Hello! I am new to ttc (3rd month) and I would love to join ladies! I'm 28 and husband is 30. I'm on cd13, but have long cycles usually around 32 days. I'm charting, but I feel like it might be off with my actual ovulation.. Suggestions?!
Hello! I am new to ttc (3rd month) and I would love to join ladies! I'm 28 and husband is 30. I'm on cd13, but have long cycles usually around 32 days. I'm charting, but I feel like it might be off with my actual ovulation.. Suggestions?!
Hi all
Im currently TTC for #1 too!! I am 29 and my boyfriend is 31. I was on the pill for 10/11 years until the end of Feb this year. I stopped taking them and we were casually trying at first.
Last month i decided to start using the Clearblue ovulation test kits which i found helpful in pin pointing my specific days. I havent tried taking my temp yet.
I did start to take Pregnacare Conception vitamins but i read a few things online which put me off. Has anyone had any experiences with them?
I read how they were messing with some womens cycles and they werent showing up as ovulating on tests whilst taking them. 2 days after i stopped taking them i got my 1st positive ovulation reading. Im not sure if it was just a coincidence or if they were having any affect as it wasnt until my 24th day.
Im looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing our experiences.
Good luck to you allx