The best news today is that DH bought me a new car as a push present. Hell to the yeah! I asked for a pandora bracelet but this is faaaaar better. Loaded to the max. I can't wait for summer so I can cool my ass off with the seat cooler lol
I saw that... SO JEALOUS! But so awesome. You deserve it mama
Ugh I hate pumping. My milk supply blows. Pretty sure my boobs are shriveling up. I only got 20cc at 2:30 and 35cc at 4:30 and I didn't bf her at all before either pumping
Not sure what advice you've been given but if you can get your hands on steel cut oats (as opposed to just quick oatmeal) & add flax to it, that is supposed to help supply. I can give you a recipe someone in my due date club shared for lactation cookies. It calls for brewer's yeast which is supposed to do wonders for supply (as is drinking a beer due to the yeast in it.) Among many other things.
Just some advice shared in our due date group, in case something is new info for you. Sorry if it's all stuff you've heard before
"Lots of water, fenugreek 3x a day, try cluster pumping and make sure your feeding or pumping at least once between 1am and 4am"
And the cookie recipe:
Waves, can't say it enough how CUTE Leah is and the pic of Hannah and Autumn holding her is precious
Thank you
Late to the party but regarding showering together: we used to shower together all the time when I was pregnant with Hannah and after she was born, up until I got pregnant with Leah & we moved into my parent's house. At first, OH was completely against the idea as he'd never showered with any previous girlfriends so he thought it was weird, but one day he finally decided to try it because I had been asking for awhile and he enjoyed it. We've had sex in the shower a small handful of times but it's pretty hard because I'm so much shorter than he is. I don't think we'll be showering together much now that we have both Leah & Hannah - unless they're at my mom's being babysat or something and I don't see that happening all too often lol.
One of the ladies in my due date club posted this last night: "Ruby was put in her Moses basket abiding by all the sleep safe rules to reduce cot death. Twice she made a wet noise like she was being sick but on checking nothing and she was super settled. I looked over one last time just before I was about to turn my lamp off and go to sleep to see milk running from her nose, her mouth open and full of milk and her eyes in the back of her head. She made NO noise! I grabbed her slung her over my knee and tried to get her going again. Ruby didnt breathe for a full minute and went gray. I got her going by clearing her airways and holding her upside down. We got bluelighted to hospital where she passed all checks and thankfully had not aspirated any."
How scary is that???!!!?!? I had decided that I would nurse Leah for her 8:30 feeding and then give her a bottle for her 11:30 feeding. But then my friend posted that and I panicked about her having formula and then us all going to sleep and her spitting up in her sleep but I wouldn't be awake to notice it. So I nursed her through the night and started this morning with the bottle.
OH fed her and when he sat her up to burp her, she just looked at me confused like she couldn't understand why she wasn't on my boob eating. I know she likely couldn't actually see me since I wasn't sitting close enough but still... I felt guilty. I don't want to get into all of it because I really don't know how to explain what I'm thinking/feeling regarding breastfeeding vs bottle feeding. And everyone telling me to just suck it up and keep breastfeeding is only making the guilt worse. I know the guilt will go away shortly --- it did when I stopped breastfeeding Hannah but it just sucks in the meantime. BF is a complete mental thing and I just can't battle it.