STG, when do you get a scan? Those betas are awful high.. twins?? Super exciting! How are you feeling?
I made it to the shower. Hubby is taking me for a late lunch at a seasonal hotdog stand that opened yesterday. Mmm to a Spanish Cheese dog, deluxe fries, and diet rootbeer!
My first baby scan is 2/21/14

(And I can't believe I forgot to set up a ticker, till now!) According to some beta charts I found on the net, I'm right between the numbers for singleton and twins, so it could go either way! I'm very excited for that first scan, to find out, and to see my little bean(s) again (and get a picture printed out, this time)!
I'm still feeling bloated enough that I'll have to wear DH's sweatpants when I go shopping for maternity pants, and I'm still having diarrhea type stuff, but the pain has been less, since I've been continuing to rest, so that's good.
Yum, cheese dog and fries!
can we all stick together after babies r born to give each other mommy / baby support?
I vote yes, to that!
Waves, I'm glad you had some respite from the pain, for a while, at least!
And yay for your DH getting the job!
Colette, so sorry your Elliot got sick, and with the Exorcist style vomiting!

Glad he's feeling better now, but too bad about the lingering sick smell!
Sorry you are feeling crappy,
Wow, cool u/s pics,
Glad you had a good shower,

Sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable!
Wow, it's really cool that you can tell who's who, sometimes,

Sorry you've been worrying about Olivia, though!
Britt, is there a second place name you can both agree on (maybe use that)? Otherwise, it may be time to flip a coin.
Sandy, a diaper/wipe cookout sounds good!

I can't imagine who would protest.
AFM: DH felt so bad about my suffering, that he bought me a giant Valentines themed Hello Kitty plush, today!

It's very sweet. He was going to save it till Valentines, but I saw him coming in with it so he offered it to me today (he has another little something for me for Valentine's). So, she's sitting on the back of my loveseat, reminding me that my suffering is appreciated.
We already have a girl name picked out (Hana), and I have some boy names I like (Dale, after my grandpa, or Steven, since Stephen King is one of my favorite authors), but DH has no clue what he wants for a boy name (other than nothing gender neutral and nothing too outlandish). He doesn't hate my boy picks, he's just not sure what he wants, and he has no ideas of his own, LOL. He says he wants to wait to bother thinking about it until the gender scan. I don't know why the girl name was so easy to agree on, but he can't even brainstorm on the boy names (granted, I did all the brainstorming on the girl names, too...but he was able to agree on one). If we wind up having twins and they are both girls, we'll have to work on another girl name (I've forgotten the other names we were considering, back when we decided on the girl name, back when we first started TTC). I'm going to suggest Haley as the other girl name if we get twin girls, though.