Well ladies I had my first scan/appointment this morning!!!!!
When I first got there and checked in the woman said "you probably aren't going to be able to do the sono today" I immediatlely got bitchy without meaning too. I said "Uh..what?" Something about my BlueChoice insurance. I said "My husband who commutes took off today to be here." and she said "let me talk to the supervisor" So she comes back and says they will do it, but if for some reason my insurance doesn't cover it, they will send me a bill. Great. That's probably $900.
So after I sit back down the nurse pokes her head out and said it's because my pregnancy hadn't been "confirmed" yet, so the Sono wasn't considered a "OB" thing (not sure of her exact wording) but she said "you should be fine!" *CONFUSING!* So I may or may not end up with an extremely expensive bill for this sono.
They did an internal. My doctors office has a huge flat screen TV mounted in front of the chair you are in. I saw the baby right away. She (the US tech) was measuring and moving around. Then she said "There's the heart beat!" and i'm trying hard to see it on the screen and then it played out loud. 154 beats per minute. I choked up big time. It's finally real.
So all is well. I'm measuring a day ahead at 7+3 and my due date is still 6/22. We talked to the doc for awhile and then they did a pelvic.
Because it was discovered when I was in highschool that I had Mirtral Valve Prolapse, they are sending me to a Cardiologist to make sure all is well with that. Great.
So.. Next scan is December 10th! I think they may be doing the NT Scan then.
I'm so happy!!!! (and relieved)