Hi all, I've lurked around this site for months, but this is my first post. Thanks ahead of time for reading my long-winded question.
My son is 14 months old. I got my first period since he was born at the beginning of March, and we wanted to TTC right away. My cycles seemed like I remembered them, except a longer period of spotting before full flow and lighter bleeding in general. I hadn't started temping, but I was monitoring CM and really felt I saw a buildup mid-cycle including 1 day of EWCM. After 2 "cycles", my last one got really weird and now I'm not sure if I've been ovulating yet at all.
This cycle started out with a full week of spotting before getting a few days of heavy flow, so it was about 2 weeks of spotting/bleeding in all. Not sure what would have counted as CD1 there. About a week after my "period" stopped, I had one instance of seeing pink CM after having a bm. Although I didn't notice any EWCM, I thought maybe I was ovulating so we made sure to dtd that day. Three days after that I had a little bit of red/pink spotting once during the day. Now it's a few days later and today I have noticed a more significant amount of brown stringy spotting and I have mild cramps.
I am so stumped. Once I read that it can take several cycles for your estrogen levels to build up enough to ovulate, I kind of stopped paying attention to everything and am just waiting for a normal-seeming period...which hasn't happened since my son was born.
Has anybody else had weird, unexplained spotting while trying to conceive a 2nd? Just a side note, my son has weaned fully recently, so breastfeeding isn't clouding the issue anymore.
Thanks to anybody who takes the time to read this, think about it, and write a response!
My son is 14 months old. I got my first period since he was born at the beginning of March, and we wanted to TTC right away. My cycles seemed like I remembered them, except a longer period of spotting before full flow and lighter bleeding in general. I hadn't started temping, but I was monitoring CM and really felt I saw a buildup mid-cycle including 1 day of EWCM. After 2 "cycles", my last one got really weird and now I'm not sure if I've been ovulating yet at all.
This cycle started out with a full week of spotting before getting a few days of heavy flow, so it was about 2 weeks of spotting/bleeding in all. Not sure what would have counted as CD1 there. About a week after my "period" stopped, I had one instance of seeing pink CM after having a bm. Although I didn't notice any EWCM, I thought maybe I was ovulating so we made sure to dtd that day. Three days after that I had a little bit of red/pink spotting once during the day. Now it's a few days later and today I have noticed a more significant amount of brown stringy spotting and I have mild cramps.
I am so stumped. Once I read that it can take several cycles for your estrogen levels to build up enough to ovulate, I kind of stopped paying attention to everything and am just waiting for a normal-seeming period...which hasn't happened since my son was born.
Has anybody else had weird, unexplained spotting while trying to conceive a 2nd? Just a side note, my son has weaned fully recently, so breastfeeding isn't clouding the issue anymore.
Thanks to anybody who takes the time to read this, think about it, and write a response!