BB- Yay crosshairs! Btw the dinners you've been posting on IG look amazing!!
Sarah- oh I hope so too, can't wait to see his little face! Might occupy me/calm my baby fever for a week or so!
Nikki- wow 3 mos!!! Hope hubby is better soon, that sounds like no fun :/
Sandy- unfortunately, no :/ I have turned into a complete nervous wreck, I feel like everyday past Jaxon's bday has been a gift.. Very strange, I guess I'm just thankful but it hurts that Jaxon didn't get this long, sinks in deeper everyday. He passed April 10th, so that'll be insanely difficult too I imagine. But I thank God every morning for another day with a belly full of miracle!
AFM- with being off work so many days, I am already done sitting/waiting at home. Hubby works til 9 again today so I think I'll go visit family with my sister. I absolutely HATE being home alone, and I feel like such a Debbie downer not being able to cope on my own. Hubby's only been gone for an hour and I'm finding it impossible to get back to sleep, just keep thinking of sad things an it's awful. I need to be busy. So will get ready here soon and maybe visit family and make a meal plan for the week and start on freezer dinners (any ideas ladies??). Just need some fresh air and sunshine to feel better.. Lots of praying for peace today.. Hoping I don't feel this depressed for long, this is so not me!!
Morgan, I'm sorry you're feeling down. I'm the same way though as far as sitting at home alone. It's so hard. When I'm not busy, it's easy to get down and think about sad things. I think it will be a good idea for you to do some planning and visiting and cooking. Just don't over-do it. I wondered because I always figured the anxiety would get worse the farther I go.. and my doctor said that it would. I was just hoping she was wrong. It's such a bittersweet thing. All of this. Thinking of you and praying for peace!
Morgan-hugs I was also wondering what Nikki asked?
Nikki she is 3 months your such awesome parents sorry Dh is sick though
Bb yay for crosshairs.
Afm nothing to exciting going on here. Dh and I are going to lunch with his best friend then we will probably stop at the in laws.
Julie you should totally order the onesies. They are only $15 and so unique. Def going in the shadow box.
I went on a target shopping spree yesterday. Used my completion coupon and saved a bunch of money. I bought DH a galaxy tab but added it to my registry first so I could save 10% then saved another 5% with my red card. I bought a new pump bc I'm tired of trying to deal with the insurance company. It's a medela pump in style just like my old one but has a battery pack which I'm stoked for. It was on sale for $225 from $269. I got 20% off with a coupon, $20 off with another coupon and 15% off with my red card and registry coupon. I think I got it for around $145. Not too shabby. If you go online to target coupons you can print the two baby coupons. I think the medela sale ends today. If you use your completion coupon add everything you are going to buy to your registry before you check out. I just scanned everything with my phone lol. But it has to be added before your due date on your registry.
BB, what is bolognaise? Hope Tristan feels better. I'm not sure what the conversion there is.
Rachel, what an awesome deal! I am definitely getting a onsie for Baby H! Those are ADORABLE! I'm thinking I may need to get a Target Red Card if we end up buying anything big.. well we do need a carseat & stroller and Hubby wants a set of video monitors. He says he's not nervous, but video monitors? Our house isn't that big. I'll humor him though. Makes me feel better not to be the only scared one. How is Ellie doing? Did you say she had an appointment yesterday?
I got a lot done once I got up and moving! Oh shoot I forgot to check my sugar. I was busy scrubbing the bathroom on my hands and knees! Hah. It's sparkling! This is mean, but I almost wish hubby had worked longer. Who knows what I could have gotten done. There's always tomorrow though. He wants to go to Menards, and I'm going to make him take me to Target to browse now that we have done all this Target talk. And maybe Meijer, too! I'm starting to get more excited and a little more calm. It's hard though. Always that fear unfortunately. Annnnd I think I deserve a diet strawberry limeade from Sonic. I *love* those things. I don't know what it is. I always liked them, but like I want one every single time we drive by there. I need to Pinterest a recipe for them so I can get my fix at home!
Sandy I brown off minced beef then add onion, pepper and mushrooms. Chuck in a tin of chopped tomatoes, a squirt of tomato purée, a splash of worchester sauce, mixed herbs, garlic etc and simmer until it thickens. Lovely served over spaghetti!
Morgan- Kara posted a bunch of her recipes last weekend. I have made and frozen almost all of them and they were so easy! I will post my tuna noodle casserole recipe later.
Well the cramping stopped... Headed out to lunch as soon as we can get motivated. I am so tired today!
Us too, Sarah! Hubby got home and we haven't gotten anything done. Haha. We're gonna have to get moving soon though because I'm STARVING.. we gotta feed the pregnant lady!
Sandy - I just ordered a video monitor too. We have a quality audio one but I really wanted a video one since she came early and I'm so nervous. I got it online (target) for $150, then 15% off. It has two cameras with night vision. So I'm going to put that in the nursery and the audio monitor in the livingroom so I can leave her sleeping in her pack n play or swing and go outside without coming in every 2 minutes
Oh and yes we went to the dr. She's up to 6.5# and grew an inch to 20 1/4". Doc said she looks great and that we can replace the formula bottles with breast milk bottles. Eventually as long as she's still gaining weight, they said we can nix the bottles all together unless we want to give a bottle.
Kara-my c-section date is also the funny would that be if we all had our babies the same day lol
In laws are coming over tonight. Not too excited about that. We made the decision not to circumcise after lots of research and they have been giving DW crap about it. Sent us info which we had already read but they don't want to read what we sent them. They act like we are just irresponsible idiots sometimes and stick their noses where they don't belong. Apparently MIL made a comment about us wanting more kids too, something about finances. Just pisses me off bc it's not their decision and they are so concerned with money all the time. They don't even know what are financial situation is...they know we both have full time salaried jobs w insurance, so I'm not sure why they seem to think we are so poor.
Anyway...rant over lol Just hoping they don't bring any of it up tonight or they'll be getting an ear full about how they raised their kids, their time is over. These are our kids and Ry and I will be making the decisions.
K off to shower and clean...which I was supposed to do yesterday but went baby clothes shopping instead... Woops!
Ugh I would be pissed julie. If we had a boy we would not be circumcising and I know I would have heard tons of shit from my dad. It's the parents choice everyone else should learn to keep their mouths shut! Same with you having more kids. Absolutely none of their business and not a discussion anyone should be having but the two who will be raising them.
That would be hilarious if you all had babies on the same day!!
Rachel that's great news. Go ellie!!
Will catch up with everyone else later. On my phone at the moment.
In the UK boys are very rarely circumcised. I personally wouldn't do it unless there were medical reasons.
Finally some good news for us. So excited. We truly do have an amazing landlord. He's come up from Kent this week to do some odd jobs around the house. He's going to put us a brand new kitchen in next year and we get to choose it! Fitted cooker, tiles floor the lot! Can not wait.
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