm & I can go for it. So spend an hour pushing & not getting very far. Still no pain relief at this point.

Bitch midwife (I didn't bother to ask her name, she was a cow) comes in & asks how everything is. Emma explains that pushed for an hour but no baby. BM says she will get a registrar.

My membranes are broken & are thick with meconium, advised this could mean baby is uphappy but his heart trace has been fine.

Lovely registrar turns up (same lady that did my sweep) & says she wants me on a Syntocinon drip for 2 hours & if no progress she will do an intervention delievery.

Get on drip & made to turn on my side. Absolute agony. I asked for G&A before the drip, purely because I was absolutley knackered & I knew my contractions were only going to get more painful & I wouldn't be allowed to push through them. Like this for around an hour.

Have another breakdown here, contractions are not painful as such, but the pressure to push is unbearable so using the G&A to try & distract myself. End up crying to midwives that I have to & ARE pushing. (I'm told later by my mom that BM said to me 'you are not ready to push so you will keep breathing' Mom nearly K.O.s BM.)

I tell Emma that I'm turning on my back & I have to push. She tells me to go with what I feel & she'll take the fall out for it later. So, its around 4pm. I'm rather knackered, but 10cms & ready to go.

At 16.52pm on the 2nd of December, Joshua Thomas arrived into the world weighing 8lbs 2ozs, with his hand by his face. He's taken the the resuisitaire(sp?) thingy because of the meconium. He starts crying almost instantly & they clean him up a little & bring him over to me.

Me & my mom both burst into tears, my long awaited son is finally here (I'm welling up again writing this)

A baby dr (I forget what they're called) comes a little while later & explains that because my waters had been gone more than 24 hours & because he had meconium, they need to take some blood from him & give him 2 days worth of antibiotics.

Emma gets on with delivering my placenta (very very bizzare feeling) & tells me Josh was born with his hand by his face & I do have a tear as she saw it go. She thought it might be 3rd degree & that I might have to go to theatre, but the dr would check.

Baby dr comes to take Josh to do his bloods & stuff. Dr comes to stitch me up. Thankfully only a 2nd degree so stitched up in room. Have more G&A for that. Josh comes back to me & we're sort of left.

Had a lovely bath & managed to get some toast. Taken to postnatal ward about 9ish.

Attemped to BF, but Josh wouldn't take it.

Everyone leaves & I'm finally left to enjoy my son.

I'm kept in hospital all weekend & finally let out today 5th December. Had to deal with Josh's father & all their idiot family, while my own family couldn't come to the hospital. But thats another story.

My little man had no infection & managed to keep his jaundice below treatment levels & was released this morning. We're home & safe & he has finally got to meet my family, mainly his namesake, his great-grandad Tom.

Not the best, but by far not the worst labour I could have had & although its a cliche, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Here are some pictures of my beautiful son & well done you if you read all my rambling :D

The first is just a few hours old, the second is a day old & the third is 2 days old.


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Emma sounds lovely, BM is exactly that ;) I'm glad your mum nearly kicked her arse!

I'm so happy for you, he's gorgeous! I bet he takes after his mummy and not FOB!

How did your grandad take it about his name btw? I hope it made him really happy :D

Congratulations! :hugs: xx
Congratulations, he's really beautiful :thumbup:
Emma sounds lovely, BM is exactly that ;) I'm glad your mum nearly kicked her arse!

I'm so happy for you, he's gorgeous! I bet he takes after his mummy and not FOB!

How did your grandad take it about his name btw? I hope it made him really happy :D

Congratulations! :hugs: xx

My mom phoned him, I couldn't get off the bed & couldn't get signal where I was ): He cried, like totally broke down on the phone to my mom. Went out that night & couldn't remember Josh's name, so started calling him Little Tom & himself Big Tom. He's totally over the moon, I cried seeing them together today. :hugs: xox
Well done you!! :happydance: you done great! Congratulations, he is beautiful. Love his name too! :) xx
Aw I'm so glad! I bet he's honoured:)
It's good he reacted like that, it must make you so happy.:flow: xz
Fab story and a gorgeous wee boy, massive congrats x x x
Congratulations! He's soo gorgeous :D

Did you have him in Pinderfields hospital? x x
Congratulations!! He's soo cute!! Well done you :hugs: x
OMG.. what a little cutie pie!!!! Congrats!!!!:)
Congratulations. You've done such a good job with your labor and delivery and I really enjoyed your story much so that I've read through it TWICE. =)

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