Thanks ladies. I wish I could tell but I feel more "squishy belly" than any part of Leah. I feel either her butt or head where I normally feel her head but movements have been few & far between and hard to decipher. For a few hours I was very confident she flipped head down or at least anything other than breech. But then I felt the usual strong movements down above my pubic bone. Then higher up with lighter, tickling movements down low. And then not much movement since lol.
Why is it that I can give advice on a particular situation but when I find myself in that same situation, I feel like I have no idea what to think or do? LOL. L&D told me I had a bulging bag of waters the other day. No idea what that could lead to so maybe it's all in my head. OH and I DTD about 6-7 hours ago and naturally I felt a lot more "wet" for awhile afterward. I had some spotting a few hours afterward but nothing to get me excited lol. I lost some plug and lots of his "stuff" over the course of the day. But the last couple of hours I've felt very... constantly wet down there. Similar to how I remember it feeling when I had a slow leak the day I was admitted to deliver my last baby. Just felt constantly wet. Not dripping or anything, no gushes other than peeing when I sneeze lol. I've had a pantyliner on all day, recently changed it and the whole thing is damp right now. It's not yellow so I don't think it's urine. It smells sweet so another reason I don't think it's urine but I don't know if it smells sweet because it's semen, amniotic fluid or just the smell of my pantyliner. I just feel constantly moist/wet down there and don't know what to think/do. Because I had a slow leak that led to my admittance last pregnancy, I give the advice ALL THE TIME about laying down for 30 minutes and seeing if you feel a trickle/gush when you stand up but I just don't know what to think right now lol. I'm going to lay down in a few minutes once we put my 2 year old to bed and see but I feel like I'm probably just reading TOO much into it. But at the same time, I've had several people tell me that sex kickstarted things for people with "bulging bags." But then I would imagine it would be a more obvious trickle/gush/etc. I don't know... just "venting" I guess.