Well that would be quite a drive! How are you feeling emotionally/physically? Clinging to the good book? I have been! It's been very tough for me, dealing with confusing emotions.. Being pregnant again.. it's all so surreal still. I hope things are well with you!![]()
Thanks Morgan, I may just have to puke and get it over with. We'll see.
So, DH and I were talking yesterday because I basically told him that I feel like an unattractive cow and that he never tries to have sex with me and it sucks. And the only time he does seem to initiate is when I tell him that I hate that he doesn't initiate and it feels like a pity lay. He said that he's felt like I only want to have sex with him to get pregnant and that I wasn't actually attracted to him anymore. Poor guy, it's so not like that. I told him that obviously that's not the case since I'm now preggo and still bitching about not having sex. I think that cleared things up a little. Amazing what TTC can do to your sex life. After that little talk things have seemed better between us. I think we both just felt insecure and unattractive to each other.
That's pretty much exactly our situation lol. Except DH totally has never worked out, and I don;t really care. He's actually too skinny right now. He's just got a really fast metabolism(jerk, wish I had that problem) We've only had sex maybe 2-3 times since before I got pregnant. I was trying to explain to him that I feel like a cow and that it's probably only going to get worse as I gain weight during the pregnancy and that I'm going to need more reassurance than I used to. But I think I've actually wanted to jump his bones MORE since getting pregnant than I did before. And honestly, pregnancy sex is better, just sayin'. Glad we both worked things out with our DH's though!I can totally relate. DH and i hadnt even had sex since i became pregnant until this past weekend!! We did it so much while TTC. We had a talk and I let him know how insecure I feel that he never initiates anything and I feel like a broken cow lol. He also feel insecure b/c he has gained some weight over the past couple years that he hasnt done anything about. He used to be a personal trainer (when we met he trained me) and super cut/muscular/fit. Now he is a registered nurse and never works out anymore. I still think he is gorgeous and want to jump his bones, but he feels like crap and I can totally relate. ANyway sex was SO good (albeit short haha) and I want to do it over and over and over. It was good for us to talk about it and hopefully things look up from here.