Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hello! I haven't been on here in forever...I'm so busy everyday with these babies but loving every minute of it! I go back to work Aug 4th and I am dreading it! I do not want to miss a single minute of their day

But, gotta have money...
Updates on us...Babies are doing great! We are on somewhat of a schedule. It's very loose, but it's getting there. They do not sleep through the night, but we put them down between 8 and 9 and they sleep until after midnight at least. They they are up every 2-3 hours, but eat and go right back to sleep.
They will be 15 weeks on Monday. They are both such happy babies, smiling and talking all the time. Grayson has reflux and is just a needier, more emotional baby. Liv is super easy, only fusses when hungry or tired. I'm guessing they weigh around 13lbs right now. They are in 3-6 month clothes. It's amazing how quickly they grow, they really do change everyday. Sometimes overnight I notice differences!
We are cloth diapering both and loving it! We rarely use disposables, just for traveling or if we run out of cloth bc I waited to long to wash them lol
I quit breastfeeding. It was so time consuming bc they both took forever and then still needed topping off afterward. My nipples were so sore and weren't getting better. So, I finally just started pumping. Now I pump 3-4 times a day and produce enough to feed both of them fresh milk at each feeding and can freeze 4-10oz a day. I average 50oz a day. I feel very lucky to have a supply like that. I was really dedicated to feeding and then pumping for the first month or two. I was literally breastfeeding and then pumping every 3 hours...it was time consuming, but I think that's why my supply is doing so well.
Other than that, I wrecked my car. Rear ended someone during rush hour after they rear ended the car in front of them. Scared me to death bc babies were in the car. G slept through it and Liv cried for 2 seconds, but both were perfectly fine. My legs were bruised and scraped (air bags deployed). I was pumping (I do that a lot when I drive, hands free of course!), so I had bruises on my boobs lol Ins totaled the car, luckily we were planning to get something bigger anyway. Now we have a Kia Sorento with the 3rd row seats and I love it!
Anyway, off to try and make some lactation cookies while the babies are sleeping. Hope everyone is doing well!
Here is a pic from a few weeks ago...also my baby pic against Liv's