TTC and Beyond!

Waves, that stinks! I'm sorry. Can you call the doctors office and maybe explain and they write the script that way?

Mirolee, hope he comes soon!

Appointment went well. Gained no weight again. Yay! Bp was good. Sugars are good. Scheduled our c-section for September 18. Only 7 weeks and 6 days to go! Then stopped at Target and happened upon a stroller carseat travel system on clearance for about $70! I think yes! He can come now since he has a ride home! ;) Weekly biophysical profile ultrasounds now, too. Excited to see him next week! Not excited to pull a 12 hour midnight shift tomorrow night though. My pelvis is going to HATE me Sunday.
waves- so sorry for hard times. Maybe, since the doc doesn't know you can't come back, you can call doc on call and just ask for a script?
Sorry waves that things are so tough. Can your oh put the kiddos on his insurance? Or maybe each of you do one? Have you done the math to see how much of a difference it would make in your check since it comes out pretax? I think Ellie costs me an extra $50 or so per check but I don't really notice it bc it's pretax. Maybe if you each do one child it won't be as noticeable. In the end, it is cheaper than paying for office visits. Hopefully the financial aid stuff gets worked out. I agree with just calling and asking for an rx over the phone.
Or maybe look into Obama care....i know nothing about it, but just a suggestion. I believe the price is according to your income and since u and oh aren't married then u don't have to put down his income.
Or maybe look into Obama care....i know nothing about it, but just a suggestion. I believe the price is according to your income and since u and oh aren't married then u don't have to put down his income.

That was a suggestion offered to me by a friend but several people commented that I cannot qualify for Obamacare because I have insurance through my employer.

As for Tyler adding both or one of the girls to his insurance, he isn't offered any through his employer at all. I haven't calculated the cost of adding the girls to my plan other than knowing it would be $100 total ($50/dependent.) I couldn't even add them again until open enrollment which I believe is November. On top of that, Target stopped offering part-time employees insurance. I'm considered a part-time employee but happen to average full-time hours which is the only way I still have coverage. But if something changes at work, given that hours aren't guaranteed unless you're full-time, I could drop below full-time hours (on average) and lose MY insurance too.

I'm going to just call her ped once I have an appointment for WIC and ask for a prescription because my appointment is before her next check-up (that's just what I'll say at least) and hope they come through without wanting to see her first.

I'm also hoping I'll get our decision letter and it'll be a simple fix like a paperwork issue and I'll just need to resubmit something or another. I don't know...
Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say hello! I haven't been on here in forever...I'm so busy everyday with these babies but loving every minute of it! I go back to work Aug 4th and I am dreading it! I do not want to miss a single minute of their day :( But, gotta have money...

Updates on us...Babies are doing great! We are on somewhat of a schedule. It's very loose, but it's getting there. They do not sleep through the night, but we put them down between 8 and 9 and they sleep until after midnight at least. They they are up every 2-3 hours, but eat and go right back to sleep.
They will be 15 weeks on Monday. They are both such happy babies, smiling and talking all the time. Grayson has reflux and is just a needier, more emotional baby. Liv is super easy, only fusses when hungry or tired. I'm guessing they weigh around 13lbs right now. They are in 3-6 month clothes. It's amazing how quickly they grow, they really do change everyday. Sometimes overnight I notice differences!
We are cloth diapering both and loving it! We rarely use disposables, just for traveling or if we run out of cloth bc I waited to long to wash them lol
I quit breastfeeding. It was so time consuming bc they both took forever and then still needed topping off afterward. My nipples were so sore and weren't getting better. So, I finally just started pumping. Now I pump 3-4 times a day and produce enough to feed both of them fresh milk at each feeding and can freeze 4-10oz a day. I average 50oz a day. I feel very lucky to have a supply like that. I was really dedicated to feeding and then pumping for the first month or two. I was literally breastfeeding and then pumping every 3 was time consuming, but I think that's why my supply is doing so well.
Other than that, I wrecked my car. Rear ended someone during rush hour after they rear ended the car in front of them. Scared me to death bc babies were in the car. G slept through it and Liv cried for 2 seconds, but both were perfectly fine. My legs were bruised and scraped (air bags deployed). I was pumping (I do that a lot when I drive, hands free of course!), so I had bruises on my boobs lol Ins totaled the car, luckily we were planning to get something bigger anyway. Now we have a Kia Sorento with the 3rd row seats and I love it!

Anyway, off to try and make some lactation cookies while the babies are sleeping. Hope everyone is doing well!

Here is a pic from a few weeks ago...also my baby pic against Liv's
Sandy how exciting! That's not long at all :)

Julie so nice to hear from you. I love your Facebook updates, the twins are so cute! Well done on the pumping!
Julie they are adorable! Glad you all are doing well! !

I know BB! So ready!

Hubby put the stroller together today. :)I am trying to take a nap before my midnight shift. Bleh.. feeling lousy still. Better but not 100%. Last weekend on call til after baby though. Yayyy!
Julie- glad all were not hurt in the accident! I worry about that all the time!
Cassidy/Mirolee- so so excited to see your babies!!!
Sandy- I can't believe how close you are getting! It's got to be sort of nice to know the day he will be born!
Julie!!! So nice to hear from u. So glad u r all safe. Pumping while driving?! Never heard of a thing. Is it embarrassing if people see u? However, babes r toooo cute and awesome job on feeding!
Britt, yes, but it seems weird for some reason! Lol. I am ohhhhhh so ready to meet him!
Julie!!! So nice to hear from u. So glad u r all safe. Pumping while driving?! Never heard of a thing. Is it embarrassing if people see u? However, babes r toooo cute and awesome job on feeding!

Lol I'm in the car, I can't do anything else anyway, the babies are safely in the back and usually I pump in the car! lol I have a hands free bra, so I just set it up before I start driving. I don't pay any attention to it again until I get to my destination. It just works out! I honestly have no idea if anyone else even notices. Sometimes I glance over to see if anyone is looking but so far no one has been. The only thing they might be able to see is my nipple and they'd have to look pretty hard to see that from another, I'm not really worried about it!
How's Alia doing? I saw your 6 month breastfeeding thing, how is breastfeeding going?
Julie- that's a nice set up. Does your pump plug into the lighter plug thing? Also do u have bags or something that can collect alot of milk? Mine only do 5oz per boob. Well I stopped breast feeding about 2 weeks ago. I stopped because Alia wasn't interested anymore. She wanted bottles because it allowed her to look around. Also because she started getting reflux and needed to sit up right to eat. Lastly, with her teeth I was scared of getting bit. In the end I also decided to stop pumping because it takes me like 30min each time and I wasn't getting a ton because I think my boobs were used to the pimp and I was at the strongest pump setting. Lastly, we want to try for number 2 in dec/jan and I need to get my body ready for that. Which includes losing like 30 lbs and when pumping/feeding I couldn't stop eating and it took so much time I never found time to work out. So it was time. If u remember I also nerd to regulate my hormones because of an imbalance to even get a cycle. So with that said I need to get my cycles back on track and get on my meds it was time to tale care of all that so we can have number 2. So I stopped. Since then I have worked out again...and I'm working on my eating. I stopped producing milk.... Have a doc apt In 3 weeks to check hormones and get things in check. We have lots of breast milk in freezer and have been doing 2 bottles breast and 2 bottles formula and she's doing well! We probably have enough to give her breast milk like this for another month. Doc said she has a strong immune system at this point so breast milk isn't a must anymore. Anyways everyone is happy over here!!! She's too stinking cute and sweet. We say"Alia give me a hug" and she will put both arms around us and squeeze. Sooo cute! She also open mouth kisses us. Sooo in love!!
What a bloody nightmare! I've always been told that my aspirin is the most important thing I take. I took it tonight then 10 minutes later threw up. I rang the gynae unit who said I needed to speak to my out of hours Doctor because he would have my notes and that I could get the number by ringing my Doctors. I rang and the number was 111! I rang them and explained. I got asked a load of silly questions, all I need is a yes or no, do I take it again!? They will call me back within 6 hours! I've rang both my midwifes and got the answer machine. So yeh I'm kind of freaking out. I don't know what to do! 6 hours takes me into the early hours of tomorrow and that will be too late to take it again :(
Well af has left the building. :) I enjoyed the last day of her in typical not pregnant fashion I ate my weight in cookie dough.

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