Good luck ashlee!! I say go in.
Sleep training is for about 6months old or older. There r different methods used to help your little one sleep through the night. The professionals claim at that age they are no longer waking up for food, just for "attention". Alia used to sleep from she can't even sleep from 7-1130pm straight through. And when I go to feed her she barley eats. So if been thinking she's not waking for food. So last night I just gave her her paci when she woke....and she did great!! She fell right back to sleep. Hopefully this trend will continue for a few nights and will turn into sleeping through the night. And just to note, alia does have a bed time schedule and puts herself to bed wide awake very well. Also, since she's not 6months yet, last night (and I'll continue for a few more weeks) I did offer her one feeding when she woke at 1am, but she barley ate.
I have a phone interview in 45min....nervous!!