I'm only writing this because I'm newly pregnant (11 weeks) with baby #1 and while... and before...my husband and I were trying to conceive I'd search these threads for advice and help with patience. So... Here is what worked for us!
I tried tracking my ovulation with the basal thermometer thing, but I found that it was hard to tell when my temp actually rose since each morning was slightly different due to the amount of covers I had on when I woke up. So in August I started using clearblue easy digital ovulation predictors. I started tracking before ttc so I could see if I actually got a positive and the tests worked. I did! So I kept tracking the next month (September) and when we officially decided to start ttc ovulation had already passed. So October was our first official month to go for it! My husband and i had already made the decision to try the Shettles method for gender sway towards a boy. My mom used it for her 2 kids and it worked both times. This method wants you to only have sex during ovulation if you're wanting a boy. We continued using the opks. My cycles are crazy... Not your typical 28 days so those tests were a life saver. I was also tracking my cervical mucus. Waiting for the egg white, good stuff.
I got my positive opk and ewcm on cycle day 14. I only got a positive for that day (I tested morning and night). We had unprotected sex that night. I did baking soda finger instead of a baking soda douche because I've read mixed reviews about the douche and bsf seemed so much easier. We waited about a half hour then we also used preseed and my husband drank a rockstar for the caffeine (he hates coffee which is whats recommended). I laid on my back for 20 minutes after sex before peeing. We repeated these steps the next morning and night. The remaining nights we used condoms. And the days before ovulation we didn't have sex at all.. Which is whats recommended.
That 2 week wait after ovulation is AWFUL!!! Just like everyone says! I have to admit I got super discouraged reading online at how if I were pregnant I should be experiencing early signs... Which I had NONE OF!! My mom and my husband were tired of waiting for my period to come or not so I took an early pregnancy test only 11 days past ovulation and got a positive!!! Went to the dr that day at was just about 4 weeks
The only symptoms I had was being super tired... Which I blamed on daylight savings! Then these TERRIFYING cramps... Like wake you from your sleep in panic cramps came at about 6 weeks. No bleeding came so dr said not to worry, and to take Tylenol if the pain got bad enough. Then at about 7 weeks nausea hit like a ton of bricks. It's still hard to eat ANYTHING but fortunately I haven't thrown up once!!! Sore boobs and dark veins have also come along.
I have yet to find out if the Shettles method helped us get our baby boy ( obviously either way... Boy or girl... We thank God for!!) and hopefully with a 3d ultrasound we will be able to find out in a few weeks. We know its still early, but I wanted to share what worked for us and conceiving!
Sorry for this Loooonnnggg boring novel but hopefully someone will find something useful in this! GOOD LUCK
I'm only writing this because I'm newly pregnant (11 weeks) with baby #1 and while... and before...my husband and I were trying to conceive I'd search these threads for advice and help with patience. So... Here is what worked for us!
I tried tracking my ovulation with the basal thermometer thing, but I found that it was hard to tell when my temp actually rose since each morning was slightly different due to the amount of covers I had on when I woke up. So in August I started using clearblue easy digital ovulation predictors. I started tracking before ttc so I could see if I actually got a positive and the tests worked. I did! So I kept tracking the next month (September) and when we officially decided to start ttc ovulation had already passed. So October was our first official month to go for it! My husband and i had already made the decision to try the Shettles method for gender sway towards a boy. My mom used it for her 2 kids and it worked both times. This method wants you to only have sex during ovulation if you're wanting a boy. We continued using the opks. My cycles are crazy... Not your typical 28 days so those tests were a life saver. I was also tracking my cervical mucus. Waiting for the egg white, good stuff.
I got my positive opk and ewcm on cycle day 14. I only got a positive for that day (I tested morning and night). We had unprotected sex that night. I did baking soda finger instead of a baking soda douche because I've read mixed reviews about the douche and bsf seemed so much easier. We waited about a half hour then we also used preseed and my husband drank a rockstar for the caffeine (he hates coffee which is whats recommended). I laid on my back for 20 minutes after sex before peeing. We repeated these steps the next morning and night. The remaining nights we used condoms. And the days before ovulation we didn't have sex at all.. Which is whats recommended.
That 2 week wait after ovulation is AWFUL!!! Just like everyone says! I have to admit I got super discouraged reading online at how if I were pregnant I should be experiencing early signs... Which I had NONE OF!! My mom and my husband were tired of waiting for my period to come or not so I took an early pregnancy test only 11 days past ovulation and got a positive!!! Went to the dr that day at was just about 4 weeks
The only symptoms I had was being super tired... Which I blamed on daylight savings! Then these TERRIFYING cramps... Like wake you from your sleep in panic cramps came at about 6 weeks. No bleeding came so dr said not to worry, and to take Tylenol if the pain got bad enough. Then at about 7 weeks nausea hit like a ton of bricks. It's still hard to eat ANYTHING but fortunately I haven't thrown up once!!! Sore boobs and dark veins have also come along.
I have yet to find out if the Shettles method helped us get our baby boy ( obviously either way... Boy or girl... We thank God for!!) and hopefully with a 3d ultrasound we will be able to find out in a few weeks. We know its still early, but I wanted to share what worked for us and conceiving!
Sorry for this Loooonnnggg boring novel but hopefully someone will find something useful in this! GOOD LUCK