TTC and Beyond!

Sandy yay for gender scan!!!

Katrina, I really hope that females does it this cycle for you :hugs:

Kara ugh, I would have been so pissed at my mil for that too! Not even just her, if my own mom said it I'd be pissed

Niki that's awesome! Hopefully she sticks to that pattern

Britt sorry you keep having these BP scares! Hopefully it stops

AFM, we did our indoor maternity shoot today at work. I almost passed out several times. It wasn't blood sugar because I made sure to eat this morning but I must have been overheated or dehydrated or something. Was no bueno. Also, afterward I was getting sharp pains in my cervix but they died down after a while. Now I'm getting some pain on the lower left side of my bump but not sure if maybe I just pulled the round ligament when we were shooting today. Anyway, pics turned out fantastic. I started editing them at work. Ill try and post a couple soon. Oh and baby shower tomorrow! Woohoo!
Ash- your getting so close!!

my back is shot! Ugh I hate then I throw it out. Looks like tonight will hopefully be like last night. She woke up 30 min earlier then last night, but hopefully her next waking won't be until 6ish.
Urgh, not what I wanted right now. My "friend" posted this on her Facebook and then went on to say how disrespectful and self-centred I am all because I'd said to our friend that I couldn't be around pregnant women at the minute so couldn't meet them in the week. She's never been a good friend but this still stung. Am I really disrespectful and self-centred for wanting to protect myself? Staying away from pregnant women doesn't mean I'm not happy for them it just means that I'm hurting.


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Bb- what a mean post. She obviously got pregnant easily and doesn't understand. I'm no longer on facebook...cant stand what people do on it.
She's pregnant with baby number 4. That's 4 under 4. I'm hurt by what she said but I'll be fine!

I sent her this privately - Why didn't you inbox me instead of putting a status up? I'm not self-centred or disrespectful. It's not anything personal against you or any other pregnant women, I'm just finding it hard at the moment. You should understand that after experiencing loss yourself x

She replied - You are so dis respectful , you can't be around pregnant woman ! ??? How can you say that ? I have had a loss actually when I was 9 weeks ! No I would be and was pleased for others , can't not be so bitter towards others , you should be grateful that you have Tristan at end of the day , there is others that can't even have the one child and my sister has been through worse and she isn't bitter towards others . It makes me so mad how you are towards pregnant woman! Hence reason I came of kiddiwinks .

I replied - That is not disrespectful. After 1 loss I was ok but after 3 I am not. It doesn't mean I'm not happy for you or anyone else that's successfully pregnant. I'm hurting so I choose to protect myself by keeping out of situations that I can't deal with. Take it however you like Laura, it was never meant in a nasty way. X

She hasn't replied.
Not sure why ppl think airing their personal business on FB is appropriate - I feel like those ppl need reassessing in my life Anywyas when that happens. I think it was nice for you to message her, ESP because you don't owe her an explanation, but there are some people understand your heart and others never will. Her loss for not having sympathy.
Bb how rude of her. I distance my self from pregnant people and have never had a loss. Everyone copes differently she should respect that.
Ashlee love the picture
Afm sold a bull this morning. Now I'm trying to get presentable for the bridal shower. I hate my hair :(
We like the pampers swaddlers but have started using cloth bc diapers are so expensive! So disposables will prob only be for traveling and emergencies.

For breastfeeding/pumping ladies, if you can find a breastfeeding group they are great. Our hospital has one every thurs. They've been a huge help. I was so worried Grayson wasn't gaining weight but he's back at his birth weight (6lbs 6oz), 6pz in a week. Olivia has passed him and weighs 6lbs 10oz, 10oz in a week lol. It's nice to talk to other moms going through the same things. It's run by lactation consultants. They even gave me a nipple shield and helped me work w Olivia on latching.

Made the lactation cookies...delicious!

I think we are going to try gripe water. Grayson has been so weird about latching. He'll latch and unlatch, fuss in the middle of's so frustrating. Especially at night when I'm exhausted. Definitely ended up in tears a few times.

Sarah-could be a bad latch....make sure you're using lanolin or something to sooth. Makes a big difference! It is hard going places when you're breastfeeding! It's not easy having about a 2 hour time limit lol

Kara-that is obnoxious. I'd prob snap someone's head off if they said something about my boob milk!

I'm sure I missed a lot, I've been catching up during pumping sessions...

Here's a cute pic of Grayson with a boob milk mustache
LOL Julie- I catch up and post while I'm pumping too, like what else am I supposed to do??? Haha!!

I've given Makayla gripe water twice-bc I could literally hear the bubbles in the poor baby's stomach and she was so uncomfortable. Both times she has taken it and fallen asleep immediately-like out like a light. The one I have def is alcohol free so I'm not sure what that's all about but she def feels better afterwards!
I bnb when she's feeding.

she slept soooooo well last night.... So happy!!

Julie- he's so cute...i miss Alia that tiny. She is longer then the boppy! 4 months old Monday...where did the time go?!

bb- she is not worth the effort if she doesn't understand!
Oh and we've used gripe water it we aren't sure if it's working for her, but we still try every time
Thanks everyone :) Feeling much better now. I had a cry and a but of a wobble but I'm ok now.

What do you all think to these? I can't decide what to set it at? I feel like O was CD14 because I had some cramps and my boobs became sore on CD15 which has only ever happened after O upto now.
Bb what a witch! She obviously has no tact or feelings!

Julie he's so cute!
Bb, I say go with how you feel and what your body is saying. How is cm? Pre or post o?

Afm, I'm very short of breath today. I can't get into a position that's comfortable, or that provides me with the oxygen I want. And I pulled a muscle in my back. sigh. I'm pathetic.
Bb, I say listen to your body, too.

Mirolee, I'm sorry. I all of a sudden am much more short of breath and uncomfortable, too. Only 20 more weeks though! Lol. And you aren't pathetic, only pregnant and a little miserable!

Camping is nice. :) I was able to take a much needed 2 hour nap. Ahh! This week was tough on me. And my blood sugars have been MUCH lower than usual .. like in the 70'struck all day. Weird. Gives me a good reason to eat cake later, right? Lol. Kidding, but its definitely different.
Ashlee, happy baby shower!

I'm feeling a bit better. I did some yoga, rested. I hate complaining about anything, even when it's a valid complaint, because I have waited and wanted for so long. I appreciate you gals listening to me.
Bb go by what u think. My bfp was a chart I adjusted and it turned out I was right.

julie- what kind of cloth diapers r u using? Which do u like/dis like?

afm, Alia is growing out of her current cloth diapers... So we need to decided to continue or not. If we continue what kind do we want. There is a store near us that lets u try out like 5-6 diapers for just a deposit of $50. You get 2 weeks and u can return whatever u want...even return all if u want. U get all $50 back! If u keep some u just pay the difference in price. Anyways that's what we r doing now. We have 2 all in ones and 3 hybrids. We think well figure out what we want and they try to find them used or cheaper on line or something.

also, we got picture of a camper we r getting.... Its AMAZING!! Can't wait to go camping. Now if we can just find friends to go with....all our friends just had babies this last month.

I'm making a big batch of lactation cookies on Friday for all my breast feeding mommy friends for mommy day!
We just started yesterday so I can't really say yet. We have bummis, econobums and the bumgenius all in ones. The all in ones are nice but would be so expensive to use exclusively bc you go through them so quickly. If you don't mind prefolds and bulky bums, the econobums are nice and are cheap. So far we haven't had leaking probs with any of them.
After they grow out of these we have some one size flips which will be nice bc we won't have to mess with the prefolds. They go from 8-35 lbs, so should last us a long time. Right now we have to use newborns bc they are both so tiny. We've spent maybe $400 at most for at least $900 worth of product.
A box of 96 pampers ($25) didn't last a week for us, so we are saving so much!

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