Cassidy-Do NOT jinx me like that! Two is plenty!!! Plus we've had 2 u/s and only saw 2, surely there aren't more in there! If her's are identical, that can make it a lot harder to tell. Especially if they are in the same sac. Mine each have their own very separate sacs, so it was easy to tell there were 2 lol
Kara-So exciting! We scheduled one with a 4D scan for Nov 23rd...can't wait!
Nikki-That's crazy!!! I hope she can just do it for you. I'm considered high risk automatically bc of twins, but they aren't sending me elsewhere thank goodness! Glad baby is growing well!
Morgan-I'm still waiting on my They are slightly swollen, but not really any more than before AF time. I did have to loosen my bra to the next hook though, but that's more bc I think my ribs are expanding from all the pushing upward.
Kids are so funny. My kids have been asking why I've been out sick so much, so I finally told a few of them. One hates the word pregnant, one is scared of pregnant people bc their bellies are so big and the other said she wants to take care of me. Some couldn't care less lol