TTC and Beyond!

i would meet up with peeps, and bring the Minion!
I've always wanted to go to the Carolinas! We love Florida and Michigan. I want to go to Maine, too. I live in Indiana, and I have my whole life. I like it, but winter is already old! Lol
Tips for first tri exhaustion? Last time I just chugged along. Same story this time. Just hanging out with my BFF's heartburn and exhaustion, coupled with a little uterine-region soreness. I recall it from last time, but I will be happy when this is over and I have our healthy baby in our arms!
^Only advice is to keep trucking along... It stinks for a while but all of the sudden you'll be 2nd tri and wondering how you made it! I was so focused puking and feeling awful that 1st tri FLEW BY! Sorry that's no help, but just keep going. It's for a GREAT cause ;)
AFM- Feeling like my belly is going to rip open any moment now. I've re-applied lotion 3 times today, w/ no relief.. it just dries up and itches again. Urgh I have no idea how I'm supposed to work this desk job til I pop. My tailbone hurts and Marley is sick of this chair. Lolol omg. Okay, end of rant.
Tips for first tri exhaustion? Last time I just chugged along. Same story this time. Just hanging out with my BFF's heartburn and exhaustion, coupled with a little uterine-region soreness. I recall it from last time, but I will be happy when this is over and I have our healthy baby in our arms!

Only thing I can say is do not suffer with the heartburn! I started Zantac which was wonderful until about two weeks ago and I just upgraded to Prilosec!! Also, go to sleep early.. no shame preggers!!
Thanks Morgan. I agree. I haven't been sick, and I hope it stays that way! I loved Nivea cream. It helped a lot!

Sarah, I took one of them last time. And Tums. I need to figure out which one and start taking it again. Ugh. And I do thi k an early bedtime is in my future. :)
Morgan have you tried extra virgin olive oil ? I know it sounds weird but it is fantastic. Only put a bit on though otherwise you will look like a greasy chip ( french fry ?) Will your workplace not do a risk assessment on you and order you a special chair ?
AFM- Feeling like my belly is going to rip open any moment now. I've re-applied lotion 3 times today, w/ no relief.. it just dries up and itches again. Urgh I have no idea how I'm supposed to work this desk job til I pop. My tailbone hurts and Marley is sick of this chair. Lolol omg. Okay, end of rant.

You can try a donut pillow to help with your tailbone or a stool under your desk that you can put your feet up on to help with the back pain and swelling.

Not sure how I am going to last either.. I just want to quit now!
Thanks Morgan. I agree. I haven't been sick, and I hope it stays that way! I loved Nivea cream. It helped a lot!

Sarah, I took one of them last time. And Tums. I need to figure out which one and start taking it again. Ugh. And I do thi k an early bedtime is in my future. :)

I used tums too, but realized I was eating them like candy and getting no relief. Plus they started to make me constipated! No FUN!!
Amanda really sorry. Things will work out for you. You can move on to bigger and better things.
I would love to come but right now we are saving money *fertility testing* But I would prefer cali for a big get together but I do agree that Julie is the most in the middle and I love St. Louis. Plus my cousin lives there.
But you will never get me in that creepy arch again!!
Amanda you definitely should come visit us! That would be way better than trying ship all that stuff anyway. Sorry to hear about you and OH but glad you guys are both okay with is and its an amicable split.
i also have crazy heartburn, but i will take it!
i am not sure whats going on but i CANNOT get enough to eat today. so far i've had: breakfast of oatmeal with cheese and one mug of coffee, a granola bar, an apple, a chicken breast, 2 single serve bags of chips (omg doritos are amazing), and a bowl of cereal. i am hoping the milk in the cereal will plug up whatever holes are in my starving belly, but all eating seems to do is urge on more hunger/eating. i'm going to blame it on a baby growth spurt, or baby being excited about us announcing and is now draining me of all food derived energy. yeah.... thats the ticket.... it's the baby's fault! hm, now what else do i have to eat?
teehee Mirolee, your eating is cracking me up. reminded me of the book the hungry hungry caterpillar. I wouldn't worry as long as you're eating healthy. That babe must be growing!

Ash, I agree! You're only 2.5 hours away, so much better than shipping! I'll shoot for mid feb or early march, as long as its all still in good condition :)

Morgan, try coconut oil! Trader Joes makes a great coconut oil lotion that lasts forever and is super soothing.
I do have a stool that I love!

Colette- May give olive oil a try at home, I need some relief! I've been using Palmer's cocoa butter and Johnson's shea and cocoa butter but neither are amazing. Also Bath & Body Works intensive moisture cream.. and it still itches lol. Haha @ greasy chip ;)

Amanda- I LOVE Trader Joes.. there's one 2 secs down the road from my office.. I thought it was only here though. Will look for coconut oil, I've heard great things about that stuff. I bet it smells heavenly, too!
Waves-I completely hear you about your mom spends money on herself all the time but I feel like she isn't doing a lot for the babies right now. I think it surprises me more than anything. She had blankets made and is making us chevron boppy covers, so at least she's doing something.
My grandparents however...they are the ones that didn't come to my wedding bc they don't support same sex marriage, super religious, blah blah. They have always struggled with money, but somehow have quite a bit right now. Went on a cruise over Christmas? Kind of strange for them. Anyway, my grandma sent a package of Gerber onsies from walmart (where she works) and matching socks. I was impressed she sent anything, but at the same time I'm kind of pissed she couldn't even buy a set for each baby. They just spend $400 on a new meat slicer, but could only afford to spend $15 on their first great grandchildren's gift? And the reason I wish she would have bought two is that they are pink and brown! Totally girl things! She told my mom that Grayson could wear them too...are you freaking kidding me?! I was pissed and just returned them and used the money for groceries lol I'm not a fan of pink and brown anyway or leopard print, but I'm not making Grayson wear a pink onsie either lol
Yay for the std being approved! I'm still waiting for mine...

Sandy-Haha, I'm the same way...I do too much research and sometimes I feel like I know a little too much.
All I can say is rest and sleep when you can! I was so miserable the first tri, I'm not sure how I survived...I take prescription pepcid (famotidine), I was taking it before I was preggo and they said it was safe to continue. It is a life saver! Most of the time that's all I need. On a few occasions I have had to eat a few tums in the middle of the night though.

Morgan-Cute photo! I can't wait to see our silhouette pics from my maternity shoot :)
The woman who did our maternity shoot said she used coconut oil and loved it! I am going to get some to try out. I just bought some Burt's Bees just bc I like the smell lol

Amanda-I'm sorry you guys decided to split up, but hopefully you'll both be happier this way...yay for Hawaii though! lol
Do you have any cloth diapers or related items? We are starting our cloth diaper collection and it gets pretty expensive with two! lol I would gladly pay you for them :)

And I would love to meet up! I am the central point and I would have to lug two babies around :) However, I love to travel so I would go pretty much anywhere! DW and I have talked about going to CA before, so we would be ok with that. I don't know if I've been to any of the places everyone else lives on here...

Sandy is the closest to me, but next would be either Katrina or Waves/Morgan I think.

Sarah-We almost went to NC this summer for our impromptu beach trip! However, Orange Beach ended up being a closer drive...

Katrina-LOL Yeah, the Arch is not all it's cracked up to be...riding the weird little egg-shaped pod to the top...looking out high windows for a few seconds and heading back down. It's ok one time, but that's about it lol It's more fun to take pics of the arch and the surrounding park area, especially in the spring on a sunny day!

Babies are both kicking a lot today, so I guess Olivia was just resting the last 2 days.
amanda, so sorry for you and OH, but it sounds like you've come to terms with it. i hope everything goes smoothly. and yes, i feel like the hungry caterpillar; perfect analogy.
my bff with twins just went to the hospital. she thinks it's nothing, but she's having cramps and backache and tightness across her belly, so her dr wanted her to go. i am on-call to pick up her 5 year old son if her husband cannot get to daycare on time. fx ladies; she's only 22 weeks, far too early....

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