I thought it was sciatica and then was doing research and the webmd was like "Sciatica is not brought on by pregnancy like most people think, it's usually caused by a pinch nerve blah blah if you haven't experienced it before you're likely experiencing PGP" So I figured it was that. Lmao. Whatever it is, it seriously sucks. I woke up in so much pain at 1.30am and couldn't go back to sleep until 3. I was seriously just crying with how frustrated I was. If I laid down I got the most intense shooting pains. If I stood up I got the most intense shooting pains. It was TORTURE. Luckily it's nowhere near as bad this morning, but still definitely feeling it a little. I hope it doesn't keep getting worse because last night was HORRIBLE.
Hoping you do not have pre-e Morgan
AFM, Doctors appointment this AM. Pretty sure it's just some more bloodwork. Fun! Lol