Well looks like I'm out this month, AF due today or tomorrow and have had my pre AF migraine all day today. I get it every month a day or two before AF arrives so look like another bfn again for me (I have been testing for the last four days lol). Ever month I'm convinced this is the month but it never is!!
Good luck to everyone else xx
I'm 13dpo my luteal phase is normally 13 or 14dpo, so was expecting AF today or tommorow x
Now I don't know if it's my cervix or vaginal walls. I checked again and I had to push through to get up into my vagina. So I think it was just swollen walls. But when I tried to check for my cervix I couldn't find it. I'm glad I have a doctor appointment Friday lol. Cause I'm just barely bleeding. It's not a normal period for me at all.
It sounds like a weird af to me but good luck to you !