And I totally relate about feeling like your belly's gonna rip when you stand up. I constantly find myself standing up and feeling like I'm going to open up or my pelvis is going to split in half and wind up grabbing the bottom of my bump and my vagina to hold it all together lol. So miserable.
Every night after everyone goes to bed, I clean up the destruction (I mean... mess...) that Hannah left behind. It's a bit of a process because the kid is hell on wheels but I just spend 10-15 minutes crawling around on the ground, putting everything back in it's place. But every single time I'm finished, I spend another 10 minutes catching my breath as if I just ran a freaking marathon lol. 3 pregnancies later and I'm still dying to know what this "glow" everyone's talking about is like...
Lol Same here! I clasp my hands together under my belly when I walk around without my belt. The other day I got on the floor to clean the toilet, then crawled to the living room and used the couch to stand up bc it was just easier lol I know what you mean about being out of breath too! Heaven forbid I have to walk up and down the stairs for anything lol
Morgan-lol I haven't been able to see my privates for a few weeks now. I used scissors to trim up a few weeks ago and had to go in blind...kind of scary! lol
Mirolee-We have a stand up shower in our bedroom, I used to be able to prop my leg up on the wall. This week I started going upstairs to our tub so I can prop my leg on the side to shave. I got too tired and my legs started to tingle so I ended up sitting in the tub to finish lol
Sandy-You are pregnant...The hcg and the tests don't lie. What a horrible nurse!
Well, got another pleasant email from my boss this morning complaining that I hadn't requested a sub. She never told me I needed to, so why would I? She's such an idiot. However, my doc note is officially in, so she should get off my back now hopefully. It just makes me laugh how desperate she is to try and make me look bad/get me in trouble.
Anyway, here's my belly pic from yesterday...definitely grew this week. I'm not surprised, these babies have gotten stronger. I'm feeling strong kicks the majority of the day. I also added a few special belly pics for you guys...not many people get to see these!