TTC and Beyond!

Thanks Morgan :)

We acquired a Diaper Genie + 3 refills for $20 yesterday from a local buy/sell group on FB so I was able to take that off my registry. So excited about that. We used one with Hannah for awhile but decided to sell it and get other things with the money instead and just used a garbage can with lid and odor blocking bags but it didn't work. The smell is horrrrible. So I decided I don't care if you can do without one, I want a Diaper Genie again. Especially having 2 in diapers at the same time. So yes... very happy to have that again :)

Unrelated but I finally updated my blog with my resolutions for 2014. Feel free to check it out and give me some tips if you can help. I never set resolutions because I suck at sticking to anything lol.

Are any of you doing a new years' resolution list?
Ashlee - I had my 16 week appointment, told them I hadn't felt anything yet....a couple days later, felt her for the first time. For me it felt like when you have a muscle quiver or your eyelid quivers, only in my stomach. When I felt it again, I knew it was her.
The last few days she's been really low and far back. I think she flipped too bc I normally feel kicks up just below my ribs but I've been feeling them really low and far back. I think she flipped again last night bc her kicking is back to normal. I was rubbing my belly right over where she was sticking out and she was going crazy.

DH and I still haven't had any sex! It's been nearly 3 months! He said he's afraid. Ugh I might just have to break down and give him a BJ to make him think of something else. How do I fix it? He said he feels weird bc he knows she's in there and I'm "really pregnant now..." Like I wasn't before lol? I guess it's normal but dammit I want some lovin.

Amanda - your belly is cute. I hope I stay skinny like you. I feel like a house but I guess I'm really not that big compared to others.

Well hope you all have a lovely Saturday...I'm still in my PJs and glasses...I'm such a bum lol. I guess I should do something with myself if I want my husband to bone me hahaha

Oh and I think it's time for belly shots again...
I haven't decided on a resolution yet. I am happy with where I am in life...I have my husband, my job, my house, starting a family....not sure of anything I NEED to have or to work on. But I'm sure I'll come up with something. DH told me his today and it made me happy. His is to work less OT and focus on himself and his FAMILY. He really doesn't need to work the OT but does it anyways and always stresses himself out.
Aw thanks. Don't worry, I feel huge too. I've gained nearly 25 lbs and still have about 10 weeks to go so it'll only get worse in the end lol. It's all in my belly and legs, that's for sure.

We've had sex like 4 times this entire pregnancy. He asks every single day and I just shoot him down. I either have 0 sex drive or when I do... I feel too sore or miserable to want to bother. Hopefully once I hit 6 weeks PP and get the "all-clear", things will return to normal. Good luck with your hubby though. No advice here because I'm the opposite. I wish he'd quit asking lol.

Yes, belly shots please!
Oh and I just read your resolutions. They sound like great ones. #1 should be to stick to that list. Since you said you don't ever...

We need to start going to church too. We aren't highly religious people but I want it to be a big part of my family in the future. DH and I have said for years that we need to find a church...we both work a lot of weekends so 1-2 a month is do-able.
Ah Rachel I hope that I feel it soon too. I already have to wait till 20 weeks to know what the gender is so I don't want to wait that long to feel anything too! I've read that it's completely normal for men to be scared especially when you look really pregnant but also that sometimes it's more strange for men when their wife is pregnant with a girl because they feel like it's not right to do it with their little girl in there lol. For now my DH seems ready to go whenever I want it and sometimes when I don't initiate but we'll see how it goes once my tiny bump gets huge. Hopefully he doesn't get scared because for me, when I'm not feeling sick I'm usually horny and pregnancy sex has pretty much been the best lol.

I don't generally make New Years Resolutions but I guess you could say that hubby and I did for 2013 since at the beginning of the year we had decided to start trying for a little one. I guess mine for this year is just to bring a beautiful healthy baby into the world and be the best new mommy I can be.
I never make new years resolutions either but I figured it couldn't hurt to try lol. I came up with some that shouldn't be too hard to achieve.
Hahaha Rachel you better tell him what you need! Preggo sex (if you find good belly-accommodating positions) is better than ever! ESP after 3 months lol.. It's Saturday night and it's about time he treats you.. Tell him to suck it up ;)

Waves- I don't have a genie on there, may add one though if the scented trash bags don't work.

Umm I guess my resolutions are to quit giving in to my HORRIBLE cravings and eat better. I've been really good about it until lately.. If I get too hungry I give in to WHATEVER sounds good, whether that's Taco Bell or chocolate covered pretzels lol. Last night I swear we used 3/4 a tub of ice cream and 20 Oreos for Oreo milkshakes. I felt so bad afterwards. But hey, only a few times in our lives where this is semi-acceptable lol.

Also to keep going to church and getting closer to God. I really need to study more.

Annnnnd belly shot for ya'll (it looks quite small, don't let it fool you! Lol).. I've had theeee laziest day.. Just now got out of the shower. Hubby will be home soon thank god, I've got cabin fever! :)

Oh and a link to my registry if anyone's interested in having a gander-


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Here's our registry. I think I have some of the same things as both of you. We are also registered at Babies R Us, so there are things that aren't on the Target one.

Ashlee-It really is amazing how you go from not feeling anything to feeling all kinds of things. My first flutter was at 10 weeks, more like a goldfish. Then around 14/15 weeks I started feeling things more constant, more like stretching. By my 20 wk apt I was feeling movement all the time, (turning, stretching, etc) told doc I hadn't felt any distinguishable kicks really. Within a few days I was feeling kicks inside and out. Everyday I feel more and more movement throughout the day and the kicks keep getting stronger. I think I felt things a little sooner bc they were stretching and pushing on each other, but 20 weeks it definitely kicked in...literally lol Now I'm getting kicked in the cervix and in the butt hole...getting closer to the ribs as well. With two, I'm a little scared what it will be like in a month or two!

I am getting so uncomfortable...I've had a few stretch marks that hurt really bad, like the skin was being ripped apart (because it basically is lol). If I'm not completely on my side or sitting straight up I have to prop my belly on something bc it pulls and hurts. I have a hard time standing up. It's amazing how much my stomach seems to weight already...and it changes so quickly. I've still only gained 3 lbs, so the majority of it literally is babies, placenta and fluids.
I had a serious convo with Ryann the other night. Not only am I getting more and more uncomfortable by the day, but I have the worst stress/anxiety about work. Not sure if I told you girls or not (if I did please blame it on pregnancy brain and skip ahead), but my boss put me on an improvement plan. We "reviewed" it the other day and she basically told me I wasn't making progress (which is a lie), accused me lying about reporting for morning supervision and then went on to tell me how people keep reporting things to her and about everything I'd done wrong since the beginning of the year. Basically made me feel like everyone is talking about me (her favorite thing to do) and made me feel like I couldn't do anything right. I sat there the majority of it in tears bc I felt like I couldn't say anything to defend myself.
So, DW agreed that I need to talk to HR and see if they can move me to a different position for the next month or two bc I shouldn't be forced to work with her. Otherwise I'm going on maternity leave when school starts back up (Jan 6th). She agreed she would rather us take the decrease in money than for me to be this stressed bc it isn't good for me or the babies. I feel so bad, but at the same time I can't wait to be able to relax and focus on the house and getting ready for the babies.

Britt-Hope you feel better soon!

Waves-I don't really do new year's resolutions anymore bc I rarely stick to them lol Mainly I want to make sure I'm taking care of myself and these babies, get our finances in check as much as we can (we eat out and spend money way too freely), and hopefully get back to a teaching job I actually enjoy. That's about it. Your's sound like good ones though :)
Hey gals. Been on work vacation since Friday - I went in Monday but mostly diddled around. Been fairly lazy, with spinning on Monday and yoga on thursday. Need to get moving again! I think I may be starting to pop; at the end of each day, I feel like I'm more sticking out than sticking in,hehe. Will be interesting what the next couple weeks bring. My symptoms include: getting very tired around 230p (lasts about an hour), sore boobs, occasional heartburn. Still no ms, constipation, nausea. I feel like I'm cheating. :-/
I don't generally make new years resolutions, but if I did, I guess they would be 1) continue exercising and don't let pregnancy be an excuse and 2) go to the local Russain church and make friends so that I can find a Russian speaking babysitter and raise my child bi-lingual.
OH comes home in about three hours. He's been gone since Tuesday! I'm very excited to see him, and we're goings to exchange a gift tonight. :)
And finally, I'm probably going to cut and paste this into my journal, with a little bit extra added, so if you double read, my apologies :)
Mirolee- I'm going 100% little boy for you!! You're a lucky lady with no pain in the ass symptoms, enjoy it!! :)

Julie- the link to your registry doesn't work. I'm so happy you've decided to move forward to HR about your job. Shame on that woman for making you so miserable!! If you do get out of the job, I'd be writing her a pointed letter telling her exactly how I feel about her. What a douche.

Here are our registries- most of the big stuff is good to go, just have to add the little stuff!
little vent... Ill start off saying I love my in-law family...
However, today I was a little annoyed. Its my bro-in-law's bday tomorrow.. I get how hard it is to pull in the family for bdays when we were just together for the holiday. They know we are RUSHING to finish our basement before Tuesday because the carpet guys are coming. Anyways, I got a call today from him mom asking when in the next 3 days can we get together for his bros bday. I requested we did tuesday dinner OR wed dinner (therefore we are under less pressure). She said she wanted it before Tuesday because then its the new years and hard to get together. Anyways, she said can we all come to your house for a late dinner tonight and Ill pick up all the food and bring it. After trying to say no in a nice way, because DH said he needed as much of the day as he can have, they said we will see you tonight. UGH! They said "late" dinner, so I said ok can you come at 7pm, so DH could really use his time wisely. Then MIL says we placed an order for the food and should be by you at 6pm if not a bit earlier.... REALLY! Then I went on saying please forgive our house because it is dusty do to the construction and messy do to me being about to pop. She said no problem we are all family... we don't care. But of course I spent the day cleaning the house. Well, then she calls to say DH's little sister might bring a friend and her new BF. UGH! Im not throwing a big party, PLEASE... im about to pop! I know his sister isn't big on bringing friends/bf around yet (shes only a sophomore in HS)... so Ill stop stressing about that because Im sure they wont come. Majority of the time his family is running late (like they did for our gender US...) so I am guessing they wont be early...never mind, they just got here... 535!
Ugh Nikki, thats ridiculous!! They should know you're trying to get ready for a baby anyday and have so much going on!! I hope they don't stay too late on top of it! :( sorry, mama!
I'm sorry Nikki :hugs: That's a bit ridiculous to throw on you all at last minute. FX they dont stay too long
Nikki-I'm sorry, that's so annoying! They shouldn't invite themselves over to your house knowing how close you guys are to having the inconsiderate!

Kara-I love your pottery barn registry...mainly bc we are picking out the same colors and the elephants! lol

Here's my registry again, let me know if you can see it:

If either of those don't work, you can try searching Julie Beck
They worked, Julie!

I love looking at the registries, I'm so excited for these babes!! :)

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