TTC and Beyond!

Omg you girls were totally not joking about ms hitting full force at 6 weeks. I feel like utter shite. I really don't want to puke but I don't know how long ill last without it happening.
I found if I just puke up all the bile (from an empty stomach all night) every single morning and then eat a nice breakfast then I am cured for the day. I know it sucks but I always feel better when it's over! :( Sorry pretty girl- just know things are hard at work in there!
Well that would be quite a drive! How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Clinging to the good book? I have been! It's been very tough for me, dealing with confusing emotions.. Being pregnant again.. it's all so surreal still. I hope things are well with you! :)

Yea me too. It doesnt seem real to me yet. I dont feel pregnant at all and it's hard to think a new little baby is in our lives. I need to read my Bible more. Just been so incredibly tired after I get home from work (12+ hours between leaving and getting home) that I have just been eating, showering and passing out. No excuse though. I am still a worry wart, using my doppler everyday.

How are you? Did the bleeding stop now?
The bleeding is still there sometimes, but they said it should have stopped, that the SCH had reabsorbed.. so that's worrisome. I woke up the other morning to some blood, but than nothing again all day. So confusing but nothing toooo bad so we're just holding on til the next appt, as always ;) I'm sad I don't use the doppler as much as I should, bc like you am so busy with my 8-5 & and an hour of traffic to and from. Lots of time to think.. I wish I got out more to clear my mind! Seems like I am a zombie after the same getting sick, work, dinner, bed routine I've been having! And then the weekends I'm pooped! Lol. But thankful I am even at this point I suppose :)
Thanks Morgan, I may just have to puke and get it over with. We'll see.

So, DH and I were talking yesterday because I basically told him that I feel like an unattractive cow and that he never tries to have sex with me and it sucks. And the only time he does seem to initiate is when I tell him that I hate that he doesn't initiate and it feels like a pity lay. He said that he's felt like I only want to have sex with him to get pregnant and that I wasn't actually attracted to him anymore. Poor guy, it's so not like that. I told him that obviously that's not the case since I'm now preggo and still bitching about not having sex. I think that cleared things up a little. Amazing what TTC can do to your sex life. After that little talk things have seemed better between us. I think we both just felt insecure and unattractive to each other.
update: for you all too look forward to....
I am having an I FEEL HUGE TODAY kind of day.
I am Exhausted and having feet/back pain.

Anyways... just the fun of pregnancy! have a great rest of your day!
Thanks Morgan, I may just have to puke and get it over with. We'll see.

So, DH and I were talking yesterday because I basically told him that I feel like an unattractive cow and that he never tries to have sex with me and it sucks. And the only time he does seem to initiate is when I tell him that I hate that he doesn't initiate and it feels like a pity lay. He said that he's felt like I only want to have sex with him to get pregnant and that I wasn't actually attracted to him anymore. Poor guy, it's so not like that. I told him that obviously that's not the case since I'm now preggo and still bitching about not having sex. I think that cleared things up a little. Amazing what TTC can do to your sex life. After that little talk things have seemed better between us. I think we both just felt insecure and unattractive to each other.

I can totally relate. DH and i hadnt even had sex since i became pregnant until this past weekend!! We did it so much while TTC. We had a talk and I let him know how insecure I feel that he never initiates anything and I feel like a broken cow lol. He also feel insecure b/c he has gained some weight over the past couple years that he hasnt done anything about. He used to be a personal trainer (when we met he trained me) and super cut/muscular/fit. Now he is a registered nurse and never works out anymore. I still think he is gorgeous and want to jump his bones, but he feels like crap and I can totally relate. ANyway sex was SO good (albeit short haha) and I want to do it over and over and over. It was good for us to talk about it and hopefully things look up from here.
I can totally relate. DH and i hadnt even had sex since i became pregnant until this past weekend!! We did it so much while TTC. We had a talk and I let him know how insecure I feel that he never initiates anything and I feel like a broken cow lol. He also feel insecure b/c he has gained some weight over the past couple years that he hasnt done anything about. He used to be a personal trainer (when we met he trained me) and super cut/muscular/fit. Now he is a registered nurse and never works out anymore. I still think he is gorgeous and want to jump his bones, but he feels like crap and I can totally relate. ANyway sex was SO good (albeit short haha) and I want to do it over and over and over. It was good for us to talk about it and hopefully things look up from here.
That's pretty much exactly our situation lol. Except DH totally has never worked out, and I don;t really care. He's actually too skinny right now. He's just got a really fast metabolism(jerk, wish I had that problem) We've only had sex maybe 2-3 times since before I got pregnant. I was trying to explain to him that I feel like a cow and that it's probably only going to get worse as I gain weight during the pregnancy and that I'm going to need more reassurance than I used to. But I think I've actually wanted to jump his bones MORE since getting pregnant than I did before. And honestly, pregnancy sex is better, just sayin'. Glad we both worked things out with our DH's though!
Ashlee- I hope you find some nausea relief...I can say this for sure though, it gets better!! :)
My stomach is so freakin funny at night, like huge! I can't even imagine what it must look like to yourself when you're ready to pop!! I'm all like "that's my body?!" Lol so weird.

Of course my first prenatal yoga got cancelled tonight, booooo! My initial though was "damn! I really wanted to start this week" my second hand Preggo reaction was "damn! I could have had that chilli for lunch"!!! Lol- Preggo probs!

I'm sure like Nikki said today, there will be days with their swollen huge, downside...but for now I really love being pregnant :) I love people knowing and asking me how I am and if I need anything, I love hubbs attention, I love the anticipation of feeling bubba and finding out if we are having a little boy or girl, the thought of a Christmastime! Feeling very content today!
Tonight's bump. 15 weeks. It's getting huge huh?
One of our drs looked yesterday with the u/s and it is getting huge!! Measured 15+6 at 15+1 and was possibly bigger. He did a head measurement. I'm really going to push for a gender ultrasound Thursday.

Sorry you are feeling sick Ashlee. I always felt better eating before bed and first thing in the morning. Also sips of water helped before getting out of bed.
Definitely getting bigger Rachel but you are looking sooooooo cute!!! How are you feeling??
Soooo cute Rachel!!!

Sorry you're feeling sick Ash... but not really cuz it's all gonna be worth it when you're holding that babe in your arms!!! :)
Thanks ladies! I feel great! Getting a bit more energy each day. Getting a bit fatter each day....but all for a good cause. Bring on more belly pics!!
Lol Rachel, your ticker says "do I have a hotdog or a cheeseburger"" omg!!! Lmao!!
Did I tell you girls about the "wee mail" app for iPhone?? The baby sends you a text everyday, some of them are cheesy but most make me laugh! It's cute!
Aww thanks Amanda!! I have a feeling I'm going to turn into a house. I'm only 15 weeks and have quite a bump...

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