BB- That's just awful. How downright rude and inconsiderate of her
Unfortunately some people don't understand things they have no knowledge/experience with. Doesn't excuse her by any means but I pity her ignorance. I'm glad your manager is unhappy with the situation. I'm glad she apologized but her apology clearly didn't do any good, didn't hold much weight to it given the rest of the letter. You're allowed to mourn your losses. I think she is right in that you shouldn't let it consume you but only you know what you need to do to grieve and get through the tough times.
AFM - Sold most of my maternity clothes to local mom's via FB. Not making a ton of money off of it but I'm just happy to help other moms out. I sold my favorite pair of maternity jeans this morning and it bummed me out lol. They were SO comfortable, I wish I could wear them all the time. But they definitely wouldn't fit now. I haven't even tried on a pair of my pre-preg jeans (yeah, I've lived in nothing but PJ pants for 3 weeks straight... I'm lucky if I remember to put on deodorant, which caused me some embarrassment when I took a trip to the ER the other day and had no perfume in the car to help me out lol) but I'm curious if they fit. I'm worried how they're going to fit around my incision seeing as the area (incision and surrounding area) is still pretty tender to the touch.
Morgan & anyone else who had a c-section -- what kind of jeans did you wear after the c/s? I don't want mom jeans & I try not to wear jeans that are
too low-rise but I also can't afford to buy all new styles especially since it's very hard for me to find jeans that fit well in general (since I'm so short but have "hips" lol.)
Yesterday Leah hit 3 weeks old. CRAZY. I feel like I just came home from the hospital, I swear. One week from this coming Sunday & she'll be 1 month old. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? Yesterday Hannah also turned 23 months old which means in officially 1 month, less one day, she'll be 2 years old. I still remember coming home from the hospital with her like it was yesterday. So crazy. We're having a small, immediate family only party for her at my parents house.
I'm torn about the cake though. I have 2 choices I'm trying to decide between. I could either get a Toy Story cake from our grocery store (she's obsessed with Toy Story... Pixar in general but definitely Toy Story) OR get a sheet cake from the grocery store and get them to airbrush it 2 colors and then write "Happy Birthday Hannah" on it or whatever & then we would buy Pixar figurines from Target to put on top of it so that we could incorporate ALL her favorites (Lightning McQueen, Buzz & Woody, Mike & Sully (Monsters Inc) and if we could find it, Elsa or Anna from Frozen. That way she could have the figurines to keep and play with but it would be more expensive that way since the figurine sets are expensive. But I want her to get mostly Pixar related toys for her presents anyway. So we'll see. Maybe I'll ask a relative to go in on the figures with us and consider it part of their gift? My sister would probably agree. I also want to get her a tablet so that she has something to occupy her when I have to tend to Leah. She has my very, VERY old ipod touch but it's so old & practically broken (won't hold a charge for longer than like 30 minutes & can't run half the apps out now.) I'm just not sure what's a good tablet for her age that isn't going to break the bank. OH works at a collision repair shop and accidentally hit a customers car with another customers car. Minor damage but there's a chance the repair costs will come out of his pay. He said the first time one of the other guys did that, he got a warning so hopefully that's all OH gets this time.
Both girls still have colds, I'm fighting it but it's not nearly as bad as Hannah has it. Yesterday Hannah spiked a fever of 102.4 but fortunately Tylenol brought it down. When I text OH to tell him, he freaked and said we were taking her to the hospital when he got home lol. I told him we didn't need to. Also for babies - I highly recommend you get the NoseFrieda instead of a bulb syringe. I get so much out of Leah's nose than I ever could with the bulb.
But on that note, Leah's up and screaming for a bottle so I better get on that.