TTC and Beyond!

I am always cold, too! Except when I was pregnant.

Fx crossed for good news Amelia! !
right now, at work, i'm wearing:
long underwear and a pair of jeans on the bottom.
top is bra, camisole, long sleeve, sweater, scarf, fleece jacket. and i'm comfortable. i dont even want to go the bathroom 'cause i dont want to get cold. brrrrr. and it's starting to snow, woo hoo! it was -9F this morning.
right now, at work, i'm wearing:
long underwear and a pair of jeans on the bottom.
top is bra, camisole, long sleeve, sweater, scarf, fleece jacket. and i'm comfortable. i dont even want to go the bathroom 'cause i dont want to get cold. brrrrr. and it's starting to snow, woo hoo! it was -9F this morning.
I think I would die in that cold weather! It's currently 54* F in San Francisco and I'm chilly!!!
I LOVE colorado!!! Its like 65 today and I got to walk to lunch! LOVE IT!
right now, at work, i'm wearing:
long underwear and a pair of jeans on the bottom.
top is bra, camisole, long sleeve, sweater, scarf, fleece jacket. and i'm comfortable. i dont even want to go the bathroom 'cause i dont want to get cold. brrrrr. and it's starting to snow, woo hoo! it was -9F this morning.

Sounds like Wisconsin
Beautiful bumps, all of you! I love it!! :)

Amelia.. So glad you asked. NO they saw nothing, could explain nothing. Not until I got further along (10-12 weeks) were they able to say they saw black pockets around the baby and placenta, where I was bleeding from.

That rules out a blighted ovum correct? TAKE IT EASY as you know, and hopefully it will pass. I didn't stop having a continuous "period" until about 14 weeks. I had horrible clots and actually thought I was miscarrying on the toilet at 8 weeks. Before they could see it on US, they kept telling me I'd miscarry and when they saw my sac they said it looked abnormal (probably only a minor difference but since I was bleeding they worried me to death). Oh and they also said the HB was low @ 7w (98bpm) and at 8w (111bpm).

Sending looooove <3
Amelia- thinking of you all day today!

Mirolee- saw in the other group you posted about taking a vit with echinacea in it. Be careful with that one, my OB said its a no no bc it can do something to the uterus. Something about preterm labor if my memory serves me correctly? What time is your scan tomorrow?? So exciting! :)
Thanks girls - so just spoke to nurse - it's a Subchorionic Hematoma for sure.

Same as Morgan.

Morgs did you have cramps? I have a few but I've read that the blood can irritate the uterus and cause mild cramping. No big clots... just gush.. drip drip drip.. aaaaaalmost gone and then gush... drip drip drip etc.

Yes B.O is out - saw the heartbeat and the baby is huge compared to this time last week. Thank god.

This might explain the "dark mass" she saw at around 5 weeks and the weird shadows I've seen on the last two ultrasounds.

I'm just staying calm and drinking lots of water and trying to not move around too much. Sex is out, exercise is out. I heard chocolate is a natural remedy (particularly Twix and Reeces) so I'm eating lots of that in the interim.

I cannot believe you bled that much. I feel super dizzy - I don't think I'm loosing much blood but I think its the combo of more blood to pump + anxiety. I'm going to leave work as soon as this paperwork is done and go home.

I love you all.

Pete gets in to LA on Sat AM (thankgoodnesstahnkgoodnessthankgoodness).

Mirolee - I heard ecci was bad too. Maybe stop taking them for now until you get a definitive answer.

Nikki I can't wait until I'm in Colorado!!!
That's the best possible news, Amelia!! Such a pain and worry to have to deal with, but at least they can see a cause! So happy to hear it!
Fabulous, a bit crappy, but fabulous Amelia!!!!! :)

I felt like I was about to start my period until like 10 weeks, achy achy. Try to tune it out.

I hope my bean reassures you that things should be alright. ESP that yours is lighter/stopped now! I found sex made noooo difference (doc told me the same, since it's way up there inside your uterus) but I put myself on light bedrest after work (aka DH cooked/cleaned :)) and didn't DTD until it got lighter and we'd had a few ultrasounds to confirmed that my bean SHOWED THEM who's docta!!! Haha like yours will, too. I assume you'll get bi-weekly (or even wkly for the first few weeks) scans, which will be wonderfully reassuring. And you can watch them sprout from yolk sac to bean to astronaut to alien!! Haha that's what I thought at least. Just to warn you.. Since there is a bit of internal bleeding (which I'm sure you've read by now that SCH's are pretty common) you may experience brown blood weeks after. Your body's way of ridding itself of the stuff. My doc said it'd "re-absorb" but I just spotted at random times after red blood stopped. It's a bit nerve-racking but you'll love that bean so much once it's bopping all around in there and you remember the struggle you went through to get to that point. Don't take a day for granted love! So happy again.. A wonderful ending to this TTC journey! :)
Echinacea, bad, really? Ugh. I can't win. I'm going to bring all my bottles with me and ask her to look at every single one. The u/s is at 830am EST, then the appt is from 9-10. So I've got plenty of time.
Nice to get the U/S done nice and early and good idea about bringing bottles!!

Hibiscus was on my no no list too...ohhh how I missed my Starbucks iced hibiscus/lemonade in the warm months!

Speaking of bevs, my 200$ bill for holiday gifts at the liquor store made me bitter last night! Lol. Bought myself a nice bottle of La Crema Pinot Noir for ummm May?? , welp, ill be able to enjoy it someday right?!
Just checking in quickly ladies. Am on vacay but will be baxk Thursday and catch up completely then.

Amelia, ugh for bleeding but glad they found the reason. Marley was a tough little cookie and hung in there, I know your babe will be too!!

Mirolee yaaaay for first scan tmw! Sooo exciting!!

Lovely bumps ladies, ive got quite the bloat bump goin on myself! Puked 3 times yesterday but none today! Literally walked around 12 hra yesterday and my legs feel destroyed today!! Cant wait for my scan Friday. Having a blast but cant wait to be home!
Sounds like my Disney trip this year Cass!! :) Enjoy as much as you can and take more pics for me! DH and I have always wanted to go see Disneyland!
Fabulous, a bit crappy, but fabulous Amelia!!!!! :)

I felt like I was about to start my period until like 10 weeks, achy achy. Try to tune it out.

I hope my bean reassures you that things should be alright. ESP that yours is lighter/stopped now! I found sex made noooo difference (doc told me the same, since it's way up there inside your uterus) but I put myself on light bedrest after work (aka DH cooked/cleaned :)) and didn't DTD until it got lighter and we'd had a few ultrasounds to confirmed that my bean SHOWED THEM who's docta!!! Haha like yours will, too. I assume you'll get bi-weekly (or even wkly for the first few weeks) scans, which will be wonderfully reassuring. And you can watch them sprout from yolk sac to bean to astronaut to alien!! Haha that's what I thought at least. Just to warn you.. Since there is a bit of internal bleeding (which I'm sure you've read by now that SCH's are pretty common) you may experience brown blood weeks after. Your body's way of ridding itself of the stuff. My doc said it'd "re-absorb" but I just spotted at random times after red blood stopped. It's a bit nerve-racking but you'll love that bean so much once it's bopping all around in there and you remember the struggle you went through to get to that point. Don't take a day for granted love! So happy again.. A wonderful ending to this TTC journey! :)

Eh it's started up again - had a clot pass a little while ago - about the size of a dime or a small grape. I'm at work... deep breath... made sure it was just blood and no other tissue in there.. Just blood.

I'm going legs up in two hours from now and not moving except to pee.

Sex made my uterus contract which didn't feel very good so handijobs for dh or porno. I'm not going to stress myself out about sexytime right now.
Amelia- great news girl! PS how is the house searching?

Had a great bday with AWESOME blood sugar levels! So happy about that!

Had my ultrasound yesterday. Tech said she was very average for all her measurements. She is coming in a week ahead date wise, but said that is VERY normal because their measurements aren't spot on. He estimates her weighing about 6lbs 7 oz right now. So im hoping for a mid 7 lb baby, but who knows. Just happy she looks healthy!

PS. as we talk about pregnancy bleeding.. I want you all to be aware when you are at the point where you get checked for dilation, PLEASE be aware that you bleed after, you can also cramp a bit. I have found that I bleed (not spot) for a good 24 hours after and then spot for about 12 hours (however everyone is different). I also get light period cramps. This was one thing no one told me was normal, so I freaked out a bit when it happened.
Amelia, all things considered that's great news! Yay for a sticky bean :)

I heard hibiscus was a no no as well but small quantities are okay. I had several passion tea lemonades from Starbucks this pregnancy because I had such a craving lol.

We finally get internet tomorrow so I can be more active on here again. 28 weeks today and I have my OB appointment later today.

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