TTC #1, 11dpo, age 24-who's with me?!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2015
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Let's be friends! I've been TTC with my hubby since July and no luck so far. Share my journey :)
Hey there! My husband and I have been ttc since October after coming off of bc in sept. I'm 25 and currently on cd 9 of my cycle...hoping this will be our month! :) have you tried temping or opks or anything like that to help pinpoint your O?

Nice to meet you! :)
Its great to meet you! Im def crossing my finger that this is our month. 🙏 I havent tried any opks yet because I thought I could read my body pretty well but obviously that's not working out lol I think if I get AF next week I'm gonna try an opk this month and see what at happens. Have you tried them? Ive been wondering if they work well?
I used an opk last month and I am again this month. I chose to use the clearblue fertility monitor although I've heard the non-digital ones are much cheaper! You just have to read them yourself. I really like having a (somewhat) definite answer as to when I'm ovulating...otherwise I felt like we were just guessing! That got very tiring (lol) and I am impatient and wanted to speed things up a bit ;) I was charting and watching my cm but my cycle wasn't quite following a "typical" cycle so I found it kind of difficult. Although it didn't work last cycle I feel like I have a better idea now as to when I'm ovulating and will be better prepared this month to get that bfp! :)

I see you're 12 dpo...have you been having any early symptoms? Are you going to test soon? Gosh I think at 1 dpo I'm already obsessing over every little symptom, driving myself crazy! Hopefully, for your sake, you're not that way too! ;)
Oh okay yea you know what I think I'll try that next cycle, sounds like it makes thing a little easier! I tried tracking my cm too but it was kind of hard to tell sometimes.
I've been feeling crampy starting as of two days ago. I've also been really tired but that's most likely due to a cold I got from my husband earlier this week (go figure) so who knows. I really thought it had happened last month, I was 4 days late (I'm NEVER late) and I had a lot of cramping, back aches and extra discharge which is weird for me. Needless to say I balled my eyes out when AF came on day 5 ): so I'm trying not to get my hope up this time.
I'm totally the same way as soon as I O I'm like, okay can I test now? Lol SUPER impatient that 2WW sucks man :p
It does make things easier! I think so anyways. I think our problem last month was we waited until we actually got the positive opk to BD when we still should have been BDing before that too- I just really didn't know how to use them and my hubby's work schedule wasn't very cooperative. So that's why I have my hopes up for this month :)

That would have been so heartbreaking!:cry: hopefully this will be your month!!

That 2ww is SO brutal! Although waiting for your O after AF is about just as bad. I literally had myself convinced I was pregnant yesterday (even though I got AF) because I have been obsessing so bad over every little thing and even googled if you can be preggo even after getting your period! Ugh :wacko:

When are you going to test? Sorry...I'm kind of living vicariously through you right now because I am a long ways away from testing myself! :(
I know every time I feel something I Google it lol and it's so hard because literally almost anything can be a pregnancy sign ugh! I've done that so many times even after I'd get a bfn id try to convince myself that it was a false neg but sadly it hasn't been yet.
Well technically AF is due today but since I was a few days late last month I'm gonna give it a couple days I think just in case my body decides to just be late again. If AF doesn't come by Tuesday I think I'll test. But of course until then that's all that I'm going to think about for the next couple days. 😓
Have you felt anything yet? I know your only like 2 or 3dpo but I hear some people can tell right away?
Also I forgot to mention. I had a dream last night that I got a bfp so I dunno if that's a sign or if it's just because I've been thinking about it so much but I hope its telling me something (; haha
Well it's a good sign you haven't gotten AF yet :) maybe those dreams are trying to tell you something! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :happydance:

I actually haven't even O'ed yet :( I'm cd 11...I'm expecting to O cd 20 or around there. My cycles have been so irregular after coming off bc that's its hard to know exactly when- that's why I love my opks ;) so I have a ways to go yet!

Try not to stress these next couple days! If it's meant to be it will happen :) and if it doesn't then there's always next month! Hang in there :)
Oh gotcha you do have a little ways to go. It'll go fast though :)
I woke up to AF this morning...ugh. Its very light but its probably too late to be any kind of IB so its a bfn for this month. :/ but I can tell you right now I am going out and getting opks like asap. Kind of excited to try them out. I have good feeling that they'll help this time around haha
Sorry to hear AF showed up :( but glad that you have a positive outlook on next month! Hopefully the opks help :)
Any updates?? I'm on CD 14 and my opks are still negative. I guess I ovulate late no wonder it hasn't been working haha
Haha well now you know! I found out I was ovulating way later than I thought too but I have a long cycle. I didn't ovulate til cd 27 this cycle! I think the b complex I started taking delayed it because usually O around cd24. Hopefully I'll have a longer LP now due to the b complex so my egg will stick! I'm currently 3 dpo and have been having massive headaches that last all day and I've been very nauseous. I'm been around of a lot of sick kids though so I'm thinking that's why I'm feeling yucky. I also had some weird "snotty" ewcm lots of it (sorry if that's tmi!) which is really weird. I think I'm just driving myself crazy though because it's too early to have any real symptoms!
Oh wow yea I'm in the same boat. In 2dpo now and I'm a little crampy but that's about it for now. I ended up o'ing at like CD 19 so that's pretty late for a normal cycle. I'm now breathing some relief because I now know it hasn't been working because I've been calculating it all wrong instead of thinking there was something wrong with me haha. I guess well be on high alert for more symptoms the next week

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