Morgan-Those bottles are kind of hilarious! I wonder how well they work? I'm hoping to exclusively bf for at least a little while, but obviously I'll have to work eventually so we'll need bottles (which we have put some on the registry). And I may get completely exhausted with exclusive bf and give in to letting others feed them pumped milk. Those bottles would come in handy!
I can't be 100% sure, but I think Olivia is the more active one. I feel so much movement and so many kicks on my left side. They are fewer on the right side where Grayson is. However, I feel quite a bit of movement down low (right above my pubic bone and often in cervix lol) and that's where they both meet up. With two in there, I feel movement quite often though. No heads poking out yet, but sometimes if feels like they are just pushing with a foot or something near my belly button. I will rub it and it goes away lol
Britt-I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting to gain crazy weight. Seriously, I'm pregnant with twins at 23 weeks and I think I'm up to 3 lbs now? lol I'm not super active at all though. It's really been more about my eating habits. I say it's good to be active though and eat as healthy as you can. With twins they told me to eat 2,200 calories a day.