I will start this post off by saying hello!

I am new here to babyandbump and was hoping for a better and more helpful experience than I had on the forums at BabyCenter. I'm certain I've done about as much research as any one woman can but I'm sure just getting it out there and telling someone will help the anxiety I've been dealing with. I will also apologize ahead of time about how long this post may be because I tend to jabber.
I am 23 years old and my husband and I are TTC our first pregnancy.
I was on the Depo Provera shot as my form of birth control for many years (too many and it was a terrible idea. I do not recommend depo as a long term birth control method. It caused me a lot of issues and stress). After a year of struggling to get my cycle back I finally checked out normal and perfectly healthy by my OBGYN. I finally got my regular period back after being off of depo for a full year and 1 month.
My last period was on February 4th and it was very light and short (about 3 days). I calculated everything on a calendar (I am unsure how long my cycle actually is but I calculated as 28 days because they were usually pretty regular before depo) and I ovulated on February 18th, right on schedule. I had light brown discharge and very light pink when I whipped once and then no more. My husband and I had unprotected sex all through my ovulation period (Feb. 13 - 21) at least once to twice a day. I got too eager and purchased a Clearblue Advanced HPT and tested on Feb. 28th. This was far too early, I know, and it was of course BFN.
On March 3rd (the day before my period was due) I felt slight cramps in my lower tummy that were extremely similar to period cramps but no where near as painful or consistent. I felt these slight cramps a little bit at a time for about 2 days but they got less and less noticeable as time went on. My period never came and I am now 8 days late.
I am now 22 DPO and still nothing but BFN. But I have pretty much every pregnancy symptom in the book.
Moodiness/feeling wheepy
Bloating and slight tummy aches
Very slight puffiness in the face
Achy muscles and fatigue
Change in appetite
Slight back pains
Sore breasts
More noticeable veins in my wrists, hands, and breasts
(sorry if TMI on these next ones)
Darkening and sensitive nipples
(Nipples feel almost swollen and look bigger??)
A white thick discharge almost like egg whites. It isn't really runny or liquid its more gooey and thick. No funny smell or color just white and odorless. It mostly happens when my husband and I have intercourse but sometimes just during my regular day.
When my husband and I have sex it feels different. As if I am way tighter than before, almost like I am swollen? It doesn't hurt or get irritating just feels "different". My husband notices it too.
I just FEEL pregnant. Like I am almost sure of it but I just absolutely can not get a positive HPT. I have tried Clearblue, EPT, First Response, and the cheap 88 cent ones. All BFN. I have no tested since about 3 days ago but I am terrified because the more negatives I get the more I lose hope and become depressed. I am just ready to be out of this limbo and to have a test confirm what I feel I already know.
Have any of you ever had this experience or know someone who couldn't get a BFP but were indeed pregnant? What else could be going on if I am not pregnant? Because at this point it seems almost impossible that I am not. I can't see anything else being the problem. Please share any information or helpful advice or stories with me. And again I apologize for the ridiculously long post. I thank anyone who took the time to read it and even if I don't get any replies I'm glad I could get it off my chest.