My daughter has a DS Lite and 6 games and a few other accessories and i was just after your thoughts.
Shud i trade in/sell on e-bay her DS (with her permission obviously) and all her other bits that are with it and use the money i make to get her a Wii.
My Budget this yrs is appalling. After ive paid my rent CT utilities food there is nothing left.
As we all know as parents we want to be able to get nice things for our kids and i dont want her to back after Xmas term and say she dint get a Big Xmas gift.
or shud i just get her a new DS???
v x x
Shud i trade in/sell on e-bay her DS (with her permission obviously) and all her other bits that are with it and use the money i make to get her a Wii.
My Budget this yrs is appalling. After ive paid my rent CT utilities food there is nothing left.
As we all know as parents we want to be able to get nice things for our kids and i dont want her to back after Xmas term and say she dint get a Big Xmas gift.

or shud i just get her a new DS???

v x x