Ttc #1 after miscarriage buddies??


Oct 31, 2015
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I have NO girls in my family what so ever. So no one to talk to. My fiance and I are ttc but he has no idea the terms and how it all works! We experienced a miscarriage in July and i would love to have people to talk to and share our stories/symptoms/excitement !
Hi Bella!

I'm 33, DH is 31. I've had 2 mc's. Doctor believes I have pcos due to not ovulating regularly, low estrogen and progesterone, long LH surge which makes using those opk sticks impossible. We tried one month of clomid days 5-9 unmonitored=bfn. Started seeing an RE and after nothing is seriously wrong with DH or myself, he concluded I have a mild case of pcos. We tried our first IUI the month of october, 50iu of gonal f injectibles for 12 days, then ovidrel trigger. Turns out my LH surge confused the doctors. My progesterone levels indicated I never ovulated so we repeated another trigger and IUI a week later. Still no ovulation! They believe I didnt have any mature eggs, just cysts. Starting this friday we are beginning 75 iu of gonal f injectibles. I will go in for bloodwork and ultrasound every 3 days to be closely monitored. I have 31 eggs to work with this cycle, so I'm hoping to see at least one or two mature!

How have you been doing?? Where are you at in your cycle?
Hi! I MC'd in March. Then I went back on birth control in fear of not wanting a baby incase it happened again. lol. Stopped taking the pilll.. and here we are... One week late. Trying not to get my hopes up.

He already has 1 kid so I feel like the novelty wore off. Kind of feel alone.

Any luck yet? :)
hi Peanut,

The good thing about trying right after coming off the pill is your cycle is regulated so your body should work like clockwork! Hopefully you guys get your BFP! When are you going to test?? Any symptoms yet?

I'm still stimming. Looks like I should be ready for this month's IUI on Monday or Tuesday. It appears as though I have a few follicles growing, my lead follicle being 12mm. Hopefully it grows enough by Monday.
Hi hope and peanut ! So glad you guys joined. I'm currently 21 days late!!! I have not been able to get a bfp. So I had blood work done a few days ago and am waiting for the results. My doctor thinks I just missed a cycle and told me I should have gotten a clear positive at 5dpo if I really was pregnant... well I say she's crazy and still have hope! This is my 3rd cycle since my mc. I don't know if I should count November as my 4th cycle since I never got a period. I'm beginning to think I may have pcos since we've been doing everything right. But again I'm new at this. We weren't trying when we did get pregnant so I have no idea if I'm ovulating regularly or anything. I've had a consistent 35-37 day cycle since the mc so this missed period is out of no where for still getting bfn! Also I'm scared that I didn't receive enough help during my mc. I was almost 7 weeks and called my doctor as soon as I started bleeding. He told me not to worry its common. Well I never got much bleeding at all maybe all together half a pad of blood through the whole process. I only had cramps before and i just associated it with my uterus stretching. Well I took another test after I stopped bleeding and it was negative so I went to the doc. And all he had to say was "well I guess you miscarried" he didn't do anything and I'm wondering if maybe I needed a D&C and I may have not shed everything by now. Is that possible? I know I'm probably just worrying but I still feel uneasy. Im so scared of this happening again.
Wow we sound a like! After my first miscarriage I needed the D&C because my body never rejected it after the heartbeat stopped. My second miscarriage I bled out lots of tissue so I know I passed it. But if you just had some light bleeding, I think you should have your doctor do an ultrasound to see if there's anything left over. that could very well be the reason for not getting your period.
I tested on the 8th and again on the 13th with BFNs. My breasts are sore and I swear my bladder is now the size of a raisin, I have veins everywhere and slight cramping in my hips but I'm still not getting my hopes up. I will be going into the doctors tomorrow to get some blood work done.

Bella_lor I agree with Hope! I say go in and get checked out to make sure everything is out, just in case... Do you know if you have positive or negative blood? the RH factor might be something to look into? When I miscarried they gave me a shot for it because my blood is negative...

Also! Some woman get their BFP over a MONTH after they conceived :) don't give up hope!
Same to you peanut, some women don't see their bfp until 3 weeks after. See what your beta levels come back as. Those are some pretty convincing symptoms.
I think AF might have shown up just now.. Not too sure. Still going to wait for my results within the next two days... Now I'm REALLY nervous. Blah.
hopefully it's nothing ...maybe implantation bleeding! still staying postive for you.

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