Ttc after d&c

I am new to this site, I am so sorry for everyones loss. I had a D&C on the 9/01 this was my first pregnacy i was 10 weeks along when we found out the baby had died at 8 weeks.. i really want to start trying straight away but i am scared..
After my D&C i bleed for 2 days then stopped.. then yesterday i started to bleed again and now nothing.. has anyone had anything like this?? and do you think it is safe to start trying again. x

Lukas, I have had two d&c's last year. One in May and then another in November. After my May, I bleed for just a few days (really just spotted) and then I was fine and then this past one in November, I spotted for a day, nothing for about 4 days and then full fledged heaving bleeding and passing large clots. It all depends on your hormones and whats going on inside your uterus.

As for trying, I highly suggest waiting for at least one cycle. When they do a d&c, they go into your uterus and scrape (or suction) everything out and your uterus is raw. It needs time to heal and build back up before you try so that its more likely to hold the next pregnancy.

I am not saying its not possible to have a)get pregnant without having one period or b) keeping the pregnancy full term, but both times and two different doctors (one of which was a specialist) has told me that you should wait a minimum of two months (usually the length of time between a d&c and the first period). Both of my POC stopped developing around 6 weeks which is pretty early. I don't know if the two week difference makes a difference in time it takes your uterus to bounce back.

You should discuss with your doctor just to be safe, but I would say wait at least a period and then have at it.
Hi all just an update, so its been 3 weeks now since my d&c emotionally I'm feeling alot better had a pretty hard time for the first week, so me and oh started bding again a week after the d&c, I have started to feel a little sick and have had a headache the last 2 days so I took a pregnancy test and it was a faint positive but I don't know if that is left over from mc or new pregnancy, all my symptoms from last preg were all gone the day after d&c so these are new symptoms, I go back to my doctors on the 13th so I guess I won't know for sure until then
Hi all,

Firstly I'm sorry for your loss and know what u are going through! I had 2mmc during 2011 with 2 d&c's. We went private 2nd time and were told not to have sex for a week or until bleeding had stopped to reduce the risk of infection.

We were also told not to start trying again until atleast 3 periods!! I don't want to wait another month though - what does anyone think?!

We are desperate to start trying again but am sooo scared!!

Sunshinegirl x

hey I had a d&c on 29th dec 2011 after a natural miscarriage and then an infectiona week later...and i was told i could wait 6 week before trying again, because i lost SO much blood and had to have a blood transfussion, but then we have decided to wait 12 weeks (3 cycles) as my period came back after 4 weeks i feel like i would be better to wait that long (march 9th!) coz then i feel like i will not be risking anything and uterus would have healed...i would love to start now though, but then...i dont know..i just cant wait :) all the best everyone
JayJay that is so exciting, make sure you keep us updated.. It will be 4 weeks on Monday since my D&C hoping to get af soon.. We have dtd a couple of times since the D&C so fingers crossed get a bfp soon.. Good luck and I will have my fingers crossed for you x
Thanx Lukas will def keep u all updated, hope u get ur bfp soon too
Just an update for u all I have had bloods done on Saturday and that showed that my hcg was between 25-50 but that didn't really tell us anything so I go back tomorrow to have another test done and will have the results of them Friday so will update again then, either way I'll just be happy to know what's going on and know where my levels are
hi all i new to this site, i had a d&c 25/08.11 i was bleeding for a week and my dr tols me i could start tryin strait away again after i had stoped bleeding, now 6mnth down the line and still waiting for my bfp, my periods are normaly regular as clock wor every 28days and ov every month except the last three months my periods have been every 33days and i havent ov i had a 21day bloods done at docs 2day to see if im ov and to check for polycistic ov too, so waiting for result to come back for that, BUT i need help on this next bit guys so please bare with me, if i was on my normal 28day period id be due in 7 day buh if i was to go by my 33 day period then id be due on in 12days, i took a pregnancy test today (dunno y it was there and i supose it was jus habbit cause of the amount i take each month silly i kno) and thinking to myself y im even doing this for when we all kno its gonna come up with a big fat NO, well after two mins a faint line apeared (the test was one of those bule clear test the one with the cross for a possative for those who kno what i mean) and looking at the test now its even more clearer, i took the test around 1pm, i got all excited and happy then it dawned on me this couldnt be right im not due on for another 7-12days so i went and brought a clear blue digi and tha came up NOT PREGNANT, i herd of fake negative buh never a fake possative so i dont kno what to think any one got any dvice on what i should do? thanx all and im too very sorry for all of ur losses i kno how hard it is x x x
Hi Vicx, I am sorry for your loss.
I am not sure about what's going on with your pregnancy test. I have heard something about the "blue-dye" tests not being totally accurate. Its good that you are getting some tests done, maybe that will give you some answers. Were yo using OPKs or temping to see if you had O'd? How do you know you didn't? I hope you get some answers.
So just an update, my hcg levels were 19 last Tuesday and had more blood taken today so will get those results Wednesday, on Saturday just gone I noticed a little bit of blood but it was kinda pinky brown when I wiped and only lasted til Sunday night Monday morning, I spoke to my doctor today about it and she said it could be ovulation or implantation or my period, so frustrating getting no answers, it's been 4 weeks 3 days since d&c, I just want to start trying again but it's so hard when I have no idea where I am in my cycle, not doing too well emotionally at the moment, just want to know what's going on, hopefully Wednesday I'll get some answers
hi all i new to this site, i had a d&c 25/08.11 i was bleeding for a week and my dr tols me i could start tryin strait away again after i had stoped bleeding, now 6mnth down the line and still waiting for my bfp, my periods are normaly regular as clock wor every 28days and ov every month except the last three months my periods have been every 33days and i havent ov i had a 21day bloods done at docs 2day to see if im ov and to check for polycistic ov too, so waiting for result to come back for that, BUT i need help on this next bit guys so please bare with me, if i was on my normal 28day period id be due in 7 day buh if i was to go by my 33 day period then id be due on in 12days, i took a pregnancy test today (dunno y it was there and i supose it was jus habbit cause of the amount i take each month silly i kno) and thinking to myself y im even doing this for when we all kno its gonna come up with a big fat NO, well after two mins a faint line apeared (the test was one of those bule clear test the one with the cross for a possative for those who kno what i mean) and looking at the test now its even more clearer, i took the test around 1pm, i got all excited and happy then it dawned on me this couldnt be right im not due on for another 7-12days so i went and brought a clear blue digi and tha came up NOT PREGNANT, i herd of fake negative buh never a fake possative so i dont kno what to think any one got any dvice on what i should do? thanx all and im too very sorry for all of ur losses i kno how hard it is x x x

Hi, that is confusing. I think it would have to be a very sensitive test if you got a + 7 days before expected AF (let alone 12). Very hard to guess whats going on with the Oving.
This was a few days ago now...did it resolve itself?
I want to join I had a D&C on 12/6 god its still hard for me i think id be thins far along now... but, I am ready to ttc again I am just getting over my first AF took long enough to get but, it came. I'm not sure when I am set to ov since my cycle is different then it used to be. But I figure I'll just try and see what happens. Anyone else have a loss around the same time ttc? I'm not sure if its too soon but, I really want to ttc again! :flower:

My MC was from trisomy 21 I found that out a couple weeks ago dr said that its normal most ppl that have mc's don't know it but most times its problem like that, that cause it. I found out my little bean was a boy. So hard but, i look forward to the future and a BFP and healthy baby.
I had a missed miscarriage on the 16th of December 2011, D&C on the 23rd December 2011 and TTC on the 30th/31st December 2011. We TTC 2 days after the bleeding stopped post D&C and I bled for the next couple of days - nothing major. However, first AF post D&C I bled VERY heavily. I'm talking soaking 18 maxi pads over the space of 17 hours - not good. The bleeding lasted for about 8 days as opposed to my normal 5 and I passed a few clots just be careful. :)
Hey everyone! I had a d&c at 12 wks on January 13th. It took 4wks and 1 day for af to return for me and it just ended yesterday. It was VERY light compared to my usual periods, so I was really glad we didn't try before af came as my lining was obviously too thin! Up until today I had been planning on waiting for one more af to ttc again, but now I'm just not sure. I'm thinking ntnp this month is in order! Rather than not ttc at all.

Question: If your uterine lining is too thin, can you still get pregnant? Seems to me that if it is too thin then implantation wouldn't be able to take place. Anyone know anything about it?
Also, in regards to your uterine lining being thinner after a d&c because they clean it all out... I'm pretty sure every period you have, your lining completely sheds. So I don't think it could really be much thinner just because you had a d&c or mc. If it is thinner, I would guess it's hormonal since everything is out of whack after a loss....
Hey everyone we are TTC are our loss back in Dec. I'm a little scared but, I really wanted to ttc again so we started the other day and we will see what happens! I'm not sure on my cycle as I only had one AF since my D&C and that just ended the other day so its kind of hit or miss. Someone told me to try to :sex: everyother day and we should see a BFP soon after that. I'll try and see what happens. Anyone else working on a :baby: now too.

Baby dust to all

I had a missed miscarriage on the 16th of December 2011, D&C on the 23rd December 2011 and TTC on the 30th/31st December 2011. We TTC 2 days after the bleeding stopped post D&C and I bled for the next couple of days - nothing major. However, first AF post D&C I bled VERY heavily. I'm talking soaking 18 maxi pads over the space of 17 hours - not good. The bleeding lasted for about 8 days as opposed to my normal 5 and I passed a few clots just be careful. :)

I too had a missed miscarriage on the 16th dec 2011 and i was 12 weeks but baby measured 11.5 saw baby whe he/she came out on 22 dec.. i then got an infection and d&c on 29th! we thought we would try straight away but because i lot loads of blood and had a blood transfusion and all that we decided to having my AF now (2nd one) and then we will ttc. very excited and feel that i have been good to will be 12 weeks since by the time i am due to do a pregnancy tets..please let us all know how u go ..never thoguht i would be as excited again but i guess your body knows when it's ready!
take care x
I am so sorry for everyones loss, its so hard.. i recently just had my first AF after the d&c it returned exactly 4 weeks after i was happy coz i new we could start trying again i have been using OPK and started testing around CD9 i am not at CD14 and i still haven't got a positive we have been trying all weekend just in case but nothing
i really hope i ovulate soon its driving me crazy!!
hope we all get positives soon
Hey all, just an update so I'm just short of 6 weeks after d&c and my hcg levels are finally at 5, I had all the signs of ovulation over the weekend so now the waiting begins for my period or a bfp
hi all i new to this site, i had a d&c 25/08.11 i was bleeding for a week and my dr tols me i could start tryin strait away again after i had stoped bleeding, now 6mnth down the line and still waiting for my bfp, my periods are normaly regular as clock wor every 28days and ov every month except the last three months my periods have been every 33days and i havent ov i had a 21day bloods done at docs 2day to see if im ov and to check for polycistic ov too, so waiting for result to come back for that, BUT i need help on this next bit guys so please bare with me, if i was on my normal 28day period id be due in 7 day buh if i was to go by my 33 day period then id be due on in 12days, i took a pregnancy test today (dunno y it was there and i supose it was jus habbit cause of the amount i take each month silly i kno) and thinking to myself y im even doing this for when we all kno its gonna come up with a big fat NO, well after two mins a faint line apeared (the test was one of those bule clear test the one with the cross for a possative for those who kno what i mean) and looking at the test now its even more clearer, i took the test around 1pm, i got all excited and happy then it dawned on me this couldnt be right im not due on for another 7-12days so i went and brought a clear blue digi and tha came up NOT PREGNANT, i herd of fake negative buh never a fake possative so i dont kno what to think any one got any dvice on what i should do? thanx all and im too very sorry for all of ur losses i kno how hard it is x x x

Hi, that is confusing. I think it would have to be a very sensitive test if you got a + 7 days before expected AF (let alone 12). Very hard to guess whats going on with the Oving.
This was a few days ago now...did it resolve itself?

hi there roroll yes it did get sorted i got a :bfp: very faint one at first thn done a digi today and got a massive pregnant staring back at me im about 5weeks and 1 day all very excited x

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