TTC and Beyond!

Thanks BB!! I think she's pretty dang perfect :) I can't get enough of her. And tell me about it, I was very very irritated at that dr.
All these little babies makes me want number 2!! They r too cute Cassidy and Ashlee!
Thanks Ladies on the input about the dopplers...I think I will order the sonoline the first week of september so it will be here around the time i am 8 weeks. I just really want hubby to be able to experience the same thing i get to at the dr. He has seriously been so sweet to me since my BFP...he rubs my belly every morning which makes me chuckle...I cant wait to get a little bump!!

Ash thats really frustrating about the DR...I hope this other DR is much better and solves your problem.

Sandy...I can't believe your up next!! September is my favorite month, its beautiful weather, apple and pumpkin season and its my birthday month!!
Awww that's so sweet :)

I quite like the idea of a name meaning rainbow or something significant to our losses for babies middle name but can't seem to find any boys ones! Does anyone know of any please?
What do u all put your lo to bed in? I'm torn. In the evening its hot so I wanna do a short sleeve/no pants onsie. But by morning she's freezing and I regret dressing her warmer and I think she'd sleep better in the morning if dressed warmer.
Ashlee she's beautiful. Sorry you had a bad visit. What does your pediatrician say? Is she still having latch problems?

Bb have you tried a name website where you can look up the meaning of a name?

Nikki - Ellie sleeps in long sleeve cotton pjs and a sleep sack. I keep my house at 74 degrees. She usually sleeps for 11 hours or more and never wakes up hot or cold
Zuri Lynn was due August 1st, 2014. After no sign of her wanting to come on her own, and being 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced the past two weeks, my doctors were planning on scheduling me for an induction date of August 14th. On August 11th I began to lose bloody bits of plug, which continued throughout the day and into the next day. I was bouncing on my fitness ball constantly, going on lots of walks, and also started taking black cohosh the morning of the 12th which I have read can help naturally indue labor. August 12th around 11.45pm I went for my last walk around the block with my doggies. Got home and bounced on the fitness ball a bit. I had been having a few intense bouts of pressure, but nothing very painful or consistent.

I went to lay down at 1am on the 13th and started having contractions. I lay in bed for an hour timing them and they were averaging 7 minutes apart. I decided to try to sleep and see if they were stronger when I woke up. Sleep definitely wasn’t going to work, there was no way I was sleeping through these. I got in the tub and took about an hour long bath/shower- the warm water helped me relax a lot. I got out of the tub and resumed timing contractions- from 3am to 5am I timed them and they were anywhere from 2 minutes to 6 minutes apart. I ended up walking over to my in-laws house (they live next door) and having a cup of coffee with my mother-in-law. As the contractions became more and more consistent I went and woke my husband up and told him we should probably plan on leaving to the hospital soon. I was group b strep positive and had to get in two rounds of intravenous antibiotics before I gave birth, and had also been a slacker and hadn’t pre-registered with the hospital so knew I’d have some paperwork to fill out.

We got booked and into a room by about 7.30am. They hooked me up to the monitors, saw I was having consistent contractions and checked me- 4.5cm dilated and 100% effaced. Yay! We were officially staying and not leaving until our baby girl had arrived. Unfortunately, they checked my blood pressure which was very high (154/114) and the midwife decided to start me on magnesium sulfate to make sure I didn’t start having seizures from the blood pressure. One side affect, she said, was that it could make the contractions taper off and not be as strong. I also wasn’t allowed to get up and walk around or use the tub because they were worried it would make my blood pressure go up even higher. I labored through my contractions for about 5 hours until they definitely were becoming more spread apart and inconsistent.

At noon, my midwife came in and checked me- I had only progressed one centimeter to 5.5cm at this point. She broke my water and decided to start me on pitocin since my contractions had became so inconsistent. I labored through contractions on pitocin for about 3 hours. They were coming intense and fast, 2 minutes apart and each lasting for a minute. I was in extreme pain but really wanting to try to stick as close to my natural birth as possible, feeling disappointed I already had so much medical intervention already. I asked them to check me at 3pm after laboring through all of the pitocin contractions. I hadn’t progressed at all. At this point I felt like breaking down, the contractions were literally coming one right after the other.

I decided that with no progression yet I was going to get the epidural to be able to relax. I was running on no sleep and extremely distressed. The epidural was not painful getting put in whatsoever and began to take effect immediately. At first it only numbed my right side, so they had me lay on my left side and it eventually took affect on that side as well. It took about 15 minutes to fully kick in, and 15 minutes after that I definitely had the “I need to poop,” sensation. I was really concerned I had to actually poop as I had only been 5.5cm when they had checked me 30 minutes before. They checked me again and I was at 9.5cm!!!

The nurse came in and we began pushing at about 3.45pm, and my beautiful daughter was born into this world at 4.26pm on August 13th weighing 7lbs 14.1oz, 20.5 inches long. They laid her on my chest immediately and I got to have skin to skin bonding with her for the hour after she was born. We also did delayed cord clamping until it stopped pulsing. She took to my breast almost immediately and was feeding soon after being born. My birth may not have went exactly the way I wanted it to, but once that baby girl was placed on my chest- nothing else mattered in the world. She is my absolute pride and joy.

Our hospital stay was less than comfortable, as I had to have my blood drawn every 4 hours due to the magnesium sulfate and have shit veins- I was poked probably 30ish times during our stay. We also had to stay an extra night because of my high blood pressure but eventually got it under control. Now we are comfy and cozy at home and I am so beyond feeling excited and blessed to have my daughter with me safe and sound and cannot think of anything better than being her mommy.


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Glad she's here safe and sound Cassidy.
Lux is so cute, glad you found a better Dr. That first one sounds awful.
Afm I'm tired and going to bed shortly. Fair ends tomorrow and I'll sleep plenty after. I've been there from 7 am to 11 pm the last two nights.
Lovely story Cassidy :) my labour did the same as yours. Contractions thick and fast but no progress then all of a sudden ready to push!

Katrina when is AF due?
Ashlee she's beautiful. Sorry you had a bad visit. What does your pediatrician say? Is she still having latch problems?

Bb have you tried a name website where you can look up the meaning of a name?

Nikki - Ellie sleeps in long sleeve cotton pjs and a sleep sack. I keep my house at 74 degrees. She usually sleeps for 11 hours or more and never wakes up hot or cold

Thank you! I haven't mentioned it to my pediatrician as I've been told by pretty much every single person whose baby was tongue or lip tied that their pediatricians just dismiss it unless there's a severe underweight issue. Which lux isn't underweight she's about 50th percentile, but only because I have taken to pumping during the day to give my boobies a break and breast feeding at night when she feeds less often. My supply had dropped by about half until I started this routine because her latch just wasn't very effective. It's gotten a tiny bit better as her mouths gotten a little bigger but she still has an extremely shallow latch which hurts and leaves her sucking in too much air and getting too gassy. I've been told in the tongue tie support groups that my best bet is to take her to a pediatric dentist or one of their frenotomy preferred providers that they have a list of so we'll probably be making that drive soon. My little 4 year old cousin actually just had his done down in Stockton because he was having some other dental work and his dad requested it because up here they told him thy wouldn't until he was 6. Which is kinda BS because it's done to infants all the time.
About Wednesday, last time it came three days after I stopped progesterone and I take my last pill tomorrow night.
Ash, she's beautiful. Sorry things are frustrating right now! I Hope you find someone to listen to you!

Brittney, I know! I love September and October, they are my favorite. I love fall. I love pumpkins and apples and bon fires and leaves. Love love love! IT couldn't be more perfect to have him in mid September! He's our little punkin already! :) Glad your hubby is so excited! Can he go to Dr. appts with you? Mine is fortunately able to go, and he goes to the ultrasounds, too. They record our ultrasounds on DVD for us, too, which is really nice and give us lots of pictures! I hope yours is that way, too. It's great to have all those memories later on. :)

BB, I agree, look them up. I just googled " boy names meaning rainbow" and found a few. I also looked up "miracle" and found some. Like "Thaumas" which is Greek meaning wonder & miracle. You could always change the spelling a little if you didn't like it or something.

I just looked up Brody, and one of it's meanings is "brother" . How fitting. :)

Cass, glad things went well. Thanks for the info about the epidural. I'm kinda nervous about that. I know a girl that it never did take for and they had to put her all the way under. I don't think I want to do that again so I hope it works! She is beautiful. The blood pressure part is scary! Glad you are home and all is going well though.

Katrina, FX! We went to the state fair yesterday and walked around for about 4 hours and I was EXHAUSTED!! I can't imagine 16. Geesh.

Rachel, we keep our house even cooler than that. In the summer it's about 64-68 (this year cuz mama is HOT!), and in the winter the thermostat is set on 68, but we do use one of the electric fireplaces some so I appreciate the input. I'm nervous about figuring out all these little details like what he should wear and such. Our house is always on the cool side though so he will probably be dressed on the warmer side most of the time except when we are going outside.

We went to the state fair yesterday and got rained on, walked around, DIDN'T eat crap (we shared a lemon shake up was all), and had a nice time hanging out together. We also got new cell phones because there was a GREAT deal that we couldn't pass up -- mine was on the fritz, gonna die anytime. The screen had spots and lines on it, it wouldn't load things, would only call out when it wanted to.. I had been trying to figure out what to do about it since I thought I couldn't upgrade til January, but apparently there is some promo going on and we both got new phones. They take awesome pictures so I can take lots and lots of picture of this new little man! Then we stopped at Babys'R Us on the way home, but didn't find anything we couldn't live without. I guess it's time to take the tags off the diaper bag and start packing it! We stopped at Target, too. I found some adorable carseat strap covers. I have lots to do today and no motivation. I slept in this morning til TEN. I never ever sleep that late. I'm just really tired lately. Part of it though. I really should go be productive I guess. Maybe the house cleaning fairy will show up.. ;) Have a super Sunday ladies!
Beautiful story Cassidy...made me cry! So glad u r all healthy and happy! Enjoy every moment.

Alia is cranky today.... Don't think she feels well. She has Advil in her now, but I think if she's still mad I might try gripe water...i think her belly hurts. Very gassy and poppy! She finally fell asleep for a hoping for a 1.5hr nap...she needs it.
Sorry Alia is not feeling well Nikki!!

Cassidy-loved your story! So happy for you and so glad you finally get to snuggle your baby girl!

Girls who have started solids-what is your timeline for feeding? I gave Kay her 6pm bottle and then some oatmeal for the first time ever and then tried to give her her bedtime bottle and she wouldn't eat it. Now I'm scared I'm screwed for the night lol
Kara- give it a 20min and try again. I think I did oatmeal mid day when starting. Alia seemed hungry and it didn't effect any of her not sure what to say
Yeah, I think I waited until too late at night. I was bored. LOL. She ate more than usual at her 6pm feeding and then I gave her the cereal, and then tried to feed her again at 7:30 and she was passed out like a ragdoll. Haha...

I think I'm gonna try again tomorrow earlier, like 5:30, before her 6pm bottle. Fingers crossed she STTN still!
Oh, and she wears long sleeve cotton footie PJs to bed-we keep our house at 74 as well!
We keep our house at 78 however near bed time we turn ac off and open windows (it get cold her at night) and by morning she's really cold in the short sleeve/no pants onsies.... So i also have been putting her in long sleeve footie pjs and she seems to be sleeping better.

we also noticed she likes a blanket for comfort reasons. She doesn't always keep it on her, but she holds it. So we have been giving her a very light one at night. You can breath through it if it was on her that's a bit comforting, but still scares me a bit.

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