To those of you who can drive..


Proud mummy to Jacob
Nov 12, 2010
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How long did it take you to pass your test?
How long did it take until it felt 'natural'?
Is it as scary as im making out in my head?

I am going to start lessons in September and I am Shitting myself. I have convinced myself I will be a terrible driver and the reason i have.put it off for so long is because i am just plain terrified.
I think operating the car will be ok, but its my responses and reaction times im scared about, changing lanes, roundabouts, pulling out etc. And crashing.

Any stories would be appreciated,especially from nervous drivers!
Thanks! :D
It took me about a year but I kept having to stop lessons and restart them due to money! I passed my test in December 2012 and started driving everyday from then and it's only just starting to feel natural :lol: I still don't parallel park or anything fancy like that!
Well, for me I passed my written test to get my learners. took me a few months with a private instructor . I had to get a private instructor because no one else would do it so I had to pay him a hefty amount of money per lesson. Anyway, I passed and got my license. It took me awhile to really feel comfortable and to be honest, I don't think I ever got comfortable. So I don't drive as much if any at all. I'll drive when I have to. I was 21 years old when I got my license.
Oh yeah, after 15 years of driving, I still don't know how to parallel park. That's because I never tried it and I never had the need to try. I always found a substitute for parallel parking even if it means I will have to do a lot of walking.
I got my learners permit on the day I turned 16, took my driver's education classes (two weeks), then did my practice driving with the driving instructor (30 hours, I think) and drove whenever my parents let me (which was a lot). I took and passed the test two months later and have been driving since. I've been a licensed driver for 16 years now (gosh I'm getting old).

To answer your questions:
1) I passed my test on the first attempt.
2) The more you drive, the quicker it will feel natural. For me it was driving the same car every day for at least an hour for probably 2-3 weeks.
3) Driving isn't nearly as scary as you feel like its going to be. If you keep telling yourself that you're going to be a horrible driver, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can totally do this.

I've taught many people to drive over the years, and my best advice is to take the car to an empty parking lot and figure out the car. Figure out where aloof the switches and knobs are, how the brakes "feel", how to turn the wheel, get some traffic cones and practice stopping distance, etc. Once you're comfortable with the car, take it out on a rural, low speed road and drive until you start to feel comfortable, gradually increasing speed. Just take baby steps and you will totally get it. A lot of practice and often are the keys.

I'm beginning to think that there is a much different attitude towards driving in the states. I literally only know two adults that don't have driver's licenses, and they are both foreign nationals.
It took me 6 months and I loved it. I can't imagine being without my license!

I have been driving 6 years this year :shock: and honestly occasionally I still get a little nervous if I am driving somewhere I have never been before and I don't really know where I am going. I am more nervous about the thought of it than actually doing it though and once I am behind the wheel it's all good.

Like deafgal I can't parallel park unless forced to and then it is an embarrassing mess. But that is only because I am out of practice. I never need to do it so just lost the knack.
I had lessons every week for about a year with a 3 month break in between.

I passed second time. I felt confident from the moment I passed.

I'm also very confident with right and left hand driving -probably more confident on the right than I am on the left now.
I stopped and started lessons 3 times. But altogether I probably had 9 months to a year. I passed my theory relatively quickly after starting lessons and I passed my test 1st time with only 4 minors.

I put it off for ages as I was soooo nervous but once you get over the initial nerves its fine.

To drive "confidently" I'd say probably another 6 months or so but even now I hate driving on motorways and bay parking after 5 years
I passed 2 years ago.
It took me 6 months-I passed first time 6 months pregnant with 1 minor. Nearly cried lol

It took me about 6 months or do to gain confidence, maybe more as I was pregnant and then had a baby and dd2 in the car, which made me stress.

I now drive a 4x4 confidently with two kids.

I'm still a bit afraid of motorway driving, but I will do it.

You will be fine. Once you get the hang of things, you will gain confidence.

The best thing g you can do is go with a decent instructor, as even if it costs more for the lessons, it will probably work out cheaper in the long run as a decent instructor will teach you correctly.
It took about 9 months and I passed second time (most people do). I didn't take lessons until I was 30 - partly money but partly fear like you too.

Your instructor won't push you beyond what you're ready for. Your first few lessons the instructor will drive you to a quiet easy road and then let you take over, practising the basics of stopping and starting. You won't get into roundabouts or lane changing until you're totally confident with the easier stuff. And the instructor has his own set of brakes on his side as well just in case!

If you can practice with someone between lessons it's well worth it. Hubby used to drop me off at work before I started learning, once I started learning I drove myself to work with hubby in the car. It meant I was getting daily practice.

It is scary at first but I am soooooo glad I did it - it really does make a difference to your life.
I got my learners permit on the day I turned 16, took my driver's education classes (two weeks), then did my practice driving with the driving instructor (30 hours, I think) and drove whenever my parents let me (which was a lot). I took and passed the test two months later and have been driving since. I've been a licensed driver for 16 years now (gosh I'm getting old).

To answer your questions:
1) I passed my test on the first attempt.
2) The more you drive, the quicker it will feel natural. For me it was driving the same car every day for at least an hour for probably 2-3 weeks.
3) Driving isn't nearly as scary as you feel like its going to be. If you keep telling yourself that you're going to be a horrible driver, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can totally do this.

I've taught many people to drive over the years, and my best advice is to take the car to an empty parking lot and figure out the car. Figure out where aloof the switches and knobs are, how the brakes "feel", how to turn the wheel, get some traffic cones and practice stopping distance, etc. Once you're comfortable with the car, take it out on a rural, low speed road and drive until you start to feel comfortable, gradually increasing speed. Just take baby steps and you will totally get it. A lot of practice and often are the keys.

I'm beginning to think that there is a much different attitude towards driving in the states. I literally only know two adults that don't have driver's licenses, and they are both foreign nationals.

Youre right, there is a big difference between the UK and USA, i have noticed in 16 & pregnant that 99% of the teens have their licence. Do you get taught, or introduced to it in high school?

Thanks everyone, some brill tips :)
Id love to be able to drive by next summer because there so many places i have wanted to take Jacob that i havent been able to. Not being able to drive is so restricting, my sense of frustration is overtaking my fear.

Its good to read about other peoples experiences though, i find it encouraging so keep them coming :)
I had my very first lesson on my 17th Birthday which was December and I passed the following October. I had one lesson with an instructor every week pretty much and I also went out and practiced a lot with my Mum and Dad. I didn't rush into my test, people kept saying put in for it all the time but I waited until I was 100% ready and confident and I passed first time.
It felt a bit strange at first once I'd passed my test, going out on my own and stuff but I started driving everyday to work and back so it all felt very natural to me very quickly :D
You'll be fine honestly!
I got my learners permit on the day I turned 16, took my driver's education classes (two weeks), then did my practice driving with the driving instructor (30 hours, I think) and drove whenever my parents let me (which was a lot). I took and passed the test two months later and have been driving since. I've been a licensed driver for 16 years now (gosh I'm getting old).

To answer your questions:
1) I passed my test on the first attempt.
2) The more you drive, the quicker it will feel natural. For me it was driving the same car every day for at least an hour for probably 2-3 weeks.
3) Driving isn't nearly as scary as you feel like its going to be. If you keep telling yourself that you're going to be a horrible driver, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can totally do this.

I've taught many people to drive over the years, and my best advice is to take the car to an empty parking lot and figure out the car. Figure out where aloof the switches and knobs are, how the brakes "feel", how to turn the wheel, get some traffic cones and practice stopping distance, etc. Once you're comfortable with the car, take it out on a rural, low speed road and drive until you start to feel comfortable, gradually increasing speed. Just take baby steps and you will totally get it. A lot of practice and often are the keys.

I'm beginning to think that there is a much different attitude towards driving in the states. I literally only know two adults that don't have driver's licenses, and they are both foreign nationals.

Youre right, there is a big difference between the UK and USA, i have noticed in 16 & pregnant that 99% of the teens have their licence. Do you get taught, or introduced to it in high school?

Thanks everyone, some brill tips :)
Id love to be able to drive by next summer because there so many places i have wanted to take Jacob that i havent been able to. Not being able to drive is so restricting, my sense of frustration is overtaking my fear.

Its good to read about other peoples experiences though, i find it encouraging so keep them coming :)

Some high schools offer driver's education courses, mine did not. I took mine privately and I think it was around $350 for two weeks of classroom instruction and 30 hours of driving, but this was in 1997 so I'm sure it has at least doubled since then. I almost think we encourage kids to get their license too early here in the states. Some states now allow kids to get learners permits at 15.5 years old. Many are not developmentally ready or mature enough to be behind the wheel of a car.
My school offered it but it would means a lost of school credit to graduate. I didn't take it .I wanted to take something else .I was not allowed to drop study hall so I could take driver ed because I was in a special education program to make sure I get help while I am attended regular classes.

Plus, mom refused to let me have a learner.
I passed mine in about a year. Although I stopped for a couple of months in between.

I think driving is all about confidence. This whole 'I can't park' drives me mad. You can, you justneed the confidence to keep trying. When I first passed I couldn't park to save myself. But now, 5 years on I can cram my car into a space a few inches bigger than my car. It's about having the confidence to keep trying, and having the sense to do things like move your mirrors.

You'll be a great driver, if you go in with an open, confident mind.

I went straight from passing my test to being a 'girl racer'. AndI think then you have to have the balls to swing reverse into a space at a car show, or be able to get your car up to 60 with tyres squealing (on a track) other wise you get all the 'women driver' cracks.

But it's only having to force that confidence that gave me the genuine confidence to drive in foreign countries, or do the 8 hours journey, down south, myself.

Don't go in doubting yourself, everyone starts on a level playing field.
My grandma never learned to drive and she was a single mom of 7 kids! (She got divorced from her abusive husband) I don't know how she manage but she did. She had to depend on others to drive her as there were no bus route in a small rural town.

People may know how to drive but I know plenty who lost their license or can't afford to own a car so they ride the metro bus or train. And one person I worked with would call the cab every night to take her home (She can't drive because of DUI) the bus don't run at night so thats why she had to call the cab
I started to learn when i was 17 but got bored after about 3 months and never had intrest till i fell pregnant in febuary ( im 27 now) i allways said i wanted to be driving for when the baby comes so i majorly kicked myself up the bum done my theory then done a weeks intensive course and passed first time with 7 minors at 7 weeks pregnant its the best thing iv ever ever done x
I started to learn when i was 17 but got bored after about 3 months and never had intrest till i fell pregnant in febuary ( im 27 now) i allways said i wanted to be driving for when the baby comes so i majorly kicked myself up the bum done my theory then done a weeks intensive course and passed first time with 7 minors at 7 weeks pregnant its the best thing iv ever ever done x

Im quite tempted by the intensive driving course, I think if i was driving that frequently for that many hrs a day I wouldnt have time to feel so nervous iykwim?
But ive heard mixed reviews on it.. How did you find it? And how expensive was it?

I think when im behind the wheel i wont feel as frightened! This thread is making me feel much better!
I started learning to drive mid August 2011 and passed on the 2nd December 2011, that was my first test. For me I realised it felt natural when I went for a drive with my brother about a month before test day (only drive I did not with my instructor), I drove from London to Portsmouth and it just felt okay, simple and natural.

I love driving, it is no where near scary. I am an awful passenger but because I am in control when driving I feel much happier. You may be the same.
I started learning to drive mid August 2011 and passed on the 2nd December 2011, that was my first test. For me I realised it felt natural when I went for a drive with my brother about a month before test day (only drive I did not with my instructor), I drove from London to Portsmouth and it just felt okay, simple and natural.

I love driving, it is no where near scary. I am an awful passenger but because I am in control when driving I feel much happier. You may be the same.

I didnt think of it that way, but maybe youre right! Im certainly like that in other areas of my life, my ex could never cook me a meal because id always be hovering behind him wanting to do it myself

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