Off-topic but needed to vent quick (and then I gotta get Hannah who woke up from her nap).
One of my friends and bridesmaids is 39 weeks pregnant. Not even a week ago she was saying she wanted me to there to photograph the birth, that she'd love to have me there, all that. Great for me because I want to photograph births
Last night I messaged her letting her know that if she wants me there when he's born, so long as I'm not at work I can be there or if she just wants me to come by once he's here, that's fine too. Just let me know. This morning she messaged me at 6am saying her husband went to jail over the weekend and her water had just broken so she was headed to the hospital but he couldn't get his bond until today (so she's obviously going through a lot, which I can understand) but that she'd text me when she got to the hospital and knew more about what was going on.
I replied saying I'm sorry she's going through all of that and that I hope everything's okay, let me know what she needs and if I don't see her today to have a safe labor & delivery. This was about 3 hours later. She read it (now 4 hours ago) and never replied. No biggie, she's kind of in labor and probably worried about her husband. She's posting online that she just got her epidural, water being broken in an hour, pictures, etc but still hasn't gotten back to me.
If she's overwhelmed and stressed and just wants to focus on labor/delivery that's totally okay with me, I just want to know in case I need to be ready to head up there. I know I sound a little selfish with what she's going through which is why I'm not bothering her about any of it but I'm a little upset because she was so "gung-ho" about having me there to take pictures and I was so looking forward to it and now I just feel a little let down lol. I'll get over it and just wish her a safe/healthy delivery and baby and I know I can easily take pictures of him at another time but I'm just hoping someone gets where I'm coming from in being a little upset over it.
That being said... MY child is awake and calling for me, probably wants lunch as well haha. 15 days until my gender/anatomy scan!