TTC baby #1 with my overweight hubby.

Hey there, I broke down and took a test today as soon as I woke up and I'm pretty sure I got a false positive (evap line) it was with a blue dye early response test. I should have known! :dohh: I went straight to the store after and bought a FRER and that one was glowing white. :sad2: I'm hoping maybe I just tested to early because i'm still having "symptoms." I'm hoping maybe my urine wasn't concentrated enough for the 2nd test but who knows. I'm almost thinking if I was prego I would be able to see at least a teeny tiny faint line on the FRER right now. (10DPO)

Any new symptoms with you?

My hubby and I talk about child care all the time, specially because we both live almost 2 hours away from where we both grew up. I would love to stay home full time but financially I'm not sure we could swing it. Moving back home closer to family will probably be our number 1 choice, but it's still up in the air.


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So I may be psyching myself out, but I went back and looked at the pics of the FRER test I took earlier and now i'm wondering if it's a REALLY faint positive?! What do you think? Today has been such an emotional roller coaster!


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Omg! Totally not trying to get your hopes up, but I def see a faint line, at least in a couple of those pics!!!!!

"Evap" lines really only happen if you let a test sit out after the time window and eventually and evap line forms, right? That has always been my understanding. So, if this appeared during the 5 min wait time or whatever, then it is right, I believe!

Omg, I really am so happy for you!! It just makes me more excited. I am thinking I may not hold out until 3/11. 3/10 would be 10dpo. We'll see!
It's driving me crazyyyyy! It's so bizarre because it's easier to see on my laptop/phone than it was in person. I swear it was glowing white! I took a pic no later than 10-15min after I took the test and then threw the test away. I was feeling so down and figured I would give it one last look on my phone and thought I was crazy for possibly seeing the faintest of faint lines on the picture. Then of course I used a bunch of different filters and posted it on where people can vote whether or not they think it's positive and so far 58% say its positive, 19% say negative, and 23% say unsure, and 0% say it's an evap. I'm trying to stay so hopeful! I've been researching evap lines all evening and i'm getting mixed info so i'm not 100% sure. For the most part everyone says if there's color (even the smallest amount) on a FRER then 9/10 its positive and I swear I see a little pink on mine and not just a shadow! I'm going to test tomorrow morning with FMU and a FRER. I'm so hoping the line is at least dark enough to see with the naked eye in person!
I know how you feel about trying not to test early, but it's just so hard! I'm almost wishing I didn't test this easly because now I'm all anxious and stressed out! I so hope we both get our BFP's though, not only for us, but for anyone else that decides to read this thread that has the same fears we do!
I definitely see something in that 3rd pic on the frer!!

I had a huge 2nd temp spike today at 7dpo. I may have a triphasic chart. Come one March 10th!!
I don't really know how to post a link to my chart, but here's a screen cap of it:


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So I'm feeling pretty down today. I tested again with FMU and FRER and nothing! I tried tweaking it and everything. :cry: Still clinging on to some hope that maybe its to early to test. I think I'm going to wait to do another test on Tuesday and if that's an obvious negative then I guess I should start to prepare for AF. :coffee:

Your chart looks so promising!! I so hope you get your BFP!!!! If AF comes I'm going to start temping just to make sure I'm ovulating bc I've never gotten a legit positive OPK, but then again i'm pretty inconsistent with testing. lol Baby dust to you!!!!!
I want to try to boost you up, but I'm feeling kind of down this morning, too. First of all, this time change came at a horrible time for me, I'd like my hour of sleep back, but I have to go to work.

Second, I don't feel like I have any overwhelming symptoms anymore. The cramping has subsided and beyond being tired (mostly from work and this time change), I have nothing. My temp was still in the higher range today, although it gave an open circle, which means ff doesn't fully believe it is correct, but I'm not sure why. I am just thinking that I don't "feel pregnant," whatever that means. I'm still hopeful, though!

I guess we'll both test on Tuesday! Hopefully we will surprise each other and both have beautiful :bfp: s!!
I'm sorry to hear that! It seem's like its been a miserable weekend for a lot of people! Hopefully you can catch up on some sleep sooner than later!

That's strange with your temping, I wish I knew more about it so I could help you out, but I'm clueless when it comes to that.

I'm still staying strong and resisting the urge to test today! I checked my cp today and it still feels high and slightly soft. I also noticed some unusual cm today as well, (TMI) it was white with a slight yellow tinge to it. There wasn't a ton of it but it def seemed unfamiliar to me. As gross as this sounds, I sent a pic to my best friend who is about 7 weeks prego and she said she had the same thing, so fingers crossed! It may very well be a sign of AF coming though too, so I'm def not using that as a definite symptom. Also, the blue veins in my breasts and nipples are still very noticeable, if not more so, and that is def not normal for me. I totally don't know what to think! Part of me say's a pregnancy test would most likely show a faint line by now, so i'm probably not prego, and the other part of me says you have some weird symptoms going on, somethings not quite right, there's still a chance! I am def going to test Tuesday though! :test: Anyways, I hope you are able to catch up on sleep, and start feeling some symptoms!! Come on :bfp:!!!
I caved! Here's my wondfo from this morning. I thought it was fully BFN, but then I noticed a distinct line all the way at the beginning, like where all the red dye is stored. And now I don't know. What do you think?! I'll still be testing again tomorrow!


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Ugh. I'm thinking it was just a mistake. And this is why I should have waited until tomorrow!!! I just had a dream that I got a BFP and I just couldn't wait anymore!
I think that's just where the dye is stored, I see an indent that could possibly have some pink dye sticking to it. It's still a little early for you so don't get disappointed or discouraged just yet!!!! You're not out until the witch gets you!!!! Have you had any other symtoms?
My lower back has been killing me today. And a few pinches in my uterus or kind of in my pelvic area tonight. My boobs feel larger/heavier, but not sore. Maybe some slight nausea (probably all in my head). Nothing major.

I'm going on a day trip tomorrow with my parents, my sister and her husband and 4 of my nieces and nephews. It should be a fun day. Hoping no new symptoms pop up while we're gone! My sister knows we are TTC but doesn't know details (that I'm in the tww) and no one else in my family has any idea.
Those sound like some promising symptoms!! I hope you and your family have fun tomorrow! Hubby and I both have off tomorrow and will probably be doing a whole lot of nothing! lol It's nice to have days like that sometimes though, especially before babies!! It's warming up here in western New York, thank God! It's been one long, bitter cold, snowy winter here. It was a miracle to see sunshine and the temp above 35 degrees today! Tomorrow they are calling for sunshine and a high of 45 degrees which feels like a tropical vacation to us right about now!

So tomorrow morning I'm planning on taking my last FRER with FMU. I'm not really expecting much to be honest. I just feel like I would have seen a very faint line by now. I did have some cloudy stretchy EWCM today when I checked my cervix, but I've read that it can be a sign of AF. The only other strange symptoms I've been experiencing are the blue veiny boobs, and the weird twinges in my lower abdomen. No nausea, fatigue, or food cravings/smell aversions which I've read are really common symptoms. *sigh* Well maybe next month! At this point if i'm not pregnant, I just want AF to show her ugly face so I can start fresh and get excited about next month! :coffee:
Hey there! The trip was long, but it was fun to be with my family. Back to work today.

I felt cramps again this morning, so either AF is coming or something is growing down there. AF is expected Fri or Sat.

I took another test this morning. I feel like I'm just imagining a very very faint line, but I could just be going crazy. Not going to believe it until it darkens either way. What do you think?


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That looks like the start of a bfp!!! I def see the line! I would almost test again with a FRER!!!! So excited for you!! Would cramps this early be unusual for you? If so, thats a good sign! Af was due for me today, but still nothing so we will see! I'll have my fingers crossed for you!
Any sign of AF for you? You're not out until the witch gets ya!

Yes, it is unusual for me to get cramps before AF, normally it's only CD1 and even then I have never been (at least since I've been an adult) one who has very noticeable cramps during AF. The weird twinges and veiny boobs I would say are great signs for you!!

Have you taken any more tests since the other day when it looked like it may be +?

Here's mine from this morning. I am saving my last FRER for Sunday or Monday. Which means I will have to take them in a hotel room. My husband and I are taking a road trip tomorrow through Monday from Texas to see his grandpa in Iowa. It should be a very interesting trip. I should still be able to get on here though as long as I have Internet access (Please, God!).


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You are def 100% pregnant! :bfp: There are 2 lines on that test! I am so happy for you!!!!! How many DPO are you? I havn't gotten AF yet but my preg tests keep coming back negative and its not unusual for me to be a few days late so i'm sure she's on her way. I'm not surprised becasue I never got a true positive opk test during the last cylce. That's alright, better luck next time! I bought a bbt thermometer and ordered more OPK tests (which i'll be using twice a day) and I also ordered some softcups! I hope to see you on the 1st trimester forum soon!!!! Congrats again!!!!:happydance:
I am still trying to wrap my head around it!!! I worked a 12 hr shift today and had to keep quiet.
I decided to stop by on my way home and buy a card and a onesie that says "I love my daddy" to give to my husband to break the news to him and I'm so glad I did!! He was shocked and happy and excited and then turned on. Lol. It was a great reaction. It definitely makes it feel more real. So does the nausea that is slowly starting to bubble up every second throughout the day. It's just this constant low grade queasy feeling. Not too bad yet.

Sounds like you are prepared for next cycle! I swear temping is what changed everything for me this cycle! Sending baby dust!
Hey! How was your trip with your hubby? Did you get a very visible BPF on your FRER?!! I see you changed your signature! I'm so happy for you, congrats again!!

Still no sign of AF!! I am 7 days late today, and the only other time I've missed a period is when I went off bcp. I took a test today and it was still negative! If AF doesn't show her face within the next week I think I'm going to go to the docs for a blood test because this is pretty unusual for me!

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