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Trying for #2, spotting/cycle/charting questions from a newbie.


Mom of 1 TTC #2
Sep 8, 2013
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Hi all. I am a new member to the forum, though this is my 13th cycle off of Mirena and TTC. I have scoured many threads on the site as a guest in my late night googling frenzies and decided it was finally time to register.

I have a 3 year old DS who was a suprise, though hubby and I did not do much (if any) prevention for several years before he was conceived. After DS was born I had Mirena inserted and it was in place for about 1.5 years. It has been 13 cycles since it was removed, and from that point on we have not used any protection. I knew that it might take a while to conceive and was not too aggressive at first. I have kept track of cycle dates and paid attention to CM but did not actively chart BBT or use OPKs.

I absolutely have irregular cycles (ranging anywhere from 19 days to 40+) and tend to be on the longer side lately. This had lead to much disappointment and BFNs as I time BDing to when I THINK I should be fertile. Now that we have passed the one year mark I am going at things a bit more aggressively. I have begun charting my BBT and plan to start using OPKs regularly and trying vitex supplementing.

After a confusing past cycle and a visit to my GP we did a urine test (BFN) and are going to test my thyroid and do a work-up in a few weeks. My DH has not had any SA done, however he is still in his early twenties and I have many signs pointing to hormone or other problems so I don't think it's him at all.

My question is about how I should chart the DATES for my last cycle. I know it is difficult to give exact advice due to my lax approach for the past year, but I am just looking for advise on what some of you ladies MIGHT do. On CD 27, 28 and 29 I had some scanty but dark almost stringy spotting. I did test and had a BFN so I figured I should just count it as AF. Now I am not so sure, if I only count it as spotting on what would be CD 46 I had brown spotting and on CD 47 I began to have red light, but mostly normal flow. I am entirely unsure if I should count the 3 days of brown spotting last month as an AF and assume I had a short cycle after, or if I really did have a 46 day cycle? I am hoping temps will help me determine when/if I ovulate this month and that my testing will also give some answers, but for the sake of better accuracy with my dates I'm just wondering what you ladies would do? Any replies would be appreciated.
Hi AidensMama
I'm by no means an expert but from what I know Day 1 of your cycle counts as the first day you have bright red bleeding, not brown spotting. I know it can be very confusing but hang in there. I know some ppl get a little spotting around ovulation so perhaps if you have long cycles it could have been that? If you like there are a few of us on a thread related to LTTTC # 2 and all of the ladies are lovely - its at https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/secondary-infertility/1982373-35-trying-2-19-months-am-alone.html

I hope you get some answers and get your BFP soon :hugs:
Most of the reading I have been doing suggests the same thing, and with my long cycles I figure O spotting or just perhaps my body trying to 'clean itself out' a bit because of an extremely long cycle are viable explanations. I ended up changing how I marked my chart and settled on recording it as spotting in a 46 day cycle. It moves my expected O date back, and I just figure we can BD frequently for a longer span of time to cover our bases in case it's early or late. (Something we should probably be trying anyway since I'm irregular as all get out!)

Thanks for suggesting I take a look at the thread, I will certainly pop on by. So far I have found all the ladies on the site are really lovely and would like to get connected to some others who have been trying for #2 for a while.:hugs:

Baby dust to everyone! Lets catch those sticky beans!

Hi AidensMama
I'm by no means an expert but from what I know Day 1 of your cycle counts as the first day you have bright red bleeding, not brown spotting. I know it can be very confusing but hang in there. I know some ppl get a little spotting around ovulation so perhaps if you have long cycles it could have been that? If you like there are a few of us on a thread related to LTTTC # 2 and all of the ladies are lovely - its at https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/secondary-infertility/1982373-35-trying-2-19-months-am-alone.html

I hope you get some answers and get your BFP soon :hugs:

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