Popz the internet messed up so my bid didnt go through because i counted down to put it in for 20 secs left iv emailed seller so hopefully he will let me have it lol! xx
No Hayley - stupid effin internet decided to be a assh*le and crash xx
I had a look if any simular but non that under £200 ffs lol!! im in a bad bad mood now! lol! *mardy emotional ttc alert* haha xxx
Hello ladies, I was hoping I could join! I had a tubal reversal on the 21st of october 2010, bfp Dec 23rd mc on the 4th of Jan. I know my hcg levels are down to zero because they keep an eye on me since the surgery to make sure it was not in the tubes. Af usually arrives anywhere from the 23-25th every month , I am hoping that af will be kind enough to come along then so I can start ttc again.
Oh, I forgot to add, I am 33 DH is 32 I have 2 kiddos from previous marriage and DH does not have any of his own. I would also love one of those siggys!
Babydust to you all
im also ttc 2011 after a loss xx
ive a scan on 20th to see that everythings ok, its doesnt feel like it, thinking ive PCOS or something
will update u , fx with a soonx, been ttc2 since april , mc in july
Hi Ladies,
How are you all? I need to catch up and read posts!
So I am 9DPO today and have had a bit of spotting it was just when I went to the toilet it was small bit of bright red/pink cm. Could this be implantation or do you think my AF arriving early? My cycle is usually 32/33 days so am a bit confused!! Today is CD28 after MC.
Baby dust to you all!