Hello I usually never post anything but I've been having pregnancy symptoms I have a 6yr old already and when I got pregnant from him I only had 2 symptoms sore breasts and cramps. Well my last period was August 22 and ended The 25 me and my boyfriend are trying we had a miscarriage 2 years ago and was extremely hard on us that we took a break from trying. So we dtd aug 30 and I'm pretty sure I ovulated way before my tracker said I would because I had stretchy clear CM sept 2 my ovulation was suppose to be sept 8 and usually it's on track again we dtd sept 4 and well on sept 6 I started to feel my breast sore and aching and they are still sore till this day than I had the most painful pelvic pain that felt like cramps but it was lower near my pelvic bone I had this pain all sept 11 and the 12 and I've never had any pain like this before now AF is due sept 22 but what I find odd is that I've been having sore breast since the 6th and I'm experiencing cramps I usually experience these two symptoms 2-3 days before AF arrives I also had horrible hot flashes yesterday all day at work to the point I wanted to take a nap in the back room and a few today and I have taken 2 pregnancy tests the first sept 8 and the 2nd on sept 11 but I feel I tested too early and I'm trying to hold off testing I am aware sore breast are a symptom but I'm so confused about the pelvic pain I felt I've read about implantation cramps but would I feel them only near my uterus or pelvic and for 2 days in a row😖 I'm going crazy searching symptoms lol so has anyone experienced these symptoms or the cramps I don't want to get overly excited