I'm sorry but I need to vent. So I called this morning about getting Zofran. They said they called it in, so I went to my pharmacy at lunch. They said they had nothing for me. So I called the OB office, and they were at lunch, so I left a message. I hear nothing. I call my pharmacy back at 2ish and ask if they now have anything for me, and they tell me no. So I call my OB office, AGAIN. I sat on hold forever and then find out that they called it into the wrong pharmacy. So then I proceed to get 3 phone calls from different people telling me it's all sorted out. I think "Great, i'll go after work and i'll be feeling better soon". I just look at my cell and I have a voicemail. My insurance wants prior authorization before I can get this medicine and the woman said that could take 24 hours!!! So that means I may not even have it tomorrow if they don't hear back from them. The woman said she told them it was URGENT. I want to die. I'm so sick and I shouldn't have waited until i was at my breaking point before calling. I'm just.. SO PISSED.
my friends are like "well.. it'll all be worth it! You'll have a baby!" and that really makes me want to punch them. that's 8 months from now. That's not helping me at all when I feel like vomiting on myself ALL DAY LONG for a week straight.