Hi all. Im new here so will give a quick run down first.
Im 29 and my fiancee is 30. We have been ttc for 3 years with no success. I have a retroverted uterus which some drs have said will not affect ttc and some that say it does, so im not to sure on where i stand.
I have a 10 year old daughter from a pervious relationship. I was 17 when i fell pregnant and 18 when i had her. The relationship with her father turned abusive from when i was around 7 months pregnant, but being young, pregnant and feeling stuck i stayed with him cos i didnt know how to escape. I was very close to my mum but didnt tell her what was going on. When my daughter was 18 months old i got the courage to tell him to leave, after another bout of violence he did and then i didnt see him again for a month. He came over to get something that he forgot and as soon as i opened the door the attack started. For just under an hour he punched, threw and kicked me, many kicks to my stomach. I was in hospital for a week and a few weeks later they done an ulrtasound and told me that my insides looked ok and that there shouldnt be any problems falling pregnant. A couple years later in another relationship i feel pregnant but miscarried, this put a lot of stress on the relationship and it eventually ended, he blamed the miscarriage on me and said that if i cant have his kid then he will find someone that can.
Things have improved a lot since then and my new partner of 4 years is the best stepdad and fiancee anyone can find.
But we cant get pregnant. There shouldnt really be anything stopping us from concieving and we're at a loss of what to do. We have tried different positions that apparently help when you have retroverted uterus but still nothing. We dont want to get the dredded fertility tests done as we dont want to hear the news that one of us cant have kids...
my reason for being on here is to hear success stories of ttc, people that have been getting negative results for as long as we have and then gotten pregnant...is there hope for people like us?
Im 29 and my fiancee is 30. We have been ttc for 3 years with no success. I have a retroverted uterus which some drs have said will not affect ttc and some that say it does, so im not to sure on where i stand.
I have a 10 year old daughter from a pervious relationship. I was 17 when i fell pregnant and 18 when i had her. The relationship with her father turned abusive from when i was around 7 months pregnant, but being young, pregnant and feeling stuck i stayed with him cos i didnt know how to escape. I was very close to my mum but didnt tell her what was going on. When my daughter was 18 months old i got the courage to tell him to leave, after another bout of violence he did and then i didnt see him again for a month. He came over to get something that he forgot and as soon as i opened the door the attack started. For just under an hour he punched, threw and kicked me, many kicks to my stomach. I was in hospital for a week and a few weeks later they done an ulrtasound and told me that my insides looked ok and that there shouldnt be any problems falling pregnant. A couple years later in another relationship i feel pregnant but miscarried, this put a lot of stress on the relationship and it eventually ended, he blamed the miscarriage on me and said that if i cant have his kid then he will find someone that can.
Things have improved a lot since then and my new partner of 4 years is the best stepdad and fiancee anyone can find.
But we cant get pregnant. There shouldnt really be anything stopping us from concieving and we're at a loss of what to do. We have tried different positions that apparently help when you have retroverted uterus but still nothing. We dont want to get the dredded fertility tests done as we dont want to hear the news that one of us cant have kids...
my reason for being on here is to hear success stories of ttc, people that have been getting negative results for as long as we have and then gotten pregnant...is there hope for people like us?