TTC #1 after Implanon


Dec 1, 2013
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Hello Ladies!

I will be having my Implanon removed on the 24th and am super excited to get started trying to make a tiny human! I have not had a normal cycle since I had it put in, so I will have to spent some time figuring out where I am now. Normally I wouldn't be worried since this will be our first cycle TTC, but a few years a go (in my previous marriage) we were TTC for 18 months with not even a hint of luck, so I am a bit nervous this time.

I would love to have a group of ladies to talk with about all the baby things! My friends have been getting annoyed at me because I might be a little bit obsessed lol!

I look forward to hearing from anyone, especially if you've had any experience with implant type BC!
hi - i'm still in wtt at the moment. I have an implant which i'm hoping to get rid of pretty soon (hopefully by the end of the month) we're planning on ntnp for a while, just until i know my cycle has settled.

Sorry i can't be much help though - never tried before and have no idea how long it will take. Just know i'm completely fed up with my implant now! xxx
Hi Emmy! Thanks for the reply!

We are in the same boat then, after talking with my DH we also have decided to be NTNP. I don't know about you but I am so ready to have this thing removed!

I would love for us to keep in touch during this journey :) best wishes and baby dust to you!
i agree - i'm soo desperate to get this horrible thing out of my arm. I'm struggling to find anyone to take it out at the moment though. I had it put in 3 years ago when i was registered with other doctor surgery, they wont take it out because i'm not registered with them. My current doctor won't take it out because they don't 'do' implants. The local FPA won't take it out without me going for "a couple" of consultations to check that i really do want it out and i understand the risks (?!) (like i might get pregnant i suppose?!)

I'm currently struggling through the process of the FPA removing it but it's a bit of a nightmare because it's in the dodgy end of the local dodgy town and they seem to mostly deal with people who don't want to be pregnant... i have to go to walk in clinic for my first consultation and i'm terrified. I'm 24, married, own a house, but i probably look about 18 and i feel like they're already trying to put me off because they're making assumptions about me. It wouldn't be this difficult if i wanted them to put one in!

Is it simple getting yours taken out? Are you in UK too? I think the support and advice you get varies so much on where you live. xxxx
I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time getting it out, I think they should let you take it out if you want to, it's not a permanent thing, so it is strange to me they would want multiple visits to be sure.
As for me, I'm in the US and this is my second time having an implant removed, other than a long time waiting for an appointment, it has been pretty easy. Though, my first time got pushed back because they scheduled me with a Dr. That didn't 'do' implants either.

Try not to worry too much about them and their assumptions; they don't know you. You are an established adult and can decide it's time to start making a baby when you want to :D Hopefully they don't give you too much more trouble!
So i went to the first consultation and the nurse chatted to me for a bit but then said it sounded like i knew what i wanted, she then offered to take it out there and then! Woop! So it's actually gone! Just like that :D

Hope yours is as quick and easy! xxxx
Hello! Like Emmysocks I am still technically WTT but we're a month away from our TTC date so I'm already looking for TTC buddies! Without going into my very long endo story (all in my journal), I had my implanon removed about a month ago now but I also take Cerelle and I'm going to continue that right up to our date. For me TTC will be a bit of a race - egg vs endo every cycle. My GP tells me that once progesterone only BC stops you can ovulate within days and get pregnant immediately, but I've also heard a lot of women say it took ages for their cycle to return. Will be great to see how you get on!

Emmysocks, it sucks that you're having to fight to get your implant removed. It's your body!! Make it clear from the outset that you WANT to get pregnant and hopefully you'll be respected. I've used family planning before and have had good experiences so I hooe you'll be looked after.

Will you both be trying straight away? What strategy are you going for? Because of my endo and how bad for me my natural menstrual cycle is we're planning to try SMEP straight away.
Hi GraceER - just been over to your journal - what a journey! I can understand you not wanting to be waiting too long with your endo :(

I will be at least waiting for my first proper period after my implant because I know how different my body feels/ felt with the implant and want to feel that it's back to normal before getting pregnant, but if it happens before then... not a lot i can do!

We'll be NTNP for as long as i can remain calm, which honestly probably wont see me far into autumn! xxxx
That's so exciting! I feel like you're my first TTC buddy, our timings will be similar I think. Will be interesting to see how long it takes for you to have AF now it's out. Keep us updated :-D
Not trying to conceive but figured I would chime in - horrrrrendous cycles and I conceived within 2 weeks of getting mine out.

Good luck!
Emmy, I am so happy for you that they were able to help you so quickly! And thanks! I hope it will be quick too!

Hi Grace! Thanks for the reply and welcome! Best of luck with your race, sending lots of baby dust your way! I have heard the same thing about this kind of BC- either you conceive right away or it takes at least six months, is roughly what I've been seeing. We can totally all be buddies! I get mine taken out next week, I am getting so excited! ^_^

Modified- Thank you so much for the relpy! Wow, two weeks, that is awesome! Congrats on your little sticky bean, a happy and healthy 9 months to you!!!
Oh, also, we will be NTNP as long as I can handle. DH just wants to "let it happen" but I might get antsy pretty quick and want to be more involved. I think he just doesn't want to be pressured about making a baby all the time, so as long as I don't refer to it as that, it should be fine ^_^
Thanks - i'm glad its gone now. Already feeling like my body is returning to normal. The entire last 5 weeks of having my implant in i had one long period - it stopped the next day after them taking it out (possibly coincidence). Also (i'm going there) my sex drive is better (felt dampened on the implant) i used to feel like i wanted sex but that my body just wasnt working. Its been only a fews days but its different! Early days but feeling hopeful.

That's brilliant that you'll be ntnp too. Definitely need to buddy up. I'm managing to stay relaxed about it at the moment but as soon as i think my body is back to normal especically if i can tell that i'm ovulating (i used to 8 years ago before implants and pills) i might not be so chilled anymore...

Only a few more days until yours is out too xxxx
Wow Emmy, it sounds like we've had extremely similar experiences with the implant! My periods on it last several weeks (not heavy, mostly spotting) and I felt like a sex drive had been "turned off" lol
Did you have any issues with weird mood swings? I've noticed I have and it started to get pretty bad, and was one of the reasons we wanted to get it taken out early.

It is great that you are feeling back to normal!

As for me, DH and I have been doing a lot of work around the house (we just bought our first), we hung a bunch of pictures and it is really starting to look like a home! I am so excited! Today we will be spending the day fishing so we will definately get time some time to relax :)

I hope you ladies had a good weekend!
ah wow! we've just bought our first house too! this is so weird! Yeah i used to get very strange mood swings, i'd feel suddenly very sad and upset, sometimes angry for no good reason.

We've been sorting the house today too. We're having a few problems with a wall we've had replastered and it's really stressing out Mr Socks. I've been painting the bedroom furniture and thinking about babies. Back to work tomorrow
We have spent all weekend packing and cleaning! It's hard work and very tiring. Almost done now though! Will pack the last few boxes tomorrow. Met my little endo support group for a Waffle House breakfast this morning. They all got me good luck cards and an orchid for the new flat! So sweet of them. They are sad I'm moving away but I know we'll stay in touch.

I'm jealous of you ladies with your house buying! We'd love a place of our own. Need to wait a few years though not just because of money, we really have no idea where we'll even live after Hull! I don't mind renting for now, just have to put up with other people's choice of decor.

I'm having an ultrasound of my pelvis tomorrow to see if I have any cysts etc since my last round of hormone therapy ended. Fingers crossed it's good news.
Emmy, congrats on the house! And I love painting furniture! I just refinished a table that I found. Alao, it is weird about the mood swings, have they seemed to stop since you have had it removed?

Grace- I had time to read some of your journal today, what an experiance,and all while going through med school! Your group sounds so nice! I hope there is one for you where you are moving to :)
How did your ultrasound go today? Good news, I hope!
mrsmicci -I feel like a new person since i had it removed. it's only been gone 5 days but i feel so much happier in myself (though this could be a side-effect of ttc getting nearer) i feel more emotionally stable in general but we'll see how that goes!

Have painted almost all the bedroom furniture (wardrobe/ drawers/ bedsides) all matching white and grey - so happy with it :D nothing is safe from my paintbrush now!

Grace - we rented for 6 years, i understand but definitely think renting isn't too bad - at least if something goes wrong with the house (structure/ plumbing/ most stuff really) it's someone elses responsibility. We had a really fantastic landlady who fixed most things very quickly (now we own a house i don't think we appreciated her enough) but our mortgage is much less than renting so i think it's balanced on advantages/ disadvantages!

Also good luck with your scan - fingers crossed for you :D
Emmysocks, you are so right about appreciating the landlord! We really do, especially when our boiler broke down and we were so glad we wouldn't be paying for any of the repairs! We'll buy when the time is right.

My scan went great thanks ladies! No cysts and my uterus has tipped forward to anteverted after years of being retroverted so that's even better!
Hi Ladies! I'm off to bed, I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing.

Grace, I am so happy for you that your scan went well!

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