To wake 3 week old at night to eat or not?


A Mom At Last!
Mar 21, 2013
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There are so many contradicting things out there. My baby so far will cluster feed until around 8 or 9 pm and then sleep for 4- 6 hours. Well that is when I will wake her up to eat, I don't know how long she would really sleep. Number one bc I thought you weren't supposed to let them go that long without eating and two my breasts are really engorged at that point and I don't want to damage my supply by not nursing her. She will then wake up in 2-3 hr intervals the rest of the night. Sometimes hourly.

I've heard a lot of feedback that I shouldn't be waking her bc it'll teach her to wake up at night for feedings and that she needs that sleep and to not worry about my milk bc my body will adjust and start to produce less milk at night.

So what is it?!? I don't want her to get so hungry that she will be too fussy to latch but obvi I would appreciate the long stretches of sleep at night for myself!
Yeah that's kind of how I'm leaning. Just doesn't seem right to let her go6 hrs without eating. The pediatrician said not to let her go 5 hrs at her one week appt.
So I think I'll stick to that
How is her weight gain? And when she is awake is she active and alert or sluggish and lethargic? I was told that as long as they had gained back to birth weight and activity level was good (sluggish/lethargic and sleeping longer could indicate low blood sugar issues) to let them sleep as long as they want to. Of course, listen to your pediatrician as there could be other factors being considered, but you could also just have a great sleeper :) My philosophy has always kind of been if he's hungry, he will wake up and eat! For the engourgement, have you tried hand expressing a little to relieve the pressure? You will self-regulate your supply but takes a few days...hang in there momma! you're doing great!
At my son's 2 week check up, the doc said to let him sleep and not wake up, because like you said it might teach him to always wake up around the same time once he gets older.

Even til now at almost 12 weeks he still wakes up every 4-5 hours, I usually pump right before I go to bed according an estimate of when he wakes up next. I usually pump right before I go to bed, it really helps.
If your gut is telling you to wake her then that's the best thing to do. :) Trust your instincts Mama. :)

You'll know when it's time to let her go a little longer.

Truth is she'd probably be fine but I've come to learn (it's taken 16 months!) that if we listen to ourselves we generally get it right. Xxxxx

You're doing great!
She hasn't been weighed in two weeks but when we went for her 1 week checkup she gained a pound back (4 oz more than Birth weight). She is alert during the day BUT.... I think my luck has ran its course. She was up every 1-2 hrs all night last night. Mb she is awakening from the newborn sleepiness.
Newly I plan on asking my pedi the exact same thing next week at our 1 month appt. Dh says to let him sleep, but sometimes my instinct tells me to wake him up. I never let him go more than four hours without a feeding...
We had a similar issue when Ella was a few weeks old but she was jaundice and had struggled to get back to her birth weight so I woke her if she went past 3-4 hours. Once the jaundice cleared up and her weight gain improved, I stopped waking her. Now she sleeps between 6-7 hours at night but she cluster feeds between 5pm (ish) and 10pm so she gets nice and full to see her through the night.

I still make sure she feeds at least 8 times in 24 hours so I'm comfortable with her sleeping a good stretch at night.

At 3 weeks old if baby is gaining weight fine and otherwise well (not jaundiced) I wouldn't be waking, most definitely not. I don't believe it will create bad habits though, so do whatever you feel most comfortable with.
I don't wake them after they've regained birth weight (not that I ever had that problem with my first, lol). I just track diaper output and watch baby's wakeful periods to make sure nothing harmful is afoot. But there's literally no evidence that waking a newborn for feeds will ingrain any kind of "habit" and it strikes me as incredibly farfetched that a creature undergoing such rapid change and development would form any kind of immovable habit that's not also a biological instinct. They've got waaay too much else going on in their little bodies for that kind of nonsense. The only sleep rule I follow is to get a good dose of sunshine first thing in the morning.
YES! If you dont your supply can drop.

And IMO, babies this young have such a high metabolism, its not right to allow them to sleep 8-12 hours without feeding.
YES! If you dont your supply can drop.

And IMO, babies this young have such a high metabolism, its not right to allow them to sleep 8-12 hours without feeding.

If they were hungry, they would wake, if they weren't waking when they should they wouldn't put weight on. It's not as black and white to say "it's not right" women can't win, they're the bad guys if they try to follow routine and they're not right if they are baby led in this situation?!
YES! If you dont your supply can drop.

And IMO, babies this young have such a high metabolism, its not right to allow them to sleep 8-12 hours without feeding.

If they were hungry, they would wake, if they weren't waking when they should they wouldn't put weight on. It's not as black and white to say "it's not right" women can't win, they're the bad guys if they try to follow routine and they're not right if they are baby led in this situation?!

Totally agree....we need to support moms in their own decisions. What works for one doesn't work for everyone. I'm sure she didn't mean for it to come off judegemental, but there are so many that try to make you feel guilty for the choices you make as a Mom. OP- whatever YOU feel is right is right. Your supply will regulate itself to provide what baby is eating ...keep it up Momma!!
Thanks guys- lately she is waking up on her own every 3-4 hours at night and my breasts arent super engorged (full but not engorged) any more at night which I'm much more comfortable with. I'm just trying to follow my instinct and let her decide the routine (or lack of) lol

I had her weighed and she's put on 2 lbs since birth! Which is more than avg. so I think things are going well? She is now 8lb 10 oz.
That is awesome to hear! Keep up the good work Momma!! This little you want those babies to pack on the pounds...I always find it so encouraging to see how much my LO had put on...makes all the long nights and any frustrations worth it :)

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