TTC Advice from clinic today...


Mom to Kai & Ivy
Mar 22, 2010
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Hi girls

Hope everyone is doing ok. I went in for my 2nd scan today to see if anything was still there, traumatic especially seeing other pg women walking about, but yes the sac was still there and it had grown,still no heartbeat - so I have finally been booked in for a d&c on Monday morning. Was in tears again today that it has come to this.. :-( But am trying to look forward to trying again and getting a sticky bean this time.

So me and DH had a lovely talk to the nurse, I of course was asking lots of questions about when we can try again. She gave the usual spin of waiting one cycle at least to give my body time to prepare itself and recover and also for dating reasons. Now when I read this up online I was thinking, dating reasons.. well they can just date the bean on a scan! But she said something that really made us think.. if we try straight away, ie before af, we won't know our OV or dates... and when they scan you, they might not see anything at all. It might be a 5 week old sac again! So then they have to make you wait 2 weeks to scan you again and she said to me that women who have gone through a m/c will be extra worried and those 2 weeks will probably be the longest 2 weeks of their lives, and that it will be a waiting game/traumatic time just seeing if bean is even there. I just thought that was probably true so I thought I'd post it here.

But of course its hard not to want to ttc straight away, I am thinking I might chart myself from now to see when OV is... does that work? Anyone have any advice on that? I bought a digital thermometer from boots today especially to start charting.

Big loves to all you girlies out there XX
I'm sorry about your loss Hun:hugs:
Thinking about you for Monday.....u seem very strong about it which is great. I love yr attitiude towards it! Its good that ur lookin to the future but also give yrself a bit of time to get over this experience too!

Charting is a good indicator of O and PG but very stressful as you need to take it at the same time each morn before you have put one foot outta the bed. This means settin yr alarm for same time u would get outta bed for work throughout the week. x
thanks for your messages girls. thank you ... but I don't feel strong:-( I thought I was feeling better last night, but cried on the bus this morning and then on the tube started sobbing much to everyone's bemusement. The nurse at the clinic was so lovely though and she really made me feel better. Though everytime she said 'i'm so sorry that your'e here' - I started crying! I guess its just ups and downs b/c thats how i'm feeling.

Coming on here really really helps me though, its so great you can reach out and speak to other people going through the same thing at the same time.

Sorry for your loss hun. I think the nurse spoke a lot of sense ;-)
hope u get that sticky bfp asap xxx
Hi hun,
I am going to call the hosp back tomorrow to arrange my scan as they said they'd call me in a week which would mean not calling me until tue to get me in. I had a v traumatic day today. I believe i passed the sac today, was about 4 inches long, slightly curved and solid, fleshy and bloody. Does anyone know if this would definitely be it? I cant manage anymore so need them to scan me and if not all out -GET THE REST OUT. I cant move forward until everything is gone.
Sorry back to subject, i am desperate to try again and wondered if, if i chart and use OPK's to pinpoint ovulation is it safe not to wait for another period (doc said wait 1 period) coz i want to be pregnant again so badly.
Have you gone bk to work already? I feel like i cant face it. Am absolutely dreading it. x
i am so sorry to hear of your loss. it is truly a horrible horrible experience. and your hormones are crashing which makes it so much worse. it has been 3 months since my third miscarriage and i keep thinking i am finally getting over it but suddenly get hit with awful depression about it. i think it takes time to heal emotionally, which is another good reason to wait a bit. that said, i haven't had a regular period yet and we are ttc again. if we do get lucky i won't really have a clue when it would have happened, but figure the doctors/scans will eventually sort that out!
i am thinking of you. take care of yourself. you will get through this.
oh mlyn26 - i'm so sorry for you...thats awful:-( my sac is still intact from the scan and I haven't passed anything like that - it does sound like you have passed the sac though.

I went in the walk in EPU clinic, a day before my booked appointment, as i couldn't take it anymore either. First of all the dr said she wouldn't scan me as its too early, but i burst into tears and demanded a scan, I said I don't mind coming back on Monday to scan again but PLEASE scan me now so I can just see whats going on. Well, she did scan me and the sac had grown to above their guideline to officially diagnose the start of m/c so they booked me in for d&c on Monday. If you're not handling things, please go in. I feel a bit better knowing that the end of this chapter is nearly over and that we can start again. It doesn't make it any less painful, and I'm still sad and this will change me forever, but I want to move on now.

I know what you mean about work, I've taken the week off - but i'm self employed and have lost money as i don't get paid/holiday leave. I am absolutely dreading going back to work. I can't face anyone anyway - the only people I have been ok to see this week are my mum, DH and a friend who has been through this herself. My best friend gave birth on the same day, in the same hospital - as I was having my m/c - when I went in on Sunday for my scan to see that there was no baby, she was on the labour ward cuddling her baby. Of course I am so happy for her - but its so painful I haven't even been able to talk about it until now. I haven't been able to talk to her, or see her. And I feel terrible but its just too raw right now.

Mlyn - I took my temp this morning and am charting from now (have to read up on it as i'm confused still) but we are going to ttc as soon as the bleeding stops. I'm just trying to pinpoint OV just so I can give dates should the AMAZING happen and we fall PG.

lots of hugs to you and best of luck keep posting here and keep me updatedxx
lilly27 i am pleased you were assertive, we have to look after ourselves and do whats best for us as no one else will. I am calling today and hopefully will get an apt for scan on Mon or Tues. If anything still there (altho like you said i truly think i passed it) then i will demand a D&C ASAP. I do feel less pain today tho so am wondering if almost over for me, please let it be.

I am normally a really confident person but feel like i cant even leave the house, i feel really anxious and nervy. My left eye muscles keep twitching like a tic which is really odd??

My DH has had to stay off this week with me as i have been really clingy and tearful. He was going to go to work thurs as doesn;t get paid if doesnt go in but will go bk on Monday now instead.

I charted before and found it useful. I have also ordered some OPK's as gave all mine away to my TTC friend when i got preggers!

I hope Monday goes okay for you hun. I'll be thinking of you.

I so hope we are preg again really soon xxx

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