TTC and 34


Jun 16, 2014
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Hi ladies,
This is my first post on here and have to say that all of this TTC is messing with my head! I keep thinking that I'm pregnant - I get all of the symptoms and the AF appears and I want to cry! This is my 5th cycle since trying and each month is getting more difficult with other friends announcing they're pregnant. I've started peeing on ovulation sticks now though and am finally ovulating - on day 18 of my cycle. I thought that it was supposed to happen a lot earlier in the cycle? They'll be lots of BD over the next few days :happy dance:

Is anyone else in a similar position? xx
Hi, yes I'm in the same boat. I've been trying for about 8 months on and off. Got to admit thought it would be a lot easier than this! I don't know if it's cos I'm 34 or if it will just happen eventually.

Slightly terrified of all the acronyms used, only know TTC and google the rest!

I usually ovulate around day 18 of my 28 day cycle. Apparently the whole day 14 thing is a myth. I found a really good app today from reading other posts. It's called fertility friend and it charts all your cycles, ovulation days etc so it's easier to pin point the best 3 days to try. I've just set it up and it looks really good. Might be worth a look. The whole fertility & ovulation thing is mind boggling when you get into it but this app does it for you.

Good luck & keep us posted.

I'm trying today, hubby has been warned so we will see!
Hi Baby steps!

Great to hear that I'm not the only one struggling with all of the acronyms. Some are easy to work out but others are so confusing. I have downloaded Fertility Friend but haven't really used it yet as I a already using Period Diary and My Days. Think I might end up transferring all of my data on there is this month doesn't work though. We BD last night and will be tonight and tomorrow. My hubby has been pre warned too! :) He says that it's a tough life but someone has to do it - cheeky!

I'm due on a week Saturday so really keeping everything crossed!

Going to go for urine tests tomorrow though as I have this feeling that I need to go all of the time - it's really irritating. I'm thinking it's an infection so want to get that sorted asap.

Keep me posted on how you are doing x
Spooky, I am due a couple of days after you.

Hopefully we will both have some good news!

Speak soon x
It's the 2WW (a new acronym that this website has taught me!) that I find the hardest. I start to show symptoms that say that I am pregnant but I reckon they are in my head because I want this so bad! Trying really hard this month to not look for things and to stay positive. Just have a feeling that this isn't my month!

Any top tips on not going crazy over the next two weeks?? xx
Lol, no tips I'm afraid. We tried yesterday & today I have felt really tired & without being too graphic a bit 'smelly' you know where. Made me feel hopeful. There could be a million reasons but can't help feeling hopeful this month. I think you do have months where u feel it won't happen & months where everything feels right. Only thing you can do us try & distract yourself & don't analyse every symptom. Log them & forget about them.

I try & tell myself all these frustrations will be worth it when it happens!
Let's just hope that we're not waiting for too long!

Is your hubby supportive and understand how hard it is to get pregnant? I'm finding that my hubby wants to be supportive, but just like the wedding planning, he's letting me do all the reading and stuff and he doesn't understand why I'm upset when we've miss ovulation day cause he "wasn't feeling up to it!"

Ahhh!!! 8 days and counting! xx
Yes in the same boat. I tried to show him the info on fertility friend & he said it doesn't have to be technical, we just get pregnant. Yeah right! He doesn't want details which is why I joined the website as I did start feeling like I was being ott looking at fertile periods etc. But going on this site made me feel better! He really wants a baby but thinks it just happens!
To be honest, I thought it just happened too. I figured that after a few months we'd easily be pregnant. How wrong was I!? On the final slope now down to the witch arriving and I can't say I have any symptoms. Feeling sick in the evenings but I think that is just the weather as I've been out in the sun all day.

Roll on Saturday to find out one way or the other! (will I be able to refrain from testing before then??)
Fingers crossed for you misstwilson,

I'm due on Saturday but can't test until Wednesday. I doubt I will be able to wait that long if I don't start Saturday!
Good luck to you too!

Might be a silly question but why can't you test until Wednesday? xx
Although I'm due on Saturday because I ovulate late in my cycle Wednesday is 2 weeks after ovulation for me so I should wait until then. Whether I will or not is another matter!
Keeping everything crossed for you lovely!

I never knew that! I ovulate late in my cycle too but just assumed that I would still know by AF date. I tested today. Stupid, I know, but I was having a really crap day today and thought that a BFP would help me.

Let's just say that my day didn't get any better. So I have to wait till Tuesday for me to test! Does that mean that when my period was late the other month that I was almost pregnant?
Hi ladies. Mind if I hop in? im 34 as well.. trying for baby#3. I WOULD be having baby #3 next month, but I has a miscarriage new years and took a bit of time off ttc yo heal. Physically and emotionally.. But have been back on the bandwagon for a couple months. This month would be perfect timing for us so crossing fingers. Im on cycle day 11 now.. I use fertility friend( but just the calender to log stuff and show fertile days, I am lost when it comes to the chart). Also do ovulation tests (opk) but those have been confusing me the last few months cause I get positives for several days in a row... so not totally sure when I ovulate.. SO, gonna try to cover our bases as best we can... will see if that happens cause we have things going on coming up.
I used to think id get pregnant quick... BUT after a year and miscarriage before we got our son.. then daughter, then more trying and another miscarriage.. and more trying...
I understand the frustrations!..

Sorry to hear about your miscarriage and fingers crossed this time round. I'm due on today and dying to do a test but going to wait till Tuesday after Babystep's great advice. I didn't know that so am learning stuff on this forum all the time.

The two week wait is a nightmare!

I've just started using fertility friend after seeing a few recommendations on it. I've trying to take my temp every morning but keep forgetting.

Will be great to have someone else to chat to as I keep getting a little lost in some of the larger groups.

Hope you are both having a good weekend. We are off to a wedding tonight.
SO upset! My period has just started and I feel overwhelmed. I know that I was trying to convince myself that it hadn't happened this month as I kinda thought it hadn't BUT I must have still been hoping.

It hurts so much. What if I can't get pregnant? I don't know how many months I can go through this roller coaster for.
Although I'm due on Saturday because I ovulate late in my cycle Wednesday is 2 weeks after ovulation for me so I should wait until then. Whether I will or not is another matter!

How are you doing? Test day tomorrow. Keeping everything crossed for you xx
I am 33 and ttc3 Good luck all hope we all get there are you all takeing vitamins and temping x x

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