Nikki-You could not have posted that website at a better time! lol
I think DW is freaking out a bit. I'm actually pretty calm about it. So here is the exact story.
We had our tarot card reading in January from DW's sister-in-law's cousin. She did a timeline for me and said pregnancy in September. There were these two little girls, so she said maybe twin girls. Big change in May, so possibly when they were born. She did DW's timeline and same thing for Sept and then the same two little girls popped up.
So, this entire time I've been joking about "the beans" just to get a rise out of her. I told her I was going to pay them to say it was twins. lol So we youtubed twin ultrasounds so we'd know what to look for. I kind of thought it might be twins just bc my pants have been SO tight and got that way so quickly, but yet didn't really think so...
So we get there and literally it was just for the u/s. She did the stomach one first and in seconds I saw two black circles...the u/s tech was like, "do you see what I'm seeing?" and we were both like, "there's two????" lol DW freaked out a little, shaking and crying. I was pretty calm, like I told you! lol
We are very excited! A little freaked bc we know we aren't going to sleep for years though lol I'm not sure I'm prepared to get that huge either! lol