morgan, i am answering here because i dont want the other thread to be all blown up with this stuff.
"Oooh other than the fact that you'll be BIG & BEAUTIFUL all summer!!! You can go swimming and show it off" - cant fucking wait for this. not gonna lie. i'm already thinking about walking thru our local farmers market, all hippie hair and bulgy belly. cant wait to wear a bikini and get my picture taken my TMZ magazine.
"But so exciting, any other plans for you?" maternity photo shoot - already thinking of which of my 3920483 photographer friends i trust with my nakedness. also already thinkin gof the announcement - something like "went to Hawaii as 2, came back as 3" (because no one really needs to know that i ovulated the day AFTER i got back, right? it could be a spermy from friday or saturday that we were still on the island.)
terrified of twins. i mean, would be over the moon but also shitting my pants.
"You will be finding out gender right?" yes, in theory right around my birthday (3/16)
"when will you get those blood results??" - in theory, tomorrow morning. they said if i went tomorrow, they might not get them til monday. not cool. i'll also be taking another pee test tomorrow. 'cause i'm crazy like that.
worried that i will allow my (insert something pregnancy - tiredness, ms, whatever) to be an excuse for being "mirolee lazy" - which means i'd like to continue working out, at some level.
also, i'm scared because i havent been diligently taking my prenatal 'cuase it was making me dizzy, so i need to pick that up again.