TTC and Beyond!

Holy moly Nikki that little miss will be here so soon! Awesome bump :) have you packed your bags yet?? Whenever you get a moment will you post a list of some stuff you'll be taking? I think that's where I left off last pregnancy!

And Mirolee- No worries at all, like they all said. I JUST NOW (~16 weeks) started getting cravings and having sore bbs. I think the entire first trimester is a time for you to just get used to the idea of being pregnant. You may have nausea (my fatigue was really just a result of the constant sickness) and some other slight changes, but nothing too notable except for taking that time to really let it sink in that this is really happening!! By the 2nd tri you'll start to see a little bump and begin to feel those minor aches and pains (I've gotten hormone headaches, too) as well as kicks! So awesome. 2nd tri it has really sunken in and you begin to really feel preggo. Best stage in my opinion, feel-good wise. By the 3rd tri you are aching all over and just waiting, waiting. Staring at, washing, and re-folding the crapload of tiny outfits you've compiled, just so ready to have that little squish in your arms :) as you know though, it can be ttly different for everyone.. You'll be saying "WOW time has really flown!" in no time.. Just gotta get past the 18th ;)
Mirolee-Like the others said, my symptoms kicked in at 6 weeks. They really intensified a few weeks later. Hang in there and enjoy it while it lasts! lol I'm still dealing with nausea and I'm 19 weeks tomorrow!

Nikki-You look pregnant! lol I love it! I wouldn't call the on-call doc unless you have a fever that lasts more than 24 hours and/or you can't keep any fluids down. I hope you feel better soon...

Went out to lunch today, then went grocery shopping. We hadn't even made it to the grocery side of the store yet and I already started having some braxton hicks. By the end I was waddling from a bit of lower back pain (sacrum pain, not contraction pain). It's crazy how little it takes to get everything all upset these days...
Mirolee - if it wasn't for my big belly and this girls acrobatic moves she's been doin, I wouldn't feel pregnant. It's been that way since about 8 weeks. Yeah there's mood swings, random cravings and peeing a lot but they really don't make me feel pregnant. My nausea kicked in at 6 weeks, lasted for about 2 weeks and I was tired. But I'm always tired so it was just increased. I wouldn't worry yet. You'll wake up one day soon wanting to puke your brains out without warning.
Thanks gals. I know I'm just being silly.
It's totally normal! I still check the tp Everytime I pee lmao
Yes! I just wiped and it was so slick I thought 'omg blood!' But then I checked and oh yeah, remembered we had sex this morning. Duh. But yep, a moment of panic. I fell asleep about 845 tonight and OH woke me because 'he heard an interview with a man who used to eat dinner and then fall asleep right after and he gained a lot of weight and he didn't want that to happen to me'. I told him a) be prepared I'm about to gain some weight; b) being tired is normal during this time; c) we are at 6 so it wasn't that close; d) he was going to give me a complex and make me an anorexic-pregger. Not cool, OH, not cool.
But I dot have to clean the bathroom anymore because of them chemicals - he cleaned it today and it looks great!
Nikki - tht belly is awesome...So exciting tht Alia will b here in no time....eeekk

Mirolee - i remember feeling exactly how u were and honestly i was so glad the first week tht i was hit with ms which was during week 7....didnt take me too long to get to the complaining stage and now wen i think things r settling down i still find myself questioning the days i feel really gud and then bam for proof i have an instant puke fest ( not fun ) ....but hang in there hun...just have faith tht its all gud :hugs:

AFM - as promised heres my pic..this is @ 14+3 ....excuse the towel...even tho its so ragged it my fav :dohh:

photo (6).jpg

photo (7).jpg

I have no idea y the pics always get inverted
Sonia-You have a cute little bump started! I can't wait to see it grow!
I think I'm going to quit teaching. I hate it. It's so stressful and takes so much of my time. I have anxiety every Sunday night bc I know I have to go back on Monday (the reason I'm awake at 1am right now...). I would rather work in an office doing paperwork all day than keep doing this. It isn't worth the stress. With kids on the way, I can't be this stressed or dedicate so much is more important. Haven't told DW obviously I won't quit until I have an alternative. So, any suggestions? I like animals, I'm good at organizing, I don't want to bring work home, 8-5 M-F only...
Cute bump, Sonia!

July, if you can handle the boredom, then a data entry job might work for you. Or perhaps a position in the tax department of a business. Or a job as a secretary. Good luck in the job hunt!
Sonia- Cutie cute!!!! Love it and can't wait to watch it grow either :)

Julie- I do some merchant calls (I'll be a SAHM for the next few years, and finish my degree half at home and then finish it out at school in a few years) but my job is temporary and mostly data entry too! It sucks sort of, lots of numbers, but I have plenty of time to BnB lol -as you can see- and get my work done! I work 8:15 to 4:30 and make $700 a week so it's well worth it for the time being!! If you are interested, look into some financial places, I work with bounced checks from all over America, so it's kind of interesting. But these kind of places people don't think to apply to (when moms need jobs they think waiting, sales, etc.) so we don't get many resumes (I would know, my MIL is the human resources lady LOL step brothers reference- PANM LOLOL), although it's a typical 9-5 job that would hire anyone who has good people skills. I hope you find something.. and I agree that maybe a secretary type job would be good too, something where you don't have to move much ;) Hehe GL!

And Cass- ooohhh so sorry love.. chicken broth (ttly plain boring broth lol) was nice to my belly, Gatorade, ice water, even your Cowboy eggs might be a good life saver! Sorry it sucks so stinking bad.. I hate hate hate MS but just know it means your little bean is working HARD growing little fingers and toes! So cool! :)
i will probably post a pic later as a reference for "6 weeks", but i want to say far in advance that a) i'm a size 10. b) i'm a good cook and it shows. c) no teasing about my pre-baby bump or that i'll be able to hide it for a long time or i will develop a complex! and d) in regards to my post about OH's comments, he told me i totally took it out of context and he just wants me to be healthy. hehe. boys!
Adorable bump Sonia.

Julie, I'm sorry that your job is making you so miserable :( really hope that you can find something else cuz it will definitely be better for you and babies if you don't have to stress so much :hugs:

Oh no Cassidy! Maybe it's because you were pretty worn out from last night? I know my morning sickness is worse if I let myself get too tired the night before. Also maybe have a snack right before you go to bed.

Bring on the bump pic mirolee! You have to have a reference picture on here!
Sonia- nice bump!!

Thanks ladies for the support. I am feeling a bit better today. I am at work and I have a doc apt this afternoon, so Ill just mention it to her.

Anyways, since I am actually dressed today (not in PJs) Ill take another photo of me now. Since the last one was a few weeks ago. I am feeling VERY pregnant. Having issues bending to tie my shoes... its funny!

Morgan- bagS are packed (dh said it looks like we are going on a week long vaca). What I can remember off the top of my head:

DH/My bag:
-each have 2 shirts
-each have 2 pants (mine are all yoga pants; his = 1 comfy, 1 jeans)
-DH has a pair of shorts (he likes wearing shorts)
-DH has a pair of sleeping shorts (basket ball shorts)
-DH bathing suit (they said he can't help me shower/be in the bath without it)
-underwear for both (I have granny panties; DH has like 4 pair and I have like 6)
-I have 2 sports bra's
-DH a few under shirts
-hair brush
-both have a tooth brush
-travel size: shampoo, conditioner, body soap, toothpaste, deodorant (each have), body lotion (and face), chap stick, face wash
- lots of coins for the vending machine
- each have a sweatshirt (mine is zip up because its easier for breast feeding)
- socks (each have; mine are thick for walking around hospital)
- I have slippers
- Things to help me get threw labor (I was told to focus on entertaining my 5 senses threw the labor pains): Little $5 massage thing (and extra batteries), a sense light (the kind you plug in and its a light that melts the scented wax), Ipod and suckers (doc said I can have them, check with ours first because they don't like you eating during labor)

Alia's bag:
-my over night pads (I packed 10, however I believe my hospital has them too, but not sure)
-3 sets of breast pads for leaking
- nip cream
- a vag spray (helps sooth the vag after birth- forgot name, but can provide it if interested)
- Alia has 2 footie nighties (NB)
-Alia has 2 footie nighties (3 months)-> since they think she might be big
- Alia has 1 go home outfit (NB)
- Alia has 1 go home outfit (3 months) -> since they think she might be big
- Alia has: 2 pair of socks, 1 pair of soft shoes, 2 hats (goes with the go home outfits), 1 pair of gloves for scratching
- 10 diapers (even though I am sure the hospital supplies them, but if not I have them and can send DH home to get more if needed after she's born)
- 10 wipes (even though I am sure the hospital supplies them, but if not I have them and can send DH home to get more if needed after she's born)
- butt cream for her (even though I am sure the hospital supplies it, but if not I have them and can send DH home to get more if needed after she's born)

Camera bag:
- camera
-camera card
- camera battery charger
- cell phone charger
- ipod charger
- extra batteries (AAA and AA)

Pump bag:
- breast pump (Im guessing hospital will provide this if needed, but I brought mine so if I need assistance my lactation coach can help me with my specific one)
- 4 milk storage bottles (so I can bring home anything extra I pump, If I pump extra)
- Ice pack (so milk stays cold on drive home; Ill have them freeze it at hospital if needed)

Sitting with my bags:
- 2 car seat protectors (it protects our car's seat from the baby's car seat, like a cover) -> one for each car, not sure which car we are taking -> hopefully the car, however if weather is bad then well take the truck
- 2 car seat bases (still have to put them in, but DH has been busy and he is the one that knows how to do it.. I figure if I got into labor soon then we can at least throw them in the car and put them in at the hospital after she's born)
- car seat (with a fleece blanket cover thing and 2 toys hanging from the handle)
- nursing pillow (with cover) -> those U shaped pillows
- DH's pillow (he can't sleep without it, and we have 2 so I put one with our stuff)

UPDATE: I forgot to add: I have my hooter hider because I know people will be visiting and Ill need to nurse. Birth plan. purse that has my insurance and ID cards. a swaddle (for Alia and to take to the dogs to sniff before Alia comes home).

-my make up is usually in our car already, but I am also OK with not wearing any... so if it is there and I want to wear it Ill have it, if not Ill be just fine without it.

Please remember I am an OVER packer and HATE forgetting stuff or asking for stuff I should have. Let me know if you all think of anything I am missing. I was debating about blankets and towels (but I a sure the hospital has them and I don't want to mess up ours) PS. everything I packed is NOT our nicest stuff, so I don't dirty our stuff if it gets all messy.
Oh my goodness lady, compared to my hospital bags... You have so much more :) but good for you for being prepared! My hospital provides everything baby needs (shirts, diapers, washcloths -don't want you using wipes at first, towels, blankets) and everything mom needs (pads, ice pack pads which are a freaking life saver trust me!, tucks pads, the vag spray (derma-something?), water bottle to spray lady parts with warm water between bathroom trips, etc.)
Just so you all know... something I am happy I did... First I painted her room (between weeks 22-25) and getting her big furniture, then I spend my earlier weeks (like 25-33 weeks- shower was at 32 weeks) collecting everything she needed (I was lucky because I had friends that passed stuff down to Alia, so I went to their house during this time and picked everything up I wanted. I also went shopping at the "Just Between Friends" 2nd hand shopping, I told you all about) cleaned all of Alia's clothing, bottles, toys (if they were second hand), setting up her bed, setting up her changing table, setting up her room. Therefore weeks 33-35 were spent packing our bags, putting together a check list of what she still needed and getting it, cleaning the last few things we got... Now I am 36 weeks (almost) and I can relax (and have LOTS of apts)! I love it and need it the most now. I do get a few gifts here and there, but since I am on top of it I just have to clean them as they come in and it is not big deal/not overwhelming. I might have also done it all so early because I knew my last month would be spend with holidays and my birthday... so I didn't want to wait until the end.

I wanted to tell you all because I read a 3rd tri post the other day from a woman that was 32 weeks preggo asking when she should start cleaning stuff... I was thinking NOW! because Id be too exhausted to do it all this far along. Also, my bro/SIL just had their baby and I know they aren't planners. Well they just told my mom since the changing table wasn't ready they had to change his diaper on the floor (not a big deal, but happy mine is read!). Also my grandma was at their house and she said that they have like NO clothing for him because they need to wash them all... glad MINE is done! Lastly, my gma said that since they don't have anything ready for the baby my brother keeps running errons all day (since they have been home for the hospital) to get the baby and Sarah stuff... for DH and I we are all set so he can spend time with us and relax after a tiring birth!
Oh my goodness lady, compared to my hospital bags... You have so much more :) but good for you for being prepared! My hospital provides everything baby needs (shirts, diapers, washcloths -don't want you using wipes at first, towels, blankets) and everything mom needs (pads, ice pack pads which are a freaking life saver trust me!, tucks pads, the vag spray (derma-something?), water bottle to spray lady parts with warm water between bathroom trips, etc.)

WOW that's nice!! I wish they would give me a typed out sheet of what they provide... because to be true I HAVE NO IDEA! I did a tour, but it was to see the facility, not what they provide. Maybe at my doc apt today Ill ask if she has a list of what they provide.

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