Hi girls !!
Just wandering how many of you girlies out there can tell me what happens next ?
Got told I have polycystic ovaries over phone from gp after pelvic scan
a few weeks ago and been told I just have to wait for my gyno app
but is there such thing as mild / severe case etc ?!
Also is there a chance I still could get preg or would that depend on how severe ?
I have reg cycles and pretty sure I ovulate
Any help would be great !
Just wandering how many of you girlies out there can tell me what happens next ?
Got told I have polycystic ovaries over phone from gp after pelvic scan
a few weeks ago and been told I just have to wait for my gyno app
but is there such thing as mild / severe case etc ?!
Also is there a chance I still could get preg or would that depend on how severe ?
I have reg cycles and pretty sure I ovulate
Any help would be great !